Official Blog Post

mali said:
ging said:
The conclusion I draw from this is they do a plan and a minority are not going to like it as there will be more "delays" if they announce it.

Too much speculation, imo.

It's not speculation, it's my opinion. They've painted themeselves into a corner with bad MRP/II which has led a perfectly reasonable question that won't be answered . I've not got a vendetta against the OP team or higlighting ED out but he is the public facing side of the team we get to interact with as "customers".
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I look at the information provided as a customer and as far as I can see the majority of the first 1000 pandoras are probably being put together by community members with electronics experience for little or no compensation generally. The investigation Craig mentioned once about another factory doing production could signal plans for a shift after the first 1000 to take some of the load off the people volunteering/heading to the UK to work in the Hall.

I dont know how true that is, but until I hear different that's what I'm putting my hopes on because it would be ludicrous to only have people lined up to build a quarter of your entire production no matter what anyone might say about the team or their management of the project. That's not to say the might not be a delay after the first 1000, in fact I think they've all but confirmed their might be a short delay before they next 3000 get built already but under the circumstances and with a small team that probably hasnt seen a single dime (or European equivalent) they own that hasnt gone towards this project it's still an impressive feat, one that a lot of other people would (and probably have) given up on before getting to this point. I can only hope that they keep plugging away (at least until I get mine, wherever I am in the que).
ging said:
It's not speculation, it's my opinion. They've painted themeselves into a corner with bad MRP/II which has led a perfectly reasonable question that won't be answered . I've not got a vendetta against the OP team or higlighting ED out but he is the public facing side of the team we get to interact with as "customers".

Okay, then answer me these simple questions:
1. How long does a team in an assembly line with 8 stations need to assemble a Pandora?
2. Do you know the exact modifications we need to do to get WiFi fully working yet?
3. Do you know if the cases that arrive in UK are perfectly fine and can be used without any modifications?

You can't? Bummer, if I knew those, I could tell you how long it will take.

Those are the things we don't know yet.
As said multiple times (even in this thread):

Answer to 1. Probably 3 - 12 minutes, speed will increase with assembly experience. There's no way yet to tell you how long it will take.
Answer to 2. Well, as Michael is still tweaking, we don't know yet. As soon as we know, we can ask the company how long it will take to produce the rest of the boards. Before that anything is speculation
Answer to 3. We'll find out as soon as they get there. Until then, there's no way we can tell you how long the rest will take.

See the problem with your "simple" questions?
They can only be answered when certain events took place.

We will all know more after assembly has started. Not before.
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I'm at the very end of the line and I see two scenario's.

1. Everything is fine with the first 1000. All the different parts fit well into each other, testing goes well, let's pump out the rest, happy days!

2. Issues arise, small adaptions have to be made, things need to be tweaked some more.

In the first scenario I get my Pandora not too far after the first 1000, in the second I get a better product.

I think I can wait and see. B)
Look we have all had to endure the long wait and when i think about the original
preorders last year ,it was crazy to think there was any possible way a single
unit would have been posted out never mind 4000 but we HAVE come along way and
things are very different now.The Pandora is gearing up for mass destruction oops
i mean mass production and i DO beleve they will build them really quite fast and
simple ,it will all be a matter of the start date for building and the dispatch time
to get units out but remember that Craig and Ed are Pros at getting a large number
of items out to the general public/customers so it should all be done in a good

The only thing stopping everything from being the done is still the case company
as they are quite frankly shocking and i would drop the company after the initial
4000 if i were in charge but hey that's just my opinion,delays could still happen
but from reading the blog ,it's now all steam ahead ,so think about all the waiting
up till now and you realise that the next few months will all be about Pandora units
in customers hands ,doesn't matter if you are the last to preorder because if you are
not in the first batch then you have a very very long wait ahead.
I think its fairly clear that this whole project has been a huge learning experience for the OP team, and that they have definitely had to overcome their own deficiencies with regards to logistics planning, project management, and .. yes .. even PR. So, we've been lucky to witness all the mistakes and problems and erroneous management of this project, but given the degree of failure on so many levels, we're also lucky to be able to admit that .. pretty soon .. the Pandora will be in our hands, and we can look back on it all with a fair bit of experience under our belt - both on how to *not* manage a hardware project, but also on *how to keep the spirit of community participation alive*. I don't think Craig or ED or MWeston or anyone else in the OP Team would have nearly as much strength and temerity to persist under the circumstances if it weren't for the fact that there is a huge community out here, wanting for them to succeed, and waiting to do so. Certainly, a percentage of us have deeper emotions and other than honorable intentions with regards to the team, but there is a much, much larger percentage who are excited as hell, and who will really be happy when the day comes. And for those guys, the team is working hard, I'm quite sure.

Don't forget guys - we've only got a small risk of a few hundred buck$ invested in this project. Craig and co., have quite a *lot* more at risk here. If the project can be pulled off successfully, we gain a few rewards in the form of fun and platform love, but Craig and co., could quite possibly make a lot of money. They could also possibly lose a *LOT* as well, and that is something rarely considered in the whole equation.
Alerino said:
it's not good when a nice guy like ED gets angry

ED and I exchanged PM's. ED replied to my question.

I'd buy him a beer anytime :). A project like this is the same as having a box of frogs under your control :D.
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ging said:
Alerino said:
it's not good when a nice guy like ED gets angry

ED and I exchanged PM's. ED replied to my question.

I'd buy him a beer anytime :) . A project like this is the same as having a box of frogs under your control :D .
Thats the most stopid comparision i have ever heard :P
yeah id also buy him some beers, but not digitally, he needs to come over here to a cafe:p
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mali said:

Yeah, he just loves to show off all that hair. Some of us are losing it at a rate of knots, but smug gits like Mr Dragon just flounce around, their tresses blowing in the breeze like some sort of ... hairy german hair advertisement for long hair.

Mr Dragon also likes to rub my nose in it by having better weather than I do.

All in all, he's possibly the most Evil man on the planet. He was even nice to me in a PM once. But I could tell, he was sitting there being nice like the Bond villain does. He probably has a (very hairy) cat on his lap even as he PMs me.

I'd love to meet him, and dispel all my pre-conceived notions about his evil-ness. I could cut his hair off then and make myself a stylish EvilDragon wig.

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