Ideas For Animations.


Still Fresh
Jan 3, 2009
Every time I look at these pictures of the pandora logo, it makes me think about an animation that would be cool :

The pandora box looks like (a little) to an alien with its legs fold up on himself.

So, picturing one of these screenshots with the word pandora , without the logo...
You could have the walking alien coming from the left of the screen, walking toward the logo and stopping just in front of it. Then folding on himself, morphing into the pandora box.
Then from the top of the box would come out a powerfull ray of light (it can be a rainbow as seen in the "rainbow panda" thread. And with the same things as suggested in that thread:
"How about some small characters (like a bubble bobble dragon, a pac-man, a mario..a spaceship from a shoot them up, a sword, a joystick, some console shapes, a monkey from Monkey Island... anything that reminds retro-games).If you want to show that the pandora can do more, you could also put a music note, an antenna (for wifi), a computer screen...etc..."

Some *lame* ascii representation (which makes me think it could be done in ascii art too...).
The dots are there because spaces are not conserved.



Given these ascii pictures, the alien could be replaced with a spaceship as well...

A variation of this could be that there is nothing on the screen first , the alien do it's stuff and the word "pandora" comes at the end, with a slogan like
"mini box - maxi power"
"mini box - mighty power"
"all mini - all mighty"

The word pandora can come in many ways (appearing, falling from the top, coming from the right, or coming out from the box itself.

Another variation (with or without the alien stuff) is the box is on the right of the screen , the "pandora" word comes form the left and bump into the box. Every time there's a bump, something get out of the box (one of the images mentionned before fixed or animated).
Many variation on this "mario" thing, like the box in the center of the screen, the word "pandora" flying under, going left, right , up, down. Every time the logo hits the bottom of the box, something pops up from the pandora (mario style).

Magician style : plenty of small icons (representing game characters and other functions the pandora can do) enter the box (from left, top...), then the word pandora get out of the box from another side.
Actually, for a "magician style", you would have to either see the box shaking or have some magic wand hitting the box...

Plenty of possibilities... just need to... think outside the box !
