pandian - MARK2

Thanks b_o_b.

Reading this somehow prompted me to do what should have been my first step: read the Pandora wiki pages. There's a full description of how to overclock there.  I'll try these instructions out later (watching Olympics at the moment ;-).
Interesting. I like to overclock my Pandora too.
According to the wiki you can execute sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ X
Pandian doesn't have this file though - at least not at that location.
I copied the sh file from another pandora. See text below. The script refers to cpu.conf.
There are quite a few referrals in the script that are not the present in Pandian.




#get value range
minmhz="$(grep '^min:' $cpu_conf | awk -F\: '{print $2}')"
safemhz="$(grep '^safe:' $cpu_conf | awk -F\: '{print $2}')"
maxmhz="$(grep '^max:' $cpu_conf | awk -F\: '{print $2}')"
warn="$(grep '^warn:' $cpu_conf | awk -F\: '{print $2}')"
curmhz="$(cat $device)"
newmhz="$(cat $device)"

if [ "$curmhz" -gt "$maxmhz" ]; then

if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then

if [ ! -e $device ]; then
if [ -z "$1" -a -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
zenity --info --title="CPU-Settings not supported" --text \
"Sorry, the experimental kernel does not support setting the clockspeed (yet)."
exit 1

if [ ! $1 ]; then
if [ $DISPLAY ]; then
newmhz=$(zenity --scale --title "CPU clockspeed" --text "Set CPU clockspeed" --min-value=$minmhz --max-value=$maxmhz --value=$curmhz --step 1)
read -p "Please enter the desired clockspeed: " newmhz

if ! [ 0 -lt "$newmhz" -a "$newmhz" -lt 10000 ]; then
echo "invalid argument: $newmhz"
exit 1

if [ $newmhz ]; then
if [ $newmhz -gt $safemhz ]; then
if [ $warn != no ]; then
if [ $DISPLAY ]; then
answer=$(zenity --question --title "Alert" --text "You are trying to set the CPU clock to $newmhz which is above the warning level of $safemhz, doing so may burn down your house, sour milk, or just blow up (OK, not that likely)! Proceed?";echo $?)
echo $answer
if [ $answer = 1 ]; then exit 1; fi
answer="n";read -p "You are trying to set the CPU clock to $newmhz which is above the warning level of $safemhz, doing so may burn down your house, sour milk, or just blow up (OK, not that likely)! Proceed? [y/n]" -t 10 answer
echo $answer
if [ $answer = n ]; then exit 1; fi

if [ $newmhz -le $minmhz ]; then newmhz=$minmhz; fi
if [ $newmhz -ge $maxmhz ]; then newmhz=$maxmhz; fi
echo $newmhz > $device
echo "cpu_mhz_max set to $(cat $device)"

if [ -e /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor ]; then
# must poke cpufreq so it does the actual clock transition
# according to new limits
gov=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)
echo $gov > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
if [ "$gov" = "userspace" ]; then
echo $[ $newmhz * 1000 ] > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
echo "current CPU clock is $(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)"
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Hi stackshadow,

I tested the Pandian today and you did a decent job. While I was downloading I thought that the system would ship with a default user... and when I saw the configuration wizard following the Debian/installation dialog styles...

Moving on, there is one suggestion for the distro. The default image package should contain the mtd-utils package, needed to mount the internal Pandora's NAND.
My experience so far :  kde is installed and gives new login window, I finally found the icon to switch

to kde etc. and thanks for the tip with the Alt key to move windows !

kde is working ,but a little slow, watching mp4 720x576 with SMplayer will be too slow (even in LXDE-getting sound problems), recording with Me-Tv will give no sound in recorded file.

vlcplayer is working partly, I must check for more (converting seems to work). I checked the clock and it says 600 mhz. If I could set to 1Ghz or more there would be better performance - but how ?

so far 4/5
I don´t think its the memory, I have a 1Ghz model and kde is working in slackware, playing videos etc. But there I can set to 1200Mhz.

so please buy us a Mercedes Benz, eh wrong sheet, give us a CPU speed tool so we can get more than 600MHz.
Hi, firstly I appreciate your efforts and love the Idea of debian on my pandora - I miss apt.

I've been playing with pandian today but I don't think it's the right choice for me - yet. I started looking into how to fix all the issues I was having, but then I read that it's based on the experimental branch of debian and my enthusiasm vanished. I love debian, but the main reason i love it is because of their definition of 'stable' - I like my software to be stable. Stable is good. Stable works. Stable doesn't break suddenly and waste my time when I'm trying to do something important in a hurry. If you decide to base a version on debian stable I'd love to hear about it, but I can't use an experimental OS day-to-day - I need apt-get upgrade to be safe.

Also from reading is topic it seems that many of the problems (including the keymap issue preventing me from gaining root access) are fixed by upgrading, but since I can't get root access this is a problem. I'd suggest building a new image with these bugfixes included - it would make things much easier and I'd be much more inclined to stick with it and give it a proper shot.

