Let's Assume The Cases Are Now Perfected, What Is A Realistic Eta?

second exodous said:
I had a friend that lived in Thailand for two years, he served a mission there, I want to go some day but don't know anyone there or speak Thai so I'm at a loss.

Neither of those is an issue. If you don't know anybody then you soon will when you get there. And as long as you can speak English there there won't be any major language issue - and if you do want to learn Thai (go on, you KNOW you do!) there'll be plenty of people pleased as punch to help you along.

The great thing about flying long-haul these days is that most flights have USB ports on their in-flight entertainment systems for viewing your holiday snaps. So even if you forget to charge your battery you're still good to play the whole flight long!

I've been to Thailand and back like 3 times since I ordered my Pandora. Each time I came back I've been more and more sure that I'd have my Pandora for the *NEXT* trip :P
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I would've killed to have my Pandora over the holiday. My wife and her family like to play these boring little dice and card games for small change. I find them insufferable, and being stuck around a table with some members of her family is definitely not my idea of a good time. So I ended up, migrating between the Internet, TV, and watching them play those games for hours on end. A Pandora would've made the ordeal so much more tolerable... and productive. Now that it's over, though I don't feel I'm in too much of a hurry to see it now. Although if I get mine on or before January 15, it would be a nice birthday surprise.
mindlord said:
I would've killed to have my Pandora over the holiday. My wife and her family like to play these boring little dice and card games for small change. I find them insufferable, and being stuck around a table with some members of her family is definitely not my idea of a good time. So I ended up, migrating between the Internet, TV, and watching them play those games for hours on end. A Pandora would've made the ordeal so much more tolerable... and productive. Now that it's over, though I don't feel I'm in too much of a hurry to see it now. Although if I get mine on or before January 15, it would be a nice birthday surprise.

Well if all goes well, you will have it for the torture next year, and hopefully some very mature software by then as well!

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I would also have loved to have my Pandora over the holidays since I didn't have much to do for almost a week and it would have been so much more practical then my laptop, something I could take out and use wherever I was (except for when driving my car).

And it would have been great to have with me in Germany back in October when I went to the worlds largest board game convention in Essen.
So what is the status exactly now? I've been doing a great deal of reading on all these posts but im still confused with the current status. I know there was a problem with the hinge so are we just waiting for Michael to make new changes? Also have the parts been shipped and ready to be assembled in Dallas or is that the final assembl/shipping location and they are awaiting those parts :S :S :S
Nik1 said:
So what is the status exactly now? I've been doing a great deal of reading on all these posts but im still confused with the current status. I know there was a problem with the hinge so are we just waiting for Michael to make new changes? Also have the parts been shipped and ready to be assembled in Dallas or is that the final assembl/shipping location and they are awaiting those parts :S :S :S

There were a few problems with the first case samples (the ones that you can see Craig and ED using). The new samples should be sent from the factory in China and on their way to MW in Canada for inspection. If he gives the green light the mass production will start. Cases and keymats will then be manufactured in China and sent to Texas for assembly with the boards manufactured there.
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See this is where I get confused, there was a whole thread a long time ago where people were angry because it was said the Pandora was "Made in the USA" then the cases were known to be made in China then apparently the first run of boards was made in the US but the rest were going to be made in China (Which prompted comments on how reliable the failure rate of the first run of boards would compare when made at another factory) and people were angry about the USA made Pandora being made anywhere but the USA only assembled there.
So are the boards now being made in the USA again? At the Texas plant? or made in China, but populated in Texas?
It's all so vague and at this point there is still no confirmation, even from emailing OP, if they are even shipping from Texas.

I don't have time to find that thread right now, just wondering if we are discussing things based on new info or old info or the usual speculation?
I personally don't care where it's manufactured or assembled, but really hope it ships from Texas if nothing else to avoid the customs fee of which I don't have money for right now, all I can say is I hope this next case examination is a green light and that Craig's optimism about January shipping is realized so we can all just get out of this when/if stuff and on to so many fun things to see and do.
I don't know about the boards, but they aren't populated in the same place where the PCBs are actually created, so I don't know whether they are both in China or not. They are definitely being assembled in Texas, though (or most of them will be), unless that's changed in the last week or two.