Release LibreOffice for Pandora

@Linux-SWAT: The error about python is strange. libreoffice PND embed the whole python3.4 lib folder, along with Strange it complains, so maybe there is a conflict between the one in the PND and one in Slackware (as I assume there is a copy in the system).
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I repackaged, there was an issue with Calc in build 08. I tried a thing for Slackware, but no idea if it worked or not.

Build 09


  • Repacked to make Calc launch

Confirmed calc seems to be working well now. :)  (not tested extensively but the basic functionality is working.)

For some reason it's pushing CPU usage to a constant 100% though, even when it should theoretically be mostly idle.  I admit I don't actually use it very often so I don't know if that's unique to this version.

Confirmed calc seems to be working well now. :)  (not tested extensively but the basic functionality is working.)

For some reason it's pushing CPU usage to a constant 100% though, even when it should theoretically be mostly idle.  I admit I don't actually use it very often so I don't know if that's unique to this version.


Thanks for testing (and for finding this issue)

The CPU usage is bit weird yes, but I guess it's somehow related to the strange mini-freeze at load...
Can't update this through PndManager - it downloads, installs... then gives me the option to update again. Click Update, installs the already downloaded file, then gives me the option to update again. Looks like I might have to yank the SD Card and install it manually?

im also testing this on slackware 14.1:
build 09 at least does start if i point PYTHONHOME to its /lib/python3.4 dir in, just like so:

export PYTHONHOME="$pwd/lib/python3.4:/lib:/usr/lib"

otherwise it does complain about not being able to find the "encodings" module.

well, it does start up fine, yes. but as soon as i enter something into some document, it gives me a generic "bad alloc" error and just dies :(

in the meantime: build04 runs absolutely fine on 14.1 - thanks a lot for your ongoing efforts, ptitseb and linux_swat!!
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It's often a matter of tweaking the script (LO is huge, may be a different story there).
I'll take a deeper look at some packages with the 14.2.
I dwonloaded and installed it.

I will use it next week but on my first test it started
And I finally can save my documents as .fodt so I can use git for proper version control.

Surely I won't use it too much but it's still one of the few PNDs I still care about and appreciate the update.
Thanks :)
I have to note that compose is not working any more (Shift + Enter) for typing äöü etc.
I'll check that and see how it can be made to work with the Pandora keymap.

The issue here is that Pandora uses Sift + Enter as compose key.
LibreOffice uses Shift + Enter for newLine without beginning a new paragraph.

Some time ago it did not work either until I mentioned it and you fixed it for the last version.
Now it's the same behavior as before.

It's not that a big deal but maybe you'll find the fix you've done in the past and can do a quick fix.
EDIT: And as always: Don't waste too much time for me ;)
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