Hey, update time!
Crow_riot has gotten vibration into the game! The system rumbles when a unit dies, or you capture a building.
Also, we are experimenting with a useful way to implement the G-sensor. Currently its a neat little feature that doesn't do much more then rotate the camera.
Speaking of camera. We have come up with a pretty elegant solution to that problem (at least I think so). It gives you a good field of view, maintains the 3D-ness of the game, is completely controllable with the thumb stick and you should never feel the desire to use anything else. We are hoping you can just forget the camera and enjoy the game
The map itself is done. There are some hardware peculiarities with the Caanoo that meant a good deal of time is being put into fixing graphical bugs. These are annoyances that I had simply not anticipated (like objects flickering through each other). Hopefully, the majority of the graphical blemishes will be out when the game is submitted.
Regarding play mechanics, we have implemented a couple features to reduce the amount of clicks it takes to input commands and complete a turn. If you have multiple moves left in your turn and are going to attack a unit, you are given the option of "X2" and "X3" attacking. The only benefit to using these options is that you don't have to repeatedly click the enemy and then attack him. It combines all the attack strength into a single click, and uses up the necessary moves.
We also included the ability to end your turn early, to avoid "hex jumping" when your ready for your turn to be over. It makes the experience a lot more fluid and less frustrating. We didn't put in "saving moves for next turn", that will be considered after the compo is finished.
Regarding builds, we are thinking that we probably won't release any more builds until its time to submit for the contest. The final build is going to be really pretty, and we want to keep it kind of a surprise
Next up ... animations!