Release FreeSpace 2


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is a port of FreeSpace 2.


There are still some glitches in some menu (mainly Yes/No confirmations). Controls are setup for the Pandora, go to options to have the list of controls. Thanks to cube48 for his layout.

For those who don't have the full game, I have put a Demo PND Ready2Run here. The Demo feature an advanced level inside a nebula (beside a skipable training), with lots of action, big ship, and many fighter. It's not an original level, but will give you a good taste of what Freespace 2 can be. The Demo Build number is now the same as the full pnd.

This port is Hardware accelerated, using OpenGLES1

History log

Build 07

  • Fixed mouse buttons issues
  • Default config is now the Pandora one
  • Fixed a potential segfault
  • Added script to automatically extract GoG data from setup exe
Build 06

  • Added option to Not have mouse button on Shoulder: create a .noshouldermb file in apdata/freespace2
  • Compatible with latest Video Drivers
Build 05

  • Removed menu to select nub configuration
  • Nub config is now driven by the left_nub and right_nub files
  • Mouse button hardwired to Right & Left Shoulders
  • NUb as Joystick is now usable as Z & Rx axis (to Throttle and Rotate)
  • Rompiled the code, should be a bit faster.
Build 04

  • Added a menu to select nub configuration
Build 03

  • Corrected a bug with key label
  • Corrected a bug with Custom Pandora control that prevented tutorial to be completed.
Build 02

  • Corrected texture Red/Blue that was inversed before
  • Default setting adapted to the Pandora
  • Force left nub as mouse buttons, right nub as mouse.
Build 01

  • Initial release
Go and save the galaxy ;)

The full sources are available on my github:
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Short note: I learned that opengl1 is faster then opengl2. One reason is that opengl2 uses most times per pixel lightning in the shaders (calculate the angle between light and pixelposition for each pixel). Opengl1 uses per vertex lightning and interpolates the few calculated vertex light values to all pixel, which is faster (but no so beautiful). So it is maybe not so bad, you use the opengl1 port for non ghz pandora owners:).

Left per vertex lightning | right per pixel lightning.

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And this one too  :wub:

Freespace 1 & 2 on pandora… My dream has come true.

It smells like roasted Shivans around here  B)

(I despise the "friend" that lost my Freespace 1 & 2 original CDs. I was able to buy back Freespace 2 from GoG, but right now, I can't afford Freespace 1… :angry:   )

Damn, if I want to play some freespace, I need to make some freespace on my SD  :lol:
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About FPS, you can show fps by adding "ShowFPS=1" to the "general" section of the frespace.ini file situated on appdata/freespace2/home.

On my Gigahertz, I have more than 40fps during tutorial. I will not be abble to test on other model before this WE, but I'm interested in stats for latter levels on differents model.

Also, do you think I should fix Nub configuration as "FPS" or "Dual Analog" on start or just let it as is?
Darn I wish I did not have an Apple computer  :angry: :(

Guess I have to pass on this gem..but I am glad to read it does work well on the Pandora  ;)  ...yes a bit of envy here.

Congrats ptitSeb keep getting better man!! 
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I've got 30FPS during the tutorial with my 600Mhz Pandora! Great work! Thanks!

Edit: Pandora running at 800Mhz
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Freespace 2 froze for me on the tutorial right when it said "The first function you will learn is targeting. [Press T] Target my fighter." I pressed T and it's completely stuck, nothing's happening. 900Mhz, Rebirth. GOG edition.
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Freespace 2 froze for me on the tutorial right when it said "The first function you will learn is targeting. [Press T] Target my fighter." I pressed T and it's completely stuck, nothing's happening. 900Mhz, Rebirth. GOG edition.
I have run tutorial a couple of time and didn't get that. I still have to test it on Rebirth and CC version, but I don't think it can cause a hang like you discribe. I suggest you re-copy the data files maybe.

I have inverted red/blue. It's better now. I will publish a new version this weenk en I think.
It froze up on me once on my CC unit.. but worked fine after that.. I have a feeling it's a flaky bug.. 
I didn't capture it, but I will be spending a long roadtrip with my Pandora(s) this weekend.. so I may have enough time to catch this bug.
Darn I wish I did not have an Apple computer  :angry: :(
Why ? Buy the CDs and install it via wine, or buy the releases and extract its content

@ptitSeb Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did that with my GoG copy, worked like a charm…

Probably best to use winebottler on mac, it's really easy to use.
Thanks Kodeln and thatgui....this worked perfectly . I really appreciate your help here. ..and real easy to use too.  ;)
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This is fabulous.  That said, I'm lazy, I'm gonna wait for joystick nub support.

My only suggestion for controls: it's been more than a decade since I played it, but I dimly recall it supporting the hat on joysticks for picking weapons.  Given the Pandora's nubs, it might be nice to have that on both the D-pad and the right analog stick.  Yes?  No?