Slackware for Pandora 14.0

Sound works perfectly here.

Which mixer are you loading ?
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Did you untarred as root, using this kind of command:

sudo tar jxvfp SL4P-[version]-[build].tar.bz2 -C /media/SLACK/ --numeric-owner
Seems to work now. Except that for whatever reason, audacious refuses to play mp3's. It says "Unable to set up output format! (code 1)."
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@apersonthinks: never tested audacious. I will.

@mcobit: i don't think so, and i only compiled redistributable packages.
I tried loading ogg and formats accepted by the Game Console Music Decoder and it worked. Mpeg is handled by

Attempting to install the community codec pack didnt do anything
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Indeed, audacity's audio out doesn't work, whatever the setting.

I noticed that alsamixer doesn't show the playback device anymore... Have to dig around.

Meanwhile, you can use xmms as it works perfectly.
Donations are on !

Check this thread:

I recompiled the newest Enlightenment.

And waiting for LO, i compiled Gnumeric and AbiWord:

Screenshot - 11212012 - 05:01:46 PM.png

Screenshot - 11212012 - 05:02:41 PM.png
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So now with the fresh installed Slackware and used no Root Account.

All seems to work perfectly :)

Lid-Close,CPU-Speed and all other Things work fine exept one Thing.

I cannot change the OPP in the Gui but you sayed me how to change it manualy.

The Pandora with Slackware is now setted to OPP3 and 835MHZ stable.

And Surprise,the internal Wifi speed seems faster than than in the Pandora OS.

I have here downloadspeed around 320k/s :)

Now i only need Youtube/Flashplayer,but i dont think theres a easy way to install this :rolleyes:

Very good work :p

Edit:please can you Compile Mplayer(with FFMPEG TRYOUT) for your System?

My Idea is to use a Youtube external Playerplugin for Firefox to use Mplayer for playing Flash Files in Fullscreen.

Maybe Mplayer works more Smoothly compiled with the Notaz SDL :rolleyes:
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I'll check the OPP stuff.

You can easily have flash using a firefox .pnd which ships this.

Maybe you can even copy the .so into the /usr/lib/mozilla(or firefox)/plugins/ folder ?

One of my last TODO is to recompile MPlayer with the omapfb driver. Didn't succeed yet.

I'll take a look with ffmpeg also.
Can you explain to me what is with ffmpeg tryout ?

Are you sure the functionality you are looking for isn't already compiled in ?
Now i only need Youtube/Flashplayer,but i dont think theres a easy way to install this :rolleyes:
I got flash working by copying the plugin to /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/plugins/
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Cool, i've never tried that.

Did you noticed a performance difference (i think no) ?


Checked OPP settings, working fine here. Do you use a Rebirth or 1GHz ?

Plz, can you run it using:

xdg-open /usr/share/applications/op_cpusettings#0.desktop


I don't think i will include the new enlightenment packages, i had some bugs.
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FFmpeg tryouts can you find here ^_^

I got flash working by copying the plugin to /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/plugins/

Checked OPP settings, working fine here. Do you use a Rebirth or 1GHz ?

Plz, can you run it using:

xdg-open /usr/share/applications/op_cpusettings#0.desktop
Cool,i will try that this Evening ;)
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Linux-SWAT, your first post in this thread still says "News coming soon" :)

Might it not be an idea to put all updates and downloads in that first post?
Just did a quick install of 14.0RC4 to an spare SD card... Great work, thanks :)

Couple of small things I've run into:

  • changing hostname is a pain: apart from editing /etc/HOSTNAME and /etc/hosts, sudoers needs to be updated, the hostname in NetworkManager.conf, and you'll have to delete ~/.ICEauthority and ~/.Xauthority for your user (and then relogin)
  • /usr/pandora/scripts/ complains about not finding xdotool
  • charging didn't seem to stop, but I'll have to check that again