This is a bug in the mpd-package ( its not from pandian-repository )After starting fresh with the normal version, and running `apt-get update` and `apt-get upgrade`, there is a package that breaks called mpd.
Supposedly this is from the pandian repository.
I have to remove this package in order to allow other upgrades to continue.
Also, would you consider mixing a version of Pandian MARK2 that uses the stable tree?
Okay, ive mentioned this also on fluxbox. Seems some update of debian sid break the locale-settings.Allow me to return to this earlier posted problem and say something about it.the key map has a couple of errors: \ (Fn c) gives #, = (Fn g) gives right tick. I'm sure this is trivial to fix but haven't tracked down where the key map is defined yet.
When I am choosing locales, I need en_US. There exist three en_US locales. I select all three for installation.
If you read all of the notices on the screen, you will come across a sentence that says "UTF-8 locales should be default". So, in accordance, I choose the en_US-UTF8 locale as the default. You should have a UTF-8 locale for your default chosen locale.
This allows for the Fn input options to work for my criteria of locale.
I have, in my experiments, tried dpkg to change locales AFTER installation. It looks like it works, as it goes through all of the motions, BUT IT DOESN'T. The corresponding UTF-8 locale has to be chosen as the default upon installation using the startup wizard. Again, it doesn't work for me any other way.
Take a look hereHow's the pandian TODO list state ?
There will be an cpu-tool to setup the cpu-speedStill using Pandian day in, day out, and loving it.
There is still one thing I do not know how to achieve: how can I clock the processor faster than 600 MHz? (I have the rebirth edition Pandora) I'd like 750 or similar which I can do when running the default OS.
Well, ive fixed slim login for fluxbox. Actually i'am working again on alsagreat to hear man.
Any idea when you'll have .pnds up and running? I'm loving full access to debians repo!
Plus its SID as well so bleeding edge packages