GamesCom, Shoulderbuttons and Heating

I think one big button bit to pressure points would be easier than, like the d-pad but only the up/down part. You would have the ease of one button if the game only supports one.
For the inner outer to work, the inner would have to be circular just at the tip of the finger, and you press the rest with the joint.
If the inner button sticks out more than the outer button it could stay fairly thin.  That might cause problems for pocketing it, or using shoulder buttons for media control when in a pocket.
One more photo from the booth, you can see the Pandora connected to a screen just like the Pyra. Pyra (devboard!) on a screen looked like a pc, resolution was nice and responded like a fast pc (even with emulators running).

I have seen the ones that don't have wires and always figured that if they did anything they would most likely shield the internal antenna.  I don't know how they are supposed to work, so my guess doesn't mean anything.
True, if magic could give better results everyone would use it.
It would be nice to see video of the booth if possible, but I guess you do not have the equipment on you. 
I actually made a video (in 3D), but I'm not someone to post material of other people online. I'll have to do some editing, and ED also posted a video of the Pyra setup already.

And I'm not that savvy with editing videos :-P

Also have photos of the Pyra shirt and another Pyra item (I see ED posted the pictures on twitter, so I'll add them later!), but I'll let ED show those first (also, thanks ED!).

Shirt is also available in the shop:

(edit: added picture)

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I have discovered that it is essential to be able to double-sholder with only index finger for keyboard commands.  To make the most value and intuitivity out of placing ctrl+alt on shoulders, it needs to be easy to press.

Throwing the middle finger into the mix means you cant use them to support the device from underneath, which is needed when keyboard typing. Otherwise the underside of the index knuckle is trying to hold the whole device, if you could even pull that off.

The playstation controller solved this by having grips you could latch onto by gripping around it, there is no such grip on the pyra.

TL;DR   Being able to press 2 buttons on one shoulderside with one finger, yes please.
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I still can't believe how fast this project is moving.  Maybe it is because right now I don't have time in my life to be on the forums every day like I was with the Pandora but wow, this is really moving along.

With the upper two shoulder buttons I'm not that concerned with them being functional in game, for me personally.  With the Pandora I sat down with all the Playstation games I owned and the ones that did use 4 shoulder buttons the 'extra two' were used mainly in menus.  I don't own or play any fighting games besides ones on SNES so for me if they're not comfortable to use in-game I won't be disappointed.

In desktop they would be great to have though, I think it was in this thread I read that when your fingers are near the keys the two extra shoulder buttons are comfortable to use.

I just hope this won't turn into a fiasco and hold the Pyra back for months and months like the uneven plastic color in the Pandora case did.  If the two extra shoulder buttons aren't fixed within the amount of case revisions to get everything else working then just leave it at they're there and are pressable.  There shouldn't be 12 case revisions trying to just tweek the shoulder buttons to perfection.
I think they are putting the same effort into the product now as with the Pandora, but with the Pandora there was a lot of issue and learning to do that isn't applicable now.
Also there is help from the current developing companies, my experience with Asian companies is that you have to put more work into it to get the results you expect.
But I do feel everything is going pretty fast right now compared to the Pandora, but I don't mind. We still have to wait till next year at least.
Throwing the middle finger into the mix means you cant use them to support the device from underneath, which is needed when keyboard typing. Otherwise the underside of the index knuckle is trying to hold the whole device, if you could even pull that off.
I never even considered changing my Pandora grip to access the Pyra buttons. But then I only use one finger from each hand on even modern Playstation controllers.
ED should have a rhythm game (StepMania, Frets of Fire...) configured for the shoulder buttons to try how they fare in prolonged active use :)


Unless I am mistaken, ED is sitting with his Pandora in his back pocket.  Since I doubt that is one of the metal cases, I have some questions.


Is this something you do often?

Have you had to replace your case, and if so how frequently?

Is this a standard case (not a prototype or something) and if so is it one of the newer ones?

Why are you hogging the NES? You could have played a game with the people around you. :P


Are there other Pandora sitters?

If so, have you replaced your case, and how well does it hold up with such rough use?

I will be using mine a lot more during the day starting tomorrow (but not sitting on it), so I will need it ready to go at all times, and I won't be lugging it around in my Pelican case if I can avoid it.  For me, now, the sooner the metal cases are done the better.
I don't sit on mine. I regularly carry it in the front left pocket of dress slacks/khakis or in the cargo pocket on shorts. When I'm stuffed in an airline seat I move it to my front left shirt pocket with the headphone cable pulling down the pocket corner. Not elegant, but then there is nothing elegant about flying these days.

I giggle and smirk at the idea so many of you are using a Pelican case for general use. It's a clam shell device. Close it, shove it in a pocket and go. If I were planning to take my Pandora on safari - or even backpacking - then I'd want that kind of protection on it.
ED and Askarus could be brothers. :D

The boy onto the right side of ED plays onto an interesting multi-Konsole-thingy it seems. Looks this thing eats up alot of different Cartridges.