PanMAME Betatesting

But as said, you won't be able to change to higher modes, as 2x.

Edit: If others find this tearing/ripple/whatever (I can't really see it ;) ) annoying, I may limit the next version to a maxscale of 2x and include this version by default.

What do the others think about that?
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This could be caused by a too slow emulation. Or you could try to set the samplerate from 11025 to 44100 in the advmame.rc and see, if it improves things, may cost some performance though.

Also you could try to set resampling from emulation to internal and see, if it works better.
tried changing the sample rate if it was a performance issue would the game not be slow it seams to be running at normal speed
But as said, you won't be able to change to higher modes, as 2x.

Do you mean the 2x modes in the video options in MAME?

Can you give an example of what settings will not work?

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But as said, you won't be able to change to higher modes, as 2x.

Do you mean the 2x modes in the video options in MAME?

Can you give an example of what settings will not work?


If a game has the resolution of 320x240, you could magnify by 2 and have the double res of 640x480. In this resolution, scale2x and the other filter will work.

But you can't set the resolution to magnify 3, as this would have a resolution of 960x720 then and you can't apply the scale3x filters.

As said, if scale2x is enough for everyone, I could just prevent the other modes from beeing selectable.

This could be caused by a too slow emulation. Or you could try to set the samplerate from 11025 to 44100 in the advmame.rc and see, if it improves things, may cost some performance though.

Also you could try to set resampling from emulation to internal and see, if it works better.
tried changing the sample rate if it was a performance issue would the game not be slow it seams to be running at normal speed

Yes, I have no clue honestly... Did you try the other setting, too?

Edit: I could try to revert the driver to the normal pcversiondriver ofmame 0.106 and see, if that improves it, as maybe the author of advmame changed something.
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I went back to the original Improved SDL thread here

and found two releases by notaz:

These don't tear and support scaling beyond 2x but the F12 "Run a clone" menu does not appear in AdvancedMENU and the F11 "Show FPS meter" does not show up on screen in MAME.

However the Exit menu works in AdvancedMENU and the F9 "Set Frameskip" works and shows up in MAME.

I sent a PM to john4p hoping he could work his magic on the latest notaz SDL, maybe he will help.

notaz would be the man for this but I don't want to bug him as he is the kernel man also.

As said, if scale2x is enough for everyone, I could just prevent the other modes from being selectable.

Personally I don't use the the other modes but I would leave them in. I think we can get it all to work with a tweaked SDL library.
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Thanks for the update mcobit, the bgmusic doesn't work for me anymore though (my own custom tune that is) it is named correctly.. bgmusic.mp3 any ideas why..?
Thanks mcobit, all is well now.

Using the john4p mod of notaz's SDL library works with advancedMENU and all tearing is gone.

For those who want to see what I was on about play Commando (Capcom, 1985) and once you start moving up the field you will see a vertical ripple across the screen.

This can be fixed by placing the john4p mod of notaz's SDL library (mediafire link in the quote below or in .zip attached to this post) into appdata/panmame/lib/ folder. You have to create the lib folder yourself.

Adding Notaz SDL libs to fheroes2 , causes heavy flickering in the game [on all Notaz SDL configs] and renders game unplayable.
Here's the modified SDL lib which solved the tearing issue with UAE4All:


Maybe Heroes2 works fine with it, too.
Thanks dgame! Just tried the john4p mod and it works perfectly on every game I've tried.
Finally got my romset, video previews, and custom skin put together and have to say that this is my new favorite emulator and definitely has the coolest interface I've ever seen. Thanks again mcobit, you do great work!

I basically just copied this skin from a site I found but really like it. If anyone wants to try it out please edit your advmenu.rc file with the following lines.

ui_color help ffffff 000000

ui_color help_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color submenu_bar ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color submenu_hidden a8a8a8 000000

ui_color submenu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_item 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_hidden 00a650 000000

ui_color menu_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_tag_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color bar ffffff 000000

ui_color bar_tag ff0000 000000

ui_color bar_hidden 00adef 000000

ui_color grid 000000 000000

ui_color backdrop ff0000 000000

ui_color icon ffffff ffffff

ui_color cursor 808080 ffffff
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Hey mcobit - another vote for changes that reduce/fix the tearing. Love what you've done so far - but apparently I'm sensitive to it and it's nearly a deal-breaking kind of annoying to me.
while comparing the official MAME .106 and PanMAME I noticed that donkey kong is missing the waking noise on PanMAME..Thanks Bud
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while comparing the official MAME .106 and PanMAME I noticed that donkey kong is missing the waking noise on PanMAME..Thanks Bud

Do you have the samples installed in panmame? I think dkong doesn't need the samples from version 0.116 upwards.

Finally got my romset, video previews, and custom skin put together and have to say that this is my new favorite emulator and definitely has the coolest interface I've ever seen. Thanks again mcobit, you do great work!

I basically just copied this skin from a site I found but really like it. If anyone wants to try it out please edit your advmenu.rc file with the following lines.

ui_color help ffffff 000000

ui_color help_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color submenu_bar ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color submenu_hidden a8a8a8 000000

ui_color submenu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_item 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_hidden 00a650 000000

ui_color menu_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_tag_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color bar ffffff 000000

ui_color bar_tag ff0000 000000

ui_color bar_hidden 00adef 000000

ui_color grid 000000 000000

ui_color backdrop ff0000 000000

ui_color icon ffffff ffffff

ui_color cursor 808080 ffffff

Thanks! Nice skin.

