ASK, Strumstrum, Tommy, Line O'Stevens
Welcome to the community!
The community centered around the GP2X is one of the best things about owning one. The folks here are extreemly helpful,creative and talented. Scarce a day goes by that some new unthought of application/program/emulator/homebrew game/mod shows up to wow folks with its usefulness and inginuity.
Let me first direct you guys to the ultimate links topic by Paradox:
Ultimate Links
Many of your questions about video encoding programs/joystick mods, etc. are covered in this section. If you lose the page its pinned/stickied in the general forum.
DaveC and Radek and others are working on a Dpad replacement kit option at present.
Dpad replacement kit
Check out the ultimate links topic to see joystick mods/caps/tips in this area. Also try a Search about specifics with the search tool at the top of the main page.
Strum Strum:
Neo Geo emulation is spectacular albiet a little tough to set up at first-Check out the help forums as there are several great guides for this. NEO GEO is at this point a crown jewel in the GP2X'S Crown as are the Mame and Sega Genesis emulators. You wont be without a great lineup of games with this little baby!
There are many mac users here. And yes, there are freeware programs to encode video for mac. Try the links page, and if you dont find one there try searching the forums with the search function at the top of the page - its a common question with new users with macs.
Under normal usage the hard screen protector is pretty durable and scratch proof. Ive been pretty rough on mine cramming it in and out of a too small neoprene handspring visor soft case and havent managed to scratch it yet. And if you do...hell, a replacement one only costs 6 dollars US(about the same as a screen protector). If your worried get a screen protector anyway. The most annoying thing about the screen is its SIZE in comparison to the controls. Im always leaving thumbprints on the sides of the screen after rocking some games. It may cause you to compulsively clean the screen-just use a small microfibre cloth and you'll be golden.
Line O'Stevens:
Gatorooze' input is a good one. Ive had some port trouble in the past and switching to a different usb port fixed the problem. But you will find that nothing replaces a good card reader for speed of transfer/reliability.
Check out the
Best Deals Topic pinned/stickied in the general forum.
Shikaku posted a $3.00 US(including shipping!)Card Reader that everyone has had great luck with.
3.00 Card Reader Link In Review
Once again, Welcome to the club! I know you're gonna love having a GP2X!...I know I do!