Since All We Are Getting Is A Fedex Box

Monk said:
God Ginrai said:
Monk said:
I may have a solution to your wanting something better than a shipping box though - have you ordered one of the carry cases?
I have already ordered the carrying case as well. But if you have to ask that question, then you don't understand why I want a box. The box is something I plan to keep. It's a memory, just as much as the system itself. It's a collector's mentality. I've done it with just about every item of importance I have purchased, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

-God Ginrai

Well, we now have a definiive "It may, or it may not" from Chip. Which may not help you very much but...

I've often been at odds with "the collector's mindset" sinc eI tend to hold that things like comics should be USED (read in that case) and not just sealed up in a plastic baggie and never touched by human hands... but you're seriously telling me that "collector's mindset" has gotten so extreme now that you'll obsess over the POSSIBILITY of a labelled stirage container to hoard?

Don't get me wrong - I am a terrible hoarder myself. Including boxes for long-ago equipment, stored in the loft and shed. but that's at least of things that existed - I've never wished for a "nicer box" for XY or Z in order to collect it. I usually am fairly fixeted on wanting the XY or Z to be the best it can.

Do you plan on USING your Pandora? (curious)

I'm not a full-on collector. I don't subscribe to the belief that if you keep them MISB that the money you will get from them later will make up for all the time that you aren't using them. I open all of my things, unless I have doubles for some reason. Then I keep one in the box. Once again, I must stress that it is the memory that the box represents that is important to me, not it's market value years later.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
I'm not a full-on collector. I don't subscribe to the belief that if you keep them MISB that the money you will get from them later will make up for all the time that you aren't using them. I open all of my things, unless I have doubles for some reason. Then I keep one in the box. Once again, I must stress that it is the memory that the box represents that is important to me, not it's market value years later.
Cool. Nostalgia isn't something I've ever been self-aware enough to plan for in advance - a most excellent idea. More people could benefit from increased forward planning :)

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Do fish get thirsty? Take the dumb test now.
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I meant exactly what I said :rolleyes:

We would like to do a retail box, but if for whatever reason we can't, then it's not going to hold up the rest of the project. There is no definite decision either way.
Thanks Chip. Should we set a stopwatch going to time how long it takes until someone says we definately will or definately won't get a pretty box? Or asks why they can't pay via cc? Or whether they'll lose their place in the queue if they don't pay for a Pandora? Or... you should have a FAQ ;)
Monk said:
(a bunch of stuff *snip*)
You know, I could have quoted him directly but I didn't think people were going to be THAT freaking literal. FINE, he didnt say that but he did say a box was secondary to getting the who process done, he also said it would add extra expense and push back the release which I took to mean "we'd like to but we arnt going to" which is why I said it.

again this dosent change the fact that those truths remain: 1. more expensive 2. delays the release and 3. secondary. Free Fedex boxes mean no cost to them, means they dont have to come out of pocket any more for a project they're already in the hole for at this point so why, WHY oh why would they bother right now?

Sure in the future they'll have a pretty box for everyone but continuing to demand a fancy box now isnt going to make it happen any more that it was before your post , thus I dont see the point in arguing about it.
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Alpha2 said:
(Attempt to save face *snip*)
Chip said that they will work on the necessities list, and then work on the secondary list if possible without delay. It might cause a delay, but there could also arise some situation where they are really dead on their feet and can't do any of the necessities. At this point, they may work on the secondary list in the mean time.

-God Ginrai
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Alpha2 said:
Monk said:
(a bunch of stuff *snip*)
You know, I could have quoted him directly but I didn't think people were going to be THAT freaking literal. {more stuff snipped}

What part of:

Alpha2 said:
What is so ambiguous about Chip saying very clearly 'We'd like to but we're not going to', I mean seriously how hard is that to understand when he says it in clear english?

It'd be nice, but it would cost more and delay shipping the first batch so they arnt going to. Simple, end of discussion. Have a nice day!
Did you not meant to be taken "literally"? The "Have a nice day!" bit? ;)

As I beleive I've said, you have your interpretation - but that doesn't make it "the truth", it only makes it your reading, your interpretation of the situation. No more.
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I'd happily turn my attentions to posting about how groovy my :pandora1: is to use - if I could but use it. There's a big lack of substance to talk about with the units not having been made yet, which leaves room for idle chatter and insubstantial posts :(
Eniko said:
mali said:
What a big babble about nothing this thread has turned into...

I've been sensing a pattern like that in many threads here lately. ;)

Yep, keyboard layout discussions for example :lol: It's easy to get worked up about stupid things, when there's nothing substantial to talk about. I'll take a little break and check the blog for the CNC update :)
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'Butterman' said:
I love that box so much. But I would really rather we got our Pandoras as early as possible, rather than faffing about with a box.
You may order a box afterwards, haha. :P
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'craigix' said:
Maybe the only heart should be after 'open' and the others changed to minimal symbols for what the unit can do? Icons for Web, Email, Games etc.
+ 1 to that. It looks a ton more slick than just slapping the product on the side of it at an angle :P
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