traylorpark said:
If somebody has an argument against all this, I'll be happy to hear it. However, I was kinda let down when I saw all the PC and Linux builds. This is an open handhelds contest! These are handheld games. They should be judged as such.
heh, sorry, that was a bit more of an answer then you needed B)
No argument against it, this is your decision and I respect it.
But on the last comment: Sure this is a handheld competition, but guess why it was supposed to be a cross-platform competition - in order to ensure that all people are able play all of the games.
If you would port all games over to all handhelds there would not be a need for PC builds, but as you can see this is a unrealistic assumption and I understand that it is not trivial in every case as there are hardware differences (mind this is still easy in most cases).
Now games being released for only one platform cannot be experienced by a lot of the users, which is where PC builds come in handy (everyone has a PC after all).
I agree that handhelds should be the main priority target, but I do not agree that a PC build dilutes the value of the game (why would it?), actually it helps you to reach a broader target audience and when I make games I want as many people as possible to experience my game, independent of hardware. Exclusive content is something stupid in my eyes, it only seems to make one group of people feel special while the rest of the world is left in the rain, why not try to bring the fun to all people?
I agree that the experience might be better on a handheld and cannot be matched on a PC, but if you are afraid people might judge your game wrongly when playing on a PC, put a note in "This game is supposed to run a CAANOO, it simply feels better" (just like Team Meat put a note "Use a controller instead of a keyboard - it plays better" at the start of SuperMeatBoy - they did not just disable keyboard input).
Well that is my view on the matter, I don't think there is the need and this is the right place for a more elaborate discussion on the matter.
If you still would like to do so however you are free to comment, write me a PM or contact me for IM details
Still, as said before the game is looking incredible nice, it would be shame to keep anyone from playing it