Gpquake 0.6 Beta


Certified Guru
May 15, 2003
Newark, UK

Only a beta release at the minute. Lots of new stuff including a little speed increase (thanks to gcc 4.0.1), but I think saved games may be even more broken (hence why this is only a beta). I've been trying lots of hacks to get the saved games working, and I've managed to reduce the saving time, but I'm still getting corrupt files (shouldn't corrupt any other config files any more though). I'm not sure if it's still quake at fault or if my smc is finally on it's way out, so please let me know your experiences with loading and saving. If you have saved games from 0.5 that work then make a backup first as you could easily lose them by running this version!

Demos are also now working in this version, which means the timedemo command also works. If you have a chatboard, type 'timedemo demo1' (or demo2 or demo3) into the console and it will play through the demo then at the end you will be shown the average frames per second. Could some kind person with a chatboard who can overclock high (200mhz+) please do me a favour and post all average fps values from 160mhz upwards (I can only reach 160mhz on a good day). You could even post values with turbo on/off and doublesize on/off if you get bored :). The 200mhz value should be particularly interesting as it should show the worse possible case for gpx2Quake (assuming the gpx2 doesn't have hardware floating point - I've seen posts that say it will have but I'm not going to get my hopes up until I have actual hardware in my hands).

Here's the full list of changes -

Approx 10% speed increase (roughly 1 fps) by compiling with gcc 4.0.1 (tested at 160mhz with 'timedemo demo1').
CD emulation added (11khz 8bit mono wav). (check the readme for music instructions)
Console commands that interact with files now work (eg map).
FPS optimisation variables taken from fuhquake (r_fastsky, r_fastturb).
Removed unnecessary options (mouse speed and invert mouse).
Demos fully enabled, but not activated automatically for loading speed reasons. Press start on menu before starting game to see demos (or use playdemo command).
Timedemo command now available (plays demo and calculates average fps - very useful for testing the effect of optimisation variables).
Added cmdlist and cvarlist console commands.
Status bar is visible in doublesize mode. Can be toggled on/off in options screen (or with doublesizestatus 0).
Games save quicker.
Doublesize mode bugfix when saving doublesize settings.
Darn, I don't have my gp32_console with me right now. :(

How are the framerates like on "normal" consoles, say, at 156MHz?


Hm, if the new version is 1FPS faster and that equals a 10% increase, it runs at around 11 FPS now on a 160MHz GP? I guess that means I won't be able to play it any time soon. :-S
Can't quite remember and my gp32 is playing up and won't clock to 156 at the minute :(. I think it was something like 8.3 average at 156mhz on demo1 (160mhz was about 8.6). In a smallish room or corridor you will usually see something around 12 I think. That speed