[Rebirth Competition] Slackware for Pandora 13.37 release thread.

Just give me the list in the right order of what you compiled, i'll include it in my build list for the next stable release.
I tried current 5 and its look very good - but still no bluetooth ?
Yeah, i'm lazy for now. I asked some questions about it but still no answer. I presume i'll have to dig it again myself.
Probably missed the questions, but it's a matter of porting http://git.openpando...uetooth_work.sh script and applying 0001-hciattach_tialt-Implement-texas_change_speed-functio.patch and firmware_path.patch from http://git.openpando...es/bluez/bluez4 on top of bluez.
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I tried current 5 and its look very good - but still no bluetooth ?
Yeah, i'm lazy for now. I asked some questions about it but still no answer. I presume i'll have to dig it again myself.
Probably missed the questions, but it's a matter of porting http://git.openpando...uetooth_work.sh script and applying 0001-hciattach_tialt-Implement-texas_change_speed-functio.patch and firmware_path.patch from http://git.openpando...es/bluez/bluez4 on top of bluez.


So i have to patch bluez and recompile it ?

So far it seems like the deps are already there, but if I stumble across something I'll report.
BTW i had to give full absolute pathes to hciconfig and hciattach in op_bluetooth_work.sh, because of sudo.


Ok, patched and now recompiling bluez.
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Man, that's just awesome! That's the only thing I'm missing now! What was wrong there, the bluez package?

// I'm about to begin my compiling marathon now, let's see what I'll manage to make work.
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Yup. Needed a patch.

I was able to connect my bt mouse, that's the only test i made.

Also, the Slackware bt manager is pretty nice.

I'll include working bt release in the next -current build (it's nonsense to patch a -current).

I'm building a clean patch for 13.37 right now. Need to test it after.

May upload tonight or tomorrow.
Working, but behaves badly on 13.37 due to a missing python dependency.

I'll check this.
Building stuff, taking notes...

I'd like to ask one question though: it's not like 8 Gb is a plenty of room (but it's the fastest SD card I have), I'd like to clean the systme up a little, most likely get rid of all things KDE. Is there a method to safely and quickly delete all of KDE packages?
Ah, so there is a metapackage there. Sweet.

So far the following stuff from slackbuild.org compiles as it is on the system you ship:





ranger (python file manager, slow to start for a cli app, meh)


I also made sure it runs, but didn't configure it yet.

Had some unmet dependencies with feh, parcellite and newsbeuter, fixing, will post an update tomorrow.
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Now I need FBReader and probably some smtp/imap software to make mutt worthwile and a bunch of cli tools I use. Will upload whatever gets compiled by midnight. :)
For fbreader, don't forget to build liblinebreak with UI=gtk if you remove kde.
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Ah, so there is a metapackage there. Sweet.
It's about the groups of packages:


So far the following stuff from slackbuild.org compiles as it is on the system you ship:





ranger (python file manager, slow to start for a cli app, meh)

I also made sure it runs, but didn't configure it yet.

Had some unmet dependencies with feh, parcellite and newsbeuter, fixing, will post an update tomorrow.
I usually compile with all dependencies.
Mee too. I mean, they did exit with errors, I wrote down what they wanted and will get and build it tomorrow, then will try to build them again.
Isn't ffmpeg already there? Seems like it is, because it plays music for me. :)

Also, epdfview, xarchiver and thunar-archive-plugin can be both built right after install, very good.

Damn, it's addictive, I must have a nap. :)

Will try to sort out parcellite, feh and newsbeuter tomorrow, they shouldn't be too difficult to build.

What could be a hassle is luakit, and then I must contact the developer of one nice python dictionary script.
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No ffmpeg. I didn't tried to see what went wrong, very likely a missing dependency.

Yup, Slack opens a lot of possibilities.