Slackware for Pandora 14.0

Thanks for your feedback.

1- You just have to run netconfig. It changes automatically /etc/HOSTNAME, /etc/hosts and NetworkManager.conf.

~/.ICEauthority and ~/.Xauthority are deleted at each reboot.

And indeed, sudoers has to be edited because it runs the normal way, not the ubuntu/zaxxon way.

2- Seems /usr/pandora/scripts/ is the script that opens the menu ? I planned to remove it.

Meanwhile, i can compile and include xdotool.

3- Charge works fine here.
1- You just have to run netconfig. It changes automatically /etc/HOSTNAME, /etc/hosts and NetworkManager.conf.

~/.ICEauthority and ~/.Xauthority are deleted at each reboot.

And indeed, sudoers has to be edited because it runs the normal way, not the ubuntu/zaxxon way.
Ah, ok, didn't know about netconfig - thanks.

2- Seems /usr/pandora/scripts/ is the script that opens the menu ? I planned to remove it.

Meanwhile, i can compile and include xdotool.
Nah - just seen the messages in the console log - I didn't actually want to use it for anything.

3- Charge works fine here.
Didn't have time to test that any further yet. But under SuperZaxxon, my Pandora usually stops charging at around 78% - under Slackware, the charging indicator stayed on although the battery was reported at 100%...
I will enhance/update the wiki docs in a few days.

Anyway, it missed and thx for noticing that.

You should discharge (don't let the auto shutdown scripts, work, i mean _really_ totally discharge), and charge to 100% two or three times. I corrected that kind of behavior doing that.
This looks very cool - and I'm planning to give it a shot when I have the moment's break needed.

Does the PND system work with Slackware as is?
Some news:

I produced three RC5 images, and after testing each, i discovered many, many things to fix, forcing me to build the next one, and the next one...

Things, like the flawed screensaver (shutting down the display when playing, hem, _testing_ Gran Turismo with nub-only mode), a badly customized terminal, a dependency-from-nowhere for MPlayer, another dependency-from-nowhere for linphone, an ergonomic problem in Xfce, a not-so-slimmed-down KDE config, some missing menu entries, bad defaults "open with" with Thunar, a thumbnailer daemon named tumbler who was eating no less than 20% of my 256M RAM, etc..

I've also compiled new stuff like smplayer, smtube, alsa-plugins, alsa-tools, and some other.

As i may have said before, i will ship AbiWord and Gnumeric. Even if i finally succeed with Libre Office, having those is great for quick work.

So i will produce a last RC in the very next days. Even if all seems ok now, i still need time to test "as an user". I don't want to push something that can't read videos, like i almost did when i broke MPlayer.

I'm amazed about how little stuff is more annoying and time consuming than big problems. I barely realize i work on this 14.0 since mid-august, and hopefully, i start to see the light !

In parallel, i begin to think about the new-old project, but this is another story ;^).


Oh, i almost forgot the nightly screenshots. Youtube video viewing has never been that easy (screenshot doesn't grabbed the video) !

---EDIT 2:

BTW, you can already install the new packages. Grab them here:

Screenshot - 11292012 - 06:00:21 AM.png

Screenshot - 11292012 - 06:01:57 AM.png

Screenshot - 11292012 - 06:03:52 AM.png
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Hi Linux-SWAT,

it's great, that you care about quality before releasing. And I know how much work this can be. I have done something like that for the Sharp Zaurus back then, when I did with the pdaXrom distribution, what you now do with Slackware. :)

Have you considered a bug tracking system for SL4P?

Would it be possible to create a new project for SL4P on (this question goes to ED)?

If not, it would be an honour for me to set up a bug tracker for you.

I already run a Flyspray installation for some projects on my web site.
Yeah, the Zaurus was my dream machine, but at this time, i had no money, like these days ^^.

I don't need a bug tracker, people are invited to post here. It's more convenient and avoid duplicated work.

Thanks for your proposition ^^.
This may be already settled or verboten...

Would the OS see any speed improvements if Angstrom were kicked out of the NAND and a portion of the SL4P OS were installed on the NAND?

The above makes no sense if you're using a 256MB CC unit - on those the SD card slot can be faster than the NAND.

If you're on a 1Ghz machine though - the NAND is much faster than the bandwidth allowed on the SD ports.

I.e. if someone weren't too worried about ever booting from Angstrom on NAND - could the NAND be put to good use by minor customization to where SL4P stores it's files?
I don't know if it will fit, even with the removing of things like /usr/share/docs etc.

I began to think and develop a very, very minimal SD install, but i have no more time to dig it for now.

@ingoreis: i think i understood what was your problem with MHz settings: When selecting it, then clicking on OK, the zenity window disappears. I always double-click, so i just noticed that today. Probably a zenity bug. Compiling a newer version.

--EDIT: Yes ! Was a Zenity bug ! Another bug from nowhere solved, thanks, ingo ;^).
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Some shots, note the neat feature of the TV-out settings:

Screenshot - 11302012 - 03:15:48 AM.png

Screenshot - 11302012 - 03:16:42 AM.png

Screenshot - 11302012 - 03:16:51 AM.png

Screenshot - 11302012 - 03:24:08 AM.png

Screenshot - 11302012 - 03:26:35 AM.png


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Oh cool.

Thx for information.

Try evening try i doubleclick.

Have you uploaded your new RC? I dont found it yet.

Your System become better and better Every RC ;-)

Greetings from Germany
Still some annoyances to fix.

I enable a failsafe Xfce session in case the user loses his config, but it's not perfect yet.

And also one default "open with" which is playing with my nerves thanks to it's .desktop .

Corrected a minor, but surprising bug in my build system that i discovered by accident.

I removed the terminal icon from the panel 'cause now it's opened (urxvt, faster to pop-up) with the OP button.

I still remove /usr/share/doc but i re-enabled all locales.

Have 2 or 3 other things more to do and it should be OK to create a new RC ^^.
Wow cool.

Opening Terminal. With Pandora Button is a great idea.

Still waiting for the next RC :-D

Byside a Game WHO compile fine is "me and my shadow" a genious puzzle Game.
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Opening Terminal. With Pandora Button is a great idea.

I'd rather have the menu opened with the OP button, as in Zaxxon firmware.

Maybe open a terminal with Shift-OP?

At the moment, there is no default way to open the menu with the keyboard.

In Zaxxon, I do that always, navigating with the arrow keys through the menu and launching a program with the Enter key.

Am I the only one? If so, it's not necessary to define a default key for the menu.

But maybe more people would be interested in it.
It doesn't work anyway, even with xdotool, and it's very convenient to open a term that way.
I'm currently uploading the RC5.

One thing i've just discovered: the terminal opened with the OP button can't launch apps when beeing su.

I don't want to use xhost to fix this.

So if you want, you can edit /usr/pandora/scripts/ , and replace the ninjaterm (urxvt) with any terminal you like.

I will probably change it myself to the classic Terminal.

Terminator is great, but a bit slow to launch.

For those who want to try to compile Libre Office on their 1GHz:

Install SL4P on a 16G or more card.

Plug the AC adapter.

Overclock to the max.

Plug the net.

su -

cd libreoffice

sh libreoffice.SlackBuild

And wait three days.

Upload should be finished in 3h30.


My TODO list is now minimal.
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