Slackware for Pandora 14.0


Is DisplayLink included by default now?

I don't like the idea of opening a terminal with Pandora button.

I want the menu.
I download now the Slackware14RC5 ^_^

Double Click worked fine and another Game whi Compile very good is "NAEV"

But it work very Slow and without optimations is it nearly playable but not enough to have Fun :D

Maybe i can Compile it with other ./configure Options to make it little faster :)

A imz for USB-IT will i release next Days with your System ;)
Display Link xorg driver is in, but not the module.

I asked Notaz if he can compile it in the official kernel.
Yes, because a recompiled kernel crash from time to time when shutting down the OP.

According to a friend, gcc-4.7.1 can be the cause. I don't remember if 13.37 kernels crashed.

That said, i ship custom kernels. Two realtime, some old Zaxxon and a custom for my own unit, because i resoldered L button on the L2 connector on the mobo (my unit fell, and the pb is on the mobo).

I may consider compiling my own "official" kernel. I used to, mainly to remove useless debug features.

About the Pandora button, i will probably write a Zenity chooser.

Apart Terminal and xfce menu, what should i include in choices (apart custom command) ?
A chooser, that lets the user CONFIGURE the behavior, or a chooser that asks on each OP button press, what to do?

I hope not the latter one ;-)

What else? well, maybe a freely configurable command line. That way, the user could configure e.g. a DisplayLink configuration switcher script to be triggered by the OP button. ;-) .. or anything else.
In RC5, with NinjaTerm, TERM is set to rxvt-unicode-256color.

While there's a terminfo file for that terminal type, either it's broken, or Ninja Term isn't compatible to rxvt. Doesn't work with vi, at least.

Setting TERM=xterm helps.
Ok thanks, i'll add this in the ninjaterm script.

Anyway, i've just reconfigured the Xfce terminal as default.

And i'm writing the zenity script ^^.

--EDIT: arguments failed :/. Np, won't lose more time on this, i'll remove the .desktop for now.
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Ah ? DisplayLink works on the Pandora ?

Yes, You didn't know? ;-)


I just tried to start my favorite application, NoteCase Pro, on SL4? using the official PND released by the NoteCase Pro author (it's in the repo, too).

However, it doesn't start and complains about missing.

How to deal with such problems?

Would you include such libs in the next SL4P version?

Would I install those libs?

Would we ask the author to include the libs into the PND?

If your answer is, that I should install it, what is the correct way to do so? Via sbopkg? from sources? using Slackbuilds?...

slocate -u


If you find it, then

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
I corrected the Wiki link for kernels, but it's empty as there is no update yet.

RT kernels are already in the rootfs:

ls /boot

@hmc, can you give me the link you added ? I will include it in my build system.
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For those who want to try to compile Libre Office on their 1GHz:

Install SL4P on a 16G or more card.


Are 12GB also enough? My 32GB card is partitioned to have only 12GB for the rootfs, and if 12GB are enough for LO compile attempt, too, I don't need to repartition the card.
RT kernels are already in the rootfs:

ls /boot

Thanks. Stupid me that I didn't think of searching filesystem first.

I've installed some apps via Gslapt but they don't appear in the xfce menu. Gslapt shows them as installed but if I try to run i.e. seq24 from cli it complains about missing, qtractor misses and so on. They are not present in the system or at least your locating tip above doesn't find them. Did I miss some step in installing apps?
GSlapt can't be started in RC5: "Failed to run /usr/sbin/gslapt as user root. Failed to communicate with gksu-run-helper."
Works fine here. How did you launched it ?

Are you logged as an user ?

Did you typed this in a terminal ?
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