Chaotic Neutral
We need a new thread.
I'm seeing a recurring trend as news threads get old.We need a new thread.
One of the "few normal people in the world"? Surely if you are one of the few, then none of you few can be considered to be "normal". (whatever that may be)
Seriously. One where only evildragon can post.We need a new thread.
Seriously. One where only evildragon can post.
Or whoever. Just so long as its news. Like actual news not opinion or commentary.
I realize I'm only adding to the noise by making this comment, but jeeeeeze louise.
I canceled my Pyra pre-order.
Currently I am messing with Odroid Go Advance. Such a great device, cheap, fully open and moddable.
Can`t wait for Hardkernel to release the next Odroid Go version in the next year or two, I hope for dual analog with clickable L3 and R3, and additional L2 and R2 triggers.
until then I will continue to use the current Odroid Go Advance.
Both Pyra and GPD WIN are unable to replace my laptop or phone, and they are expensive. The cost is not a problem for me, from several years I have high end gaming/work PC, with ridiculously expensive and overkill components, but any regular joe can build a perfectly fine gaming rig and play all of the latest games at 1080p with maxed out settings, for less then the price of Pyra or GPD WIN.
And I am okay with the idea to have a dedicated gaming handheld with 8 hours of battery life in my backpack, so for me OGA is the way to go.
Especially if your order number is ahead of meI pray to all of you from the deepest of my hearth: Cancel your preorder.
Thank you.
He was last seen at 2:19AM today, so he should be alive, unless someone else is using ED's account.I heard ED is sick and apparently he does not post news anymore. Is he still alive?
For the people who don't look in the prototype thread.Quick update: With a bit of luck we'll have two more developers soon who have already worked with the OMAP5 and are also experienced with embedded devices.
I'll keep you informed about that.