Slackware for Pandora 14.0

The message shows up when I try to start gslapt from the menu (after asking for my password). sudo /usr/sbin/gslapt from a terminal works.
Yeah, you're logged as root. That's bad.

Log in as a the user you certainly created at first boot.

If you activated the slim autologin, then you have to edit /etc/slim.conf :

default_user "put your username here instead of root"
Nope, I'm logged in as myself. Starting gslapt without sudo doesn't work.
GSlapt can't be started in RC5: "Failed to run /usr/sbin/gslapt as user root. Failed to communicate with gksu-run-helper."
sudo /usr/sbin/gslapt from a terminal works.

Well that's weird, these two indicates you're logged as root, or at least have the same powers.

/usr/sbin/gslapt isn't in the sudoers, so it's impossible that it can be launched with

sudo /usr/sbin/gslapt

I've just retried twice.

Plz, can you open a terminal and type:


And also

finally managed to free up a 8gb card and install slackware, it is great! probably THE alternative OS for pandora, nice one LS!

however i miss the flexibility of having 2sd cards! ( also there is inertia of moving to new system)

some questions

- when playing a video in firefox there is no sound? do i need to install codec pack?

- do i use keyboard setting to remap the pandora key from opening terminal to opening the pandora menu?

- how do i get the percentage numbers to appear in the battery meter?


edit/ on RC5 the user add script on install does not seem to work properly, i had to run adduser script again to setup an account
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Percentage number can be shown by removing the default battery meter and adding a new one while checking the % option to show. At least I didn't find how to change this option for default meter.

Edit: In RC5 it's possible to right-click the battery meter and check % option in it's properties. I was not able to achive that in RC4 therefore my workaround above.

You can map the menu to Pandora button via Menu > Settings > Xfce Settings Manager > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts > xfce-popup-applicationsmenu (is already present but mapped to Alt+1 or something like that). Just remap it by doubleclicking it and then pressing Pandora button.

Question remains how to disable the NinjaTerm start after pushing Pandora button as it's not displayed in App Shortcuts list.

User add script on RC5 ran fine for me.
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however i miss the flexibility of having 2sd cards! ( also there is inertia of moving to new system)
Buy a usb key :p

- when playing a video in firefox there is no sound? do i need to install codec pack?

- do i use keyboard setting to remap the pandora key from opening terminal to opening the pandora menu?

- how do i get the percentage numbers to appear in the battery meter?
1-can you tell me how you played a video, then i'll check it ? I think installing the codec pack may cause trouble.

2-for now, edit /usr/pandora/scripts/, and put xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu in it. I created a zenity script for the next release.

3-this is a strange xfce bug, you have to go in right-click panel -> panel preferences -> items -> battery monitor

edit/ on RC5 the user add script on install does not seem to work properly, i had to run adduser script again to setup an account
It works. What didn't worked ? The push [uP] ?
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1-can you tell me how you played a video, then i'll check it ? I think installing the codec pack may cause trouble.

i tried to play this video from boinb boing i think maybe has to do with it trying to play as html5?

View Postpeelie, on 04 December 2012 - 09:21 AM, said: edit/ on RC5 the user add script on install does not seem to work properly, i had to run adduser script again to setup an account It works. What didn't worked ? The push [uP] ?

the password entry option did not come up when script ran on install? maybe i pressed buttons too quick and bypassed p/w settings?
Found a regression, MPlayer can't play videos on TV-out.

It's probably because of optimized flags.

Too bad i deleted my previous build, i'll have to recompile but it's not a big deal.


Maybe i should go for MPlayer2 ?

What's your opinion on MPlayer vs MPlayer2 ?
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I have some problems (because I'm stupid)


Forgot to press UP while creating my user.

Can't access SD while logged in as User.

Which file do I have to edit?


Accidentally I confirmed "auto loggin as root".

How do I change it back to normal user (askarus).


I have problems running any video on any player.

Maybe because I'm root and can't access Sd as normal user.
As root, edit /etc/group

Put yourself in:

audio cdrom floppy plugdev video power netdev lp scanner

Log out, log in as your user, open a terminal:

sudo /usr/bin/
Help -> about Firefox


I added an autologin icon.
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Mplayer2 is better because it's the second !

Seriously, Mplayer2 is better bacause it can toggle fullscreen/windowed while in pause, any action in mplayer while in pause resume the play. Just for that it's better and the threading support but we don't care on pandora.
sorry for the noobness,i was just interested in this ,and i did some readgins,so my question is:

does this alternate os can run (almost)everything made for linux?games,apps etc?i was interested in ports of games from pc to linux and ,particularly,wine or qemu
Well it's a full Linux distribution, so you can do anything you do on a "big" computer.

Wine can't run on arm (for now).

Yes, the qemu pnd works.
Good news ! Thanks to pder, MPlayer2 is up and running, and uses the optimized omapfb driver.

Still, i have to make a clean SlackBuild and package for it.
It is so great.

I'm getting used to Slackware right now ;) .

Keyboard, Mouse and Full HD display Liink.

GIMP is great now as well.

Maybe you could assist me with OpenVPN on weekend (to busy tomorrow and Friday is office time).

Some small bug I fuond.

When changing the curser theme in "mouse and toucpad" settings it's still the default theme after rebooting.

(I'll have to check this again as I had to hard reset after changing the settings)

(Hardreset was because I enabled "window manager tweeks" > Compositor > enable display compositions. After disabling it I couldn't do anything else than moving the curser. Maybe this was to much for my Pandora or it was just bad luck).
OpenVPN should work if you use good config files.

One thing to do is to launch it manually before automatizing it, so you can easily see errors.

Put your config files in /etc/openvpn/

And as root, launch it that way:

openvpn /etc/openvpn/name_of_the_config_file

I added xournal in the rootfs.

For now, you can install it easily with sbopkg:

Ok, have two things to check:

-youtube sound

-Xfce compositor