Slackware for Pandora 14.2

Nothing useful in the logs on the IPv6 problem. Module is loaded, and in the Network Manager connection info I see that an IPv6 address from the local network is being assigned. But the address will not be shown in an ip address show or ifconfig. Maybe some incompatibility between that version of NM and the old kernel?

The version of FF that comes with SL4P doesn't seem to support TLS 1.3, according to the client test. Maybe that's required by Google by now? I see nothing at all in the FF dev tools or console when trying to access either Google or DDG.
After many years, I gave SL4P shot again. For me ext4 didn't work either (with Zaxon 1.76). I also had to put 16MB preceeding the ext2 partition, 8MB was not enough. Card is 32GB SanDisk Ultra.
Now it's running. Unfortunatelly none of the included Pandora script PND's are running. Here's the example .out file, they all throw the same error.
PND : /usr/pandora/apps/op_wifi.pnd
PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs
APPDATADIR : //pandora/appdata/op_wifi
PND_CPUSPEED : <unset>
ARGUMENTS : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted !
Loopback devices :

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Are mounted on :
For these Union :
[ FAILED]--- Mount the PND ----------
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
Return code is : 5

If I do su - and run any of the scripts in /usr/pandora/scripts, they run and I'm able to connect to wifi etc.

I tried to tap the green check mark button next to xfce menu button but this doesn't help.

Any idea what could be wrong? Thanks in advance!
Looks like a card problem.
I myself had troubles with ultra, so I only use extreme pro.
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted !
If I do su - and run any of the scripts in /usr/pandora/scripts, they run and I'm able to connect to wifi etc.

You need to configure your user to use "sudo"
All users are already authorized to use sudo.
As ext4 doesn't work, I don't think it's a configuration problem.

Does the command "hostname" reports "darkstar" ?
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if scripts work with "su" and not with "sudo", sholdn't it be problem with "sudo" ?
If the issue is with sdcard, "su" should not work?
I've seen many weird things happening with strange cards, including this kind of behavior.
Thanks guys for your replies!

Yes, darkstar is the hostname.

After docbroke's hint, I've tried to run script with sudo and indeed my user was not allowed to use sudo.
Message I got:
cube48 is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

If I try to add my user into sudo group it says it doesn't exist.
su -
usermod -aG sudo cube48
usermod: group 'sudo' does not exist

So I added the sudo group and user into it but it doesn't affect execution of pnd_run. I just can now run pandora scripts with sudo.

I've also played with /etc/sudoers but nothing helps there.

It's perhaps really related to SD card.

ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted ! <- Does this mean that PND file system is not properly mounted?

I'll see if I can source more suitable SD card and try again. Thank you for your support!
Hmmm ... if I copy the command from panel launcher and run it with sudo from cli, PND mounts fine and action is executed.
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/usr/pandora/apps//op_wifi.pnd" -e "" -b "op_wifi"

Isn't /etc/sudoers messed up?
## sudoers file.
## This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
## Failure to use 'visudo' may result in syntax or file permission errors
## that prevent sudo from running.
## See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a sudoers file.

## Host alias specification
## Groups of machines. These may include host names (optionally with wildcards),
## IP addresses, network numbers or netgroups.
# Host_Alias WEBSERVERS = www1, www2, www3

## User alias specification
## Groups of users. These may consist of user names, uids, Unix groups,
## or netgroups.
# User_Alias ADMINS = millert, dowdy, mikef

## Cmnd alias specification
## Groups of commands. Often used to group related commands together.
# Cmnd_Alias PROCESSES = /usr/bin/nice, /bin/kill, /usr/bin/renice, \
# /usr/bin/pkill, /usr/bin/top

## Defaults specification
## You may wish to keep some of the following environment variables
## when running commands via sudo.
## Locale settings
# Defaults env_keep += "LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET"
## Run X applications through sudo; HOME is used to find the
## .Xauthority file. Note that other programs use HOME to find
## configuration files and this may lead to privilege escalation!
# Defaults env_keep += "HOME"
## X11 resource path settings
## Desktop path settings
# Defaults env_keep += "QTDIR KDEDIR"
## Allow sudo-run commands to inherit the callers' ConsoleKit session
# Defaults env_keep += "XDG_SESSION_COOKIE"
## Uncomment to enable special input methods. Care should be taken as
## this may allow users to subvert the command being run via sudo.
## Uncomment to enable logging of a command's output, except for
## sudoreplay and reboot. Use sudoreplay to play back logged sessions.
# Defaults log_output
# Defaults!/usr/bin/sudoreplay !log_output
# Defaults!/usr/local/bin/sudoreplay !log_output
# Defaults!/sbin/reboot !log_output

## Runas alias specification

## User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL

%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pnd_run

%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/halt
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/ifconfig
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/iwconfig
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/iwlist
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/lsusb
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/poweroff
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/reboot
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/sbin/shutdown
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/chvt
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gnome-cups-manager
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/showkey
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/traceroute
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/bluetoothd
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/hciconfig
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/pandora/scripts/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/slim-init start
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/slim-init stop
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/wl1251-init start
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/wl1251-init stop
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/bin/mount -t aufs -o exec\,dirs\=*/pandora/appdata/*\=rw+nolwh\:/mnt/pnd/*\=rr none /mnt/utmp/*
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/bin/mount -t aufs -o exec\,noplink\,dirs\=*/pandora/appdata/*\=rw+nolwh\:/mnt/pnd/*\=rr none /mnt/utmp/*
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/bin/umount /mnt/utmp/*
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/

%users darkstar=NOPASSWD: NOEXEC: \
/bin/ln -s /mnt/utmp/* /mnt/utmp/*, \
/bin/mount /dev/loop* /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/mount --bind -o ro * /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/mount -t squashfs * /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/umount /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/umount /media/*, \
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/utmp/*, \
/bin/mkdir -p */pandora/appdata/*, \
/bin/chmod -R a+xrw */pandora/appdata/*, \
/bin/rmdir /mnt/pnd/*, \
/bin/rmdir /mnt/utmp/*, \
/bin/rm /mnt/utmp/*, \
/bin/rmdir */pandora/appdata/*/.wh..wh.plnk, \
/bin/rmdir */pandora/appdata/*/.wh..wh..tmp, \
/bin/rmdir -p */pandora/appdata/*/, \
/sbin/losetup /dev/loop*, \
/sbin/losetup -d /dev/loop*, \
/sbin/losetup -f, \
/sbin/losetup -a, \
/bin/mknod -m777 /dev/loop* b 7 *, \
/bin/rm /dev/loop*

## Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Same thing without a password
%users darkstar=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pnd_run

## Uncomment to allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Uncomment to allow any user to run sudo if they know the password
## of the user they are running the command as (root by default).
# Defaults targetpw # Ask for the password of the target user
# ALL ALL=(ALL) ALL # WARNING: only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw'

## Read drop-in files from /etc/sudoers.d
## (the '#' here does not indicate a comment)
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
It works for me.
Maybe try to open and save the file with visudo, in order to get the perms right.

Are you in users group if you type "groups" as user ?
Hmmm ... if I copy the command from panel launcher and run it with sudo from cli, PND mounts fine and action is executed.
sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/usr/pandora/apps//op_wifi.pnd" -e "" -b "op_wifi"

Isn't /etc/sudoers messed up?
It looks okay to me, and if sudo runs without barfing, that suggests it's validly formatted at least. What makes you think it's wrong?

If I remember by pandora correctly, the pandora scripts should be setuid'ed, so you shoulnd't need to sudo them to run them as root. ext2 should support setuid flags just fine, but if the card is flakey, perhaps it has nixed these.
I am not running pandora so I don't know how sudo is configured. But in general to permit users of group sudo to use sudo you need to have below line uncommented in /etc/sudoers file

%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL

Be careful when editing /etc/sudoers, if you mess it up you may not be able to use sudo.
I've used visudo (with emacs exported as EDITOR) to uncomment lines with %sudo and %wheel groups while adding user account into these.

No, my acount was not in %users so I added it but no difference.

setuid for Pandora scripts helped a bit i.e. with being able to run xfce menu with Pandora button which threw permission error before. But not solving pnd_run issue.

I'm trying from scratch again and will try another card(s) hopefully soon. Thank a lot guys!

Apart from this personal PND issue, SL4P runs nicely and I really like how polished things are. And the fact that emacs is included is huge for me.
Great job Linux-SWAT!!!
:D OK, after another try all runs smoothly. It could be that I just messed up creating user account first time.
Now I need to get bigger SD card into second slot to serve as storage for various games data and music and keep the 'system' SD for native apps.

Feels like a fresh start, my original Zaxxon setup was quite sluggish, web browsing practically useless and office stuff not comfortable anymore. SL4P feels so fresh. Thanks again guys!
I have been thinkering for it for a while and I enjoy it a lot. I used to have Soleil a couple of years ago too...

However, I have found a bit of a problem: While Trying to execute some pnd I found they don't start. The logs direct me to broken libraries... (may I be unlucky, or just Slackware 14.2 is already more outdated than armstrong?).

I tried to install the -current version from your repo, and I found myself without wireless... Seems like the firmware is missing! (14.2 iSurfs fine tho).

Thanks a lot for your port.

PS: As a small request: Could you add some lightweight browser either on the install or in the repos? the PND I was trying to install was NetSurf. Firefox is included, but my 800mhz, 256mb machine cries in despair just by hovering the mouse over it.

the most pnd-compatible Slackware is the earliest one.
However, many pnd can be made functional with a symbolic link.
So you have to look the pnd logs in /tmp to see what's wrong.

-current is hardfloat, as opposed to Zaxxon (Pandora OS) which is softfloat, so almost every pnd will not work.
Also, SL4P-current is a work in progress so it's supposed to be broken here and there :^) .

About the browser, indeed FF is a bit heavy. Did you try to install NetSurf with sbopkg ?
Hi, and thank you for the fast reply.

I didn't use sbopkg because I wrongly assumed it used webkit, which it doesn't, so it is actually beareable to compile on low end computers.

I did found tho that when trying to install anything from sbopkg it'll drop a GPG error and refuse to continue. I need to try to compile the sbopkgs manually without sbopkg to see if it is a bug from their part or not.

In any case, thank you for replying so fast, I think the Pandora still has a lot of potential and I am happy to see that more capable people thinks so and dedicates time, so I am hoping for a 14.3 version here (but at this moment is not something you can do anything about)

In any case you saved me some thinkering hours. I still would test the current version, but now I know it should be done on a separate SD, so thank you! :P
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