Pyra Fanart

@FBnil I sent a PM about the requests I mentioned. (After the "like" I thought you weren't going to reply to that, because I am impatient.) They were all the type of stuff in this thread so far. One WAS the Ghostbusters poster! :D The reason I haven't fixed my avatar is laziness. I might replace it.

I was joking about Stallman and the FSF. I know neither the Pandora or Pyra would work for them (although it would be nice to have a scrubbed version of the Pyra for those that are interested, as has been mentioned around here a couple times). I get what they are about, and appreciate it, I just think some things are out there, like "free hardware" which has no ties to the free software movement, and I think back in the 90s he pretty much shrugged open hardware off and said it didn't matter, if my source is correct. Now he wants to throw his approved label on it. Still, I read what he has to say, even when I strongly disagree with him. There are other times where I totally agree with him and the FSF.

Let's see some more fun pics!
although it would be nice to have a scrubbed version of the Pyra for those that are interested, as has been mentioned around here a couple times

If the blobs were kept in a separate "non-free" repository, as in Debian, then it should be relatively to purge them using a tool like apt-get. I am geeky as hell, so I may greatly overestimate the efficacy of this, but I think it would be quite good PR to get photographs with Richard Stallman (he has used less free/libre devices -- once the graphics drivers are removed -- in the past, I think; also, a pocket computer may be very useful for him, as he travels much) or Linus Torvalds (I am sure he would find it cool) using the Pyra.

The movie so far:

The Nub production was stopped dead in its track, due to another machine that was send back, the infamous CRGX model.
So from the future, they send another machine to fix the problem.
This changed their future, and therefore, were not send back, thus had to be send back, which changed the future, so they were not send back, which changed the future.... ERROR: TOO MANY RECURSIONS IN TIMELOOP CONTINUUM.

Quotes from the movie:

  • "Buy one from me, if you want to live".
  • "So you shoot, and ask questions later". Nubsminator shoots, then asks: "Would you like the regular or the 4G model?"
  • "Look what I taught the P-1000 model! Yeah, the nubdance".
  • "But honey... I'm part of the resistance now... yes dear..."
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What if during the production testing, all assembled Pyra screens go black? No backlight, nothing....
You call the technician that has the power of parley, to do an in-depth analysis... you can trust him.... to be dishonest.
It's the honest guys you need to be careful with. Honest!

Excerpts from the movie:

  • Release the Debian!
  • I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your peer-to-peer request.
  • and that was without a single drop of RAM
  • (doing a su -) "I want you to know, I was rooting it for you."
  • (playing donkey kong) " Where's the monkey,... I want to shoot something."
  • Nobody move! I've dropped me nub!
  • Press start to exit. Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear?
  • The compass on this device point to what I want most? No wonder it goes round in circles...
you'll remember this as the day you ALMOST....
I will add my share to this "happy" thread. ;)
Not complete, just a quick laugh.
We really need some good Pyra pics so we can use them in these. I think it would work where the "music by" thing is in that one.
I was trying to find an infamous hand-out-of-the-grave so I could just add a pyra there, but it was really too quick.
I was trying to find an infamous hand-out-of-the-grave so I could just add a pyra there, but it was really too quick.
I meant we need some decent looking Pyra photographs or renders so we can include them in our silly pics. I would love to see the hand sticking up from the grave holding a Pyra, but can't remember what that is from. I know someone who has a smartphone holder that uses a flower and hand in the front and a headstone behind it. I can get a pic of that tomorrow if anyone wants it. Also, thanks for doing a zombie themed one, I wanted to see one like that.
All fine, if the pic needed is not a perspective locked one, we can use the PSD renders I once did as they have alpha.
Also, as the prototypes shape up, I´m sure Ed will be having some great pictures we could also use, just a matter of time.

edit: One funky thing is that pyra sounds like pira in portuguese, which is the 2nd person state of the verb pirar in present, which means going crazy... :)
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Not complete, just a quick laugh.
I love it. Hope that you edit it more.

good Pyra pics
Yeah, there are some renders out there. rather limited, as they are sideways, and I need a frontal, half open one... will see where the originals are and learn how to render, havent rendered sinds 3dstudio *(not max version(
I'd put in some of the Wachowski siblings' stuff, since it's so philosophical. (and over-the-top.)

Pyra Ascending:
In the future, when corporations can own entire worlds and their inhabitants, only one device can save us.

Pyra Atlas (or Cloud Pyra?):
In the future, or the past, when greed seems to drive everything, love and hope unite us.