Right, let's start recovering this?

They really need to start getting it into other shops like thinkgeek it's pretty much free marketing having it there. However Craig seems to be the one preventing that from happening.  If the device stays stagnant it will die, it's already 4 years old now.

I thought it was a bit of BS the whole marketing spiel Craig gave.  Christmas is just about the best time of year to sell anything and this is exactly the sort of device that would be good for clueless wives scouring thinkgeek to get their geeky husband.  If you had plans to expand publicity and marketing that would have been the perfect time to do it..  
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They really need to start getting it into other shops like thinkgeek it's pretty much free marketing having it there. However Craig seems to be the one preventing that from happening.  If the device stays stagnant it will die, it's already 4 years old now.
Craig told me he had Thinkgeek already last year in July, but when I told him to prepare the order so I could ship it to them, I never heard anything again.

GetDigital.de in Germany will have it on stock soon (they're basically the same as ThinkGeek just in Germany) and Link is in contact with ThinkGeek (they already have a review unit).

RetroThing.com and some other blogs also will have units soon.

I'm working on that, just don't have that much time so I wished Craig had really done that as he promised...
Kind of a letdown, that this didn't happen as soon as units were in stock.

It's up to ED again to do what craig don't.
Kind of a letdown, that this didn't happen as soon as units were in stock.

It's up to ED again to do what craig don't.
Yes ED is really stepping up his game. I went from slightly pissed to complacent to impressed and he keeps impressing me more and more.

I think ED is going to take a lot out of this whole process that will benefit him for the rest of his life.
My guess in September (based on my experience with PCB production) was March / April... February at earliest.
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Notaz is the Emperor of Mankind, Projecting his mind through the immaterium from within the Golden Throne...
the golden throne of el dargon where flyeth the crimson eagle...hark i hear thy wings beating unholy rythm..
Craig told me he had Thinkgeek already last year in July, but when I told him to prepare the order so I could ship it to them, I never heard anything again.
This almost leaves me speechless. SO MANY questions. Thihnkgeek would (will?) be a very important reseller for Pandora. Again Craig


"you made me... promises promises"
I Just wish Craig would 
