Serial Porter
I deactivated java, with --without-java --disable-odkI'll take a look.
So java was needed ?
I was still on stable versions, so maybe java is now wiped out from 4.X.
I just useRepackaged, but i got a permission error.
What is your pnd making command ?
Mine is:
chown -R root:root ./pnd/
find ./pnd/ \
\( -perm 777 -o -perm 775 -o -perm 711 -o -perm 555 -o -perm 511 \) \
-exec chmod 755 {} \; -o \
\( -perm 666 -o -perm 664 -o -perm 600 -o -perm 444 -o -perm 440 -o -perm 400 \) \
-exec chmod 644 {} \; -p libreoffice-slackware.pnd -d pnd/ -x pnd/PXML.xml -i pnd/icon.png
Code: -p libreoffice-slackware.pnd -d pnd/ -x pnd/PXML.xml -i pnd/icon.png -c
The many Application in the start menu, I'm not sure. You can open a file of any type with the launcher, or you can launch the application you want with just one click. Plus, don't forget you CANNOT have personnalized icon for differents apps in the same PND, so all apps will have the same "white libreoffice icon" :unsure:Very nice! Thank you.
Is there any way to make the toolbar icons smaller? I looked through the options but have yet to find a way.
The standard GTK open/save dialogue boxes are taller than the screen on my pandora. *makes mental note to look for a way to adjust that* Selecting the "Use LibreOffice dialogs" option under Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> General, results in dialogue boxes that fit nicely on the screen.
Might I suggest adding additional 'Application' entries to the PXML so that individual applications can be launched directly?
- Neelix
About the size of the icons and GUI, yes, there a bit big. I didn't include extra themes, but I haven't gone through the included ones to see if one is smaller. If someone found a nice one, I include it (and try to make it default).
About languages, I understand, but being French (and a bit egocentric, and somewhat lazy), I want LibreOffice multilingual, and don't want to multiply the number of LibreOffice PND. So I'll try the multilingual first. If the size if really too big, or there is a big demand to English (default is en-US by the way) only, I'll build one.