Serial Porter
Fixed Demo PND, that was broken. Grab Build 03 
Hi there, and welcome.Hey, FS2Open dev here, this looks like some pretty awesome work. Looked at your source diff from the FS1 thread, it looks like you're using a common binary with the FS1 and FS2 game data somehow? And it also seems the code was based off of SVN revision 318? We are actually looking at getting the SCP Core Profile compatible, and possibly also OpenGL ES compatible after that. This might allow something like Diaspora, The Babylon Project, or the pending Star Wars: Fate of the Galaxy mods to be playable on Pandora then.
Nope, only ETC1 and PVRTC. I think the hardware may support S3TC, but it requires a licence and as far as I know no powervr opengles drivers support it.Isn't S3 compression supported by powervr chipsets?
Yes the color space conversion (BGRA -> RGBA) slow video, and for now, DXTC is a no-go. I suppose I can hack some kind of support inside glshim, but I'm not sure about licensing issue (it should be ok as long as it's not in hardware, but I have to check).Retail data was just PCX with a built in converter, but most mods use DirectX Texture Compression (DXTC) which is supposed to be natively supported by most video cards and therefore allows storing the compressed textures in memory and saving texture space. I believe the latest version of TBP (might need the Zathras patch found on the Community Development subforum of TBP on should be using almost exclusively .dds (Direct Draw Surface) maps, which are compressed with one variant or another of DXTC. The combination of glshim and DXTC and the color space swapping (BGRA vs RGBA) might be causing some issues, not sure. We hope to get native OpenGL Core Profile soon though, which should also allow native OpenGL ES support with little work, and eliminate the glshim step. Look for new versions of FSO to be released much more rapidly in the coming months, as I've just about finished fully automating the release build process, in a similar vein to the nightly build script I wrote years ago. That should allow features to find their way into stable SCP releases much faster, and encourage more dev activity as well. We'll also be moving to Github soon, so if you do feel like making any contributions to the SCP to help with OpenPandora support it will be as simple as submitting pull requests.
Yep, that code base support both FS1 & FS2 (and the demo version too), but not at the same time, there are some Makefile variable to set. It's basically the original released sourcecode + linux/opengl support yet.Also, I was the head of the SCP for several years until just recently and I didn't even know that icculus website existed, or had long forgotten. Seems it's just a much much older revision of the SCP codebase, back when not much had been done except adding OpenGL and Linux support. Still curious about one thing, and that's how it seems to natively support FS1 data. As far as I know, the current SCP builds can't do that, due to slight differences in table formats, map and model chunk data, etc. Did that just work for you, or am I misunderstanding something?
I don't think there are any sources available for Freelancer, sorry.Dug. this out from a compilation CD which ive had years and not played, it runs really well on my CC unitcant believe i missed this for so long, even the menus are readable with my bad eyesight, thanks PtitSeb! by the way it cam on a CD with a game i DID want which was Freelancer, now that is a game i'd love to see on the Pandora, would it be theoretically possible given that its smaller than. freelancer, and seems to have the same PC specs (showing my ignorance again :unsure: )