Thanks for the update mcobit, the bgmusic doesn't work for me anymore though (my own custom tune that is) it is named correctly.. bgmusic.mp3 any ideas why..?

Sorry, but I don't know why it shouldn't work. Do you have the codec pack installed and is the soundfile the same? Also does bgmusic work with the mp3 shipped with the pnd?

I sent a PM to john4p hoping he could work his magic on the latest notaz SDL, maybe he will help.

notaz would be the man for this but I don't want to bug him as he is the kernel man also.

Thanks again dgame.

Hope he has a clue, what is wrong.

Would you like to stay in contact with him while trying to fix it? And could you send me the same pm?
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Seibu spi hardware is there a problem with sound driver as mame 106 runs it fine on my pc but sound is messed up in advance mame tried viper phase 1 raiden fighters 1 2 and battle balls all running more or less fullspeed with overclocking shame as viper is my fav game.

Could you please tell me the exact version of mame, that you are running it on pc? Is it something like 0.106u7 or something like that?
Finally got my romset, video previews, and custom skin put together and have to say that this is my new favorite emulator and definitely has the coolest interface I've ever seen. Thanks again mcobit, you do great work!

I basically just copied this skin from a site I found but really like it. If anyone wants to try it out please edit your advmenu.rc file with the following lines.

ui_color help ffffff 000000

ui_color help_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color submenu_bar ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item ffffff 323232

ui_color submenu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color submenu_hidden a8a8a8 000000

ui_color submenu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_item 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_hidden 00a650 000000

ui_color menu_tag 00ff00 000000

ui_color menu_item_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_hidden_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color menu_tag_select ffffff 0000a0

ui_color bar ffffff 000000

ui_color bar_tag ff0000 000000

ui_color bar_hidden 00adef 000000

ui_color grid 000000 000000

ui_color backdrop ff0000 000000

ui_color icon ffffff ffffff

ui_color cursor 808080 ffffff

Could you post a screen grab of this so that I can decide if I want to use it.

Thank you
Seibu spi hardware is there a problem with sound driver as mame 106 runs it fine on my pc but sound is messed up in advance mame tried viper phase 1 raiden fighters 1 2 and battle balls all running more or less fullspeed with overclocking shame as viper is my fav game.

Could you please tell me the exact version of mame, that you are running it on pc? Is it something like 0.106u7 or something like that?
ive tried multiple its the first mame32 106 release ive tried mame32xt mame32fx and the normal mame32
Seibu spi hardware is there a problem with sound driver as mame 106 runs it fine on my pc but sound is messed up in advance mame tried viper phase 1 raiden fighters 1 2 and battle balls all running more or less fullspeed with overclocking shame as viper is my fav game.

Could you please tell me the exact version of mame, that you are running it on pc? Is it something like 0.106u7 or something like that?
ive tried multiple its the first mame32 106 release ive tried mame32xt mame32fx and the normal mame32

All windows? Could be, that the sound is borked on the pandora because of the soundsystem we use.

I dont suppose we could see some more videos of this :) with the cool different themese people are using etc.

If you like, I will make a new vid showing the current status and some themes, people posted here.
Seibu spi hardware is there a problem with sound driver as mame 106 runs it fine on my pc but sound is messed up in advance mame tried viper phase 1 raiden fighters 1 2 and battle balls all running more or less fullspeed with overclocking shame as viper is my fav game.

Could you please tell me the exact version of mame, that you are running it on pc? Is it something like 0.106u7 or something like that?
ive tried multiple its the first mame32 106 release ive tried mame32xt mame32fx and the normal mame32

All windows? Could be, that the sound is borked on the pandora because of the soundsystem we use.

I dont suppose we could see some more videos of this :) with the cool different themese people are using etc.

If you like, I will make a new vid showing the current status and some themes, people posted here.

Yes Please +1
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I sent a PM to john4p hoping he could work his magic on the latest notaz SDL, maybe he will help.

notaz would be the man for this but I don't want to bug him as he is the kernel man also.
You just need to do the following 3 modifications to notaz' latest SDL in src/video/omapdss/osdl_video.c:

1) in line 294 change:

ret = osdl_setup_omapfb(fd, 1, x, y, w, h, width * height * ((bpp + 7) / 8) * 2);


ret = osdl_setup_omapfb(fd, 1, x, y, w, h, width * height * ((bpp + 7) / 8) * 3);

2) in line 325 change:

pdata->fbdev = vout_fbdev_init(fbname, &width, &height, bpp, doublebuf ? 2 : 1);


pdata->fbdev = vout_fbdev_init(fbname, &width, &height, bpp, doublebuf ? 3 : 1);

3) in line 333 change:

border_l, border_r, border_t, border_b, doublebuf ? 2 : 1);


border_l, border_r, border_t, border_b, doublebuf ? 3 : 1);

Then you can easily build the sdl lib using autotools. I've built it directly on Pandora.

Would be convenient if notaz made this configurable as an entry to the omapsdl.cfg, e.g. "alternative_dblbuffering = 1" would use 3 instead of 2 in the parts posted above.
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