Sorry my first post in this thread had to be criticism!
Yep, I already told about the root and keypad issue.

However, I'm not really a classic Debian user, but as far as I know, the stable repos are all outdated and newer thinks don't run/work on such a system.

After fixing my bugs, I didn't have any issues, even by upgrading several times (I even made a dist-upgrade one time and nothing broke).

It seems to be a more reliable system than ,for example Ubuntu, Arch and Archbang, where my whole system bricked after upgrade.
I have attached a usb keyboard to the Pandora, works fine but my qwerty keyboard is recognized as a qwertz keyboard incl. all kind of German characters. I assume the default setting is German. Is there an easy method to change to qwerty? Haven' t seen anything useful in preferences. 
Easy solution, more or less. I guess it will be a dirty one.
You could write an xmodmap config. You could use your .pnxXmodmap as template.
Then you could execute the command xmodmap /path/to/your/config/file
Or you could install a locale changer. I haven't tried this, but it's that kind of program you have preinstalled on a common PC to change the keyboard layout on the fly.


Just keep it simple.

Follow my tutorial on how to make the Pandora button work. (It should at least work for americans since this will set the default US layout of the Pandora.)
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Yeah, the stable branch has old versions of many things, but the reason they're still using old versions is because they're well-tested compared to the newer stuff and tend to be far less buggy. Also you get a more solid base where backwards compatibility doesn't tend to break.

I was interested to hear that you have apt-get upgraded and even dist-upgraded and nothing broke. I'll keep watching this space.
There's a link to a debian squeeze (which is the old stable version - older than stable) image on, so it looks like it's possible to get stable working. I note that these images are a couple of years old though, so it might not be easy.

If I get really bored one day maybe I'll give it a try myself. Until then though I think I'll stick with SZ as my main OS. One of the great things about an open machine like this is the ability to dual-boot, so I can always fool around with pandian if the mood strikes me :)

Another suggestion I'd make is that the tools included with SZ should be packaged for pandian and included by default. Things like the nub configurator and LED settings apps.
Easy solution, more or less. I guess it will be a dirty one.

You could write an xmodmap config. You could use your .pnxXmodmap as template.

Then you could execute the command xmodmap /path/to/your/config/file

Or you could install a locale changer. I haven't tried this, but it's that kind of program you have preinstalled on a common PC to change the keyboard layout on the fly.


Just keep it simple.

Follow my tutorial on how to make the Pandora button work. (It should at least work for americans since this will set the default US layout of the Pandora.)
Seems like .xsessionrc  isn't started in my case. Changed xmodmap ~/.pndXmodmap  into xmodmap /home/yourUsername/.pndXmodmap and it didn't make any difference. After executing xmodmap .pndXmodmap from command line the usb keyboard worked as expected - so that's great. Only problem is that LXDE is hanging after that and I can only use the terminal for executing programs. It is usable though.  
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Yes and no... kind of!

I also noticed, reading in that whole .pndXmodmap file takes a while, once desktop environment is started. After that you get back control for LXDE/Openbox.

But that's not the way to go. I will search for the error and inform you what's missing. At this moment I can only tell you, you have to find a way to get xmodmap running in autostart.

Btw, I hope you replaced the 'yourUsername' in the path with your real username (default: "pandian").


I'm not sure if this is the fix, but it's worth a try. add following to your .xsessionrc before the xmodmap command:

setxkbmap en_US

In my particular case, the file looks like this (my username is "pandian"):


# Load xmodmap
#xmodmap ~/.pndXmodmap

# Set mixer to max
amixer set Master,0 100% unmute

# Start mpd
mpd /etc/pandian/mpd.conf --kill
mpd /etc/pandian/mpd.conf

setxkbmap en_US
xmodmap /home/pandian/.pndXmodmap
I just updated the Wiki. I really hope, this the actual fix.
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OK, thx. Will check later if adding setxkbmap en_US to the file helps.
I just updated the Wiki. I really hope, this the actual fix.
Yes it did :)

Setxkbmap en_US changes some keys on the Pandora as well though (e.g. : - ? - | )  

Any tips how to get it back to default?


With: Setxkbmap en_US I can use the external USB keyboard and with xmodmap /home/pandian/.pndXmodmap the setting is switched back to the keybindings for the Pandora.
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Yes and no... kind of!

I also noticed, reading in that whole .pndXmodmap file takes a while, once desktop environment is started. After that you get back control for LXDE/Openbox.

But that's not the way to go. I will search for the error and inform you what's missing. At this moment I can only tell you, you have to find a way to get xmodmap running in autostart.

Btw, I hope you replaced the 'yourUsername' in the path with your real username (default: "pandian").


I'm not sure if this is the fix, but it's worth a try. add following to your .xsessionrc before the xmodmap command:

setxkbmap en_US

In my particular case, the file looks like this (my username is "pandian"):


# Load xmodmap
#xmodmap ~/.pndXmodmap

# Set mixer to max
amixer set Master,0 100% unmute

# Start mpd
mpd /etc/pandian/mpd.conf --kill
mpd /etc/pandian/mpd.conf

setxkbmap en_US
xmodmap /home/pandian/.pndXmodmap

I just updated the Wiki. I really hope, this the actual fix.

Sorry for my late visit here, my server get broken and postfix is a beast >.>

Hmm.. i think it will be more common, to change the position of pndXmodmap in .xsesseionrc to an fixed location and set the xkbmap like you did. 

Hi, firstly I appreciate your efforts and love the Idea of debian on my pandora - I miss apt.

I've been playing with pandian today but I don't think it's the right choice for me - yet. I started looking into how to fix all the issues I was having, but then I read that it's based on the experimental branch of debian and my enthusiasm vanished. I love debian, but the main reason i love it is because of their definition of 'stable' - I like my software to be stable. Stable is good. Stable works. Stable doesn't break suddenly and waste my time when I'm trying to do something important in a hurry. If you decide to base a version on debian stable I'd love to hear about it, but I can't use an experimental OS day-to-day - I need apt-get upgrade to be safe.

Also from reading is topic it seems that many of the problems (including the keymap issue preventing me from gaining root access) are fixed by upgrading, but since I can't get root access this is a problem. I'd suggest building a new image with these bugfixes included - it would make things much easier and I'd be much more inclined to stick with it and give it a proper shot.

Sorry my first post in this thread had to be criticism!
Thanks for critic. Normally the idea was to provide the fixes with the debian packages, but the server-crash eat nearly all of my time in the last few weeks. And yes, there will be definitively an newer image.

I've played a lot with fluxbox and start to like it ( i like mostly the easy config, customizing the menu and the tabbing-feature ) event conky seems now to come back to my laptop ( did somebody tried it on the pandora ? )

So my two questions to the pandian users out there:

* would you like to see fluxbox as default on pandian ?

* should pandian provide some special packages for specific desktop environment or did you like more to config your own

* Did somebody else need the debian-stable branch ?

For me, debian stable is out-dated, so much really cool software taking toooo long getting into stable and until now its working fine

And if somebody need really an pandian-stable.. yeah i don't think that i have the time to maintain two branches of pandian. Did somebody would like to try this ?
Thanks for critic. Normally the idea was to provide the fixes with the debian packages, but the server-crash eat nearly all of my time in the last few weeks. And yes, there will be definitively an newer image.

I've played a lot with fluxbox and start to like it ( i like mostly the easy config, customizing the menu and the tabbing-feature ) event conky seems now to come back to my laptop ( did somebody tried it on the pandora ? )

So my two questions to the pandian users out there:

* would you like to see fluxbox as default on pandian ?

* should pandian provide some special packages for specific desktop environment or did you like more to config your own

* Did somebody else need the debian-stable branch ?

For me, debian stable is out-dated, so much really cool software taking toooo long getting into stable and until now its working fine

And if somebody need really an pandian-stable.. yeah i don't think that i have the time to maintain two branches of pandian. Did somebody would like to try this ?
I hope your server is running now properly.I would appreciate Fluxbox as the default. I would even consider reinstalling Pandian if that's necessary for this update.

About the config: I think there should be custom packages, dedicated for the Pandora. I'm talking about the already existing Wifi, USB, etc. options, but there are still very important functions missing: a CPU settings tool and something for bluetooth.

Stable or unstable... If unstable keeps running stable (word joke), I prefer unstable, but I hope there are some people knowing this better than me.

And about Conky: I haven't tried it yet, but maybe I should see how it's working with compton (my compositing manager).
* would you like to see fluxbox as default on pandian ?
* should pandian provide some special packages for specific desktop environment or did you like more to config your own

* Did somebody else need the debian-stable branch ?
Current setup works fine for me. I don’t care too much about the DE and if needed I should be able to change it myself. 

I like to be able to have the unstable repro available so stable is not needed for my use.

I agree with N3Cr0. CPU settings tool would be nice, and my most wanted feature. 

PND support would be very nice as well.

Thanks for working on this.
So my two questions to the pandian users out there:

* would you like to see fluxbox as default on pandian ?

* should pandian provide some special packages for specific desktop environment or did you like more to config your own

* Did somebody else need the debian-stable branch ?

I use ratpoison so really have no preference between lxde and fluxbox.  I have used fluxbox at times in the past and do like it, mostly because, as you say, it is easily customisable and also because it is quite light.

I have been happy so far with your choice of unstable but I have quite a few years' experience in using Debian.  The first rule is not seldom, if ever, do an 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade'.  Instead, upgrade individual packages, and their dependencies, as desired and infrequently; I typically use 'aptitude' for this.

In general, I would have recommended that you base Pandian on Debian testing as the testing distribution is, in practice, very stable but is also much newer than Debian stable.

Thanks again for all your efforts!
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