Well-Known Member
Same here
if anyone is having issues with the site at the moment pelase clear your cookies for the repo site and it will work again.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This is a sample PXML.xml file making use of many different things.-->
<PXML xmlns="">
<package id="qdiskusage">
<version major="1" minor="0" release="4" build="0" type="release"/>
<author name="App by Jon Doe, Port by StreaK, PND by Blue Protoman" website=""/>
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<icon src="icon.png"/>
<application id="qdiskusage">
<exec background="true" standalone="true" command=""/>
<version major="1" minor="0" release="4" build="0" type="release"/>
<!--This program's version-->
<!--osversion major="0" minor="0" release="0" build="0"/-->
<!--The minimum OS version required-->
<author name="App by Jon Doe, Port by StreaK, PND by Blue Protoman" website=""/>
<!--Optional email and website, name required-->
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<!--Extra <title> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<!--Extra <description> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
<icon src="icon.png"/>
<license name="GPL" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/><!--Optional url and sourcecodeurl, mandatory name-->
<pic src="screenshot.png"/>
<info name="" type="" src=""/>
<!--the categories has to conform to the FDO categories, those will be enforced by the schema and libpnd!-->
<category name="System"><!--Main category: a category like "Game", "Graphics", "Network", etc-->
<subcategory name="Utility"/><!--Subcategory 1: a subcategory, like "BoardGame", "StrategyGame", "ActionGame"-->
<!--File associations, with a short description, an extension, and start params.-->
<!--association name="" filetype="" exec=""/-->
<!--<clockspeed frequency="500"/--><!--Frequency in Hz-->
Code:<info name="" type="" src=""/> <associations> <!--File associations, with a short description, an extension, and start params.--> <!--association name="" filetype="" exec=""/--> </associations>
(only requiered lines shown, the rest is still usefull)Code:<package id="qdiskusage"> <author name="Port by StreaK, PND by Blue Protoman" website="your's or streak website or remove completly"/> </package> <application id="qdiskusage"> <author name="Jon Doe" website=""/> </application> </PXML>
Code:<licenses> <license name="GPL" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/><!--Optional url and sourcecodeurl, mandatory name--> </licenses>
$ xmllint --schema §PND_SDK/../sdk_utils/PXML_schema.xsd PXML.xml
PXML.xml:35: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
l.html" sourcecodeurl="
PXML.xml:35: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
" sourcecodeurl="
Yes, the XML parser should convert & to "&" when fetching the url value.No idea if using "&" instead of "&" would still allow the urls to work, possibly some extra work has to be done to get "real" urls then...
<PXML xmlns="">
<package id="qdiskusage">
<version major="1" minor="0" release="4" build="0" type="release"/>
<author name="Blue Protoman" website=""/>
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<icon src="icon.png"/>
<application id="qdiskusage">
<exec background="true" standalone="true" command=""/>
<version major="1" minor="0" release="4" build="0" type="release"/>
<author name="App by Jon Doe, Port by StreaK" website=""/>
<!--Optional email and website, name required-->
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<title lang="en_US">QDiskUsage</title>
<!--Extra <title> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<description lang="en_US">QDiskUsage generates a nagivatable pie chart of your directory so you can easly find the largest dir or file on your disk!</description>
<!--Extra <description> block for compatibility with OS versions before HF6-->
<icon src="icon.png"/>
<license name="GPL" url="" sourcecodeurl=""/><!--Optional url and sourcecodeurl, mandatory name-->
<pic src="screenshot.png"/>
<!--the categories has to conform to the FDO categories, those will be enforced by the schema and libpnd!-->
<category name="System"><!--Main category: a category like "Game", "Graphics", "Network", etc-->
<subcategory name="Utility"/><!--Subcategory 1: a subcategory, like "BoardGame", "StrategyGame", "ActionGame"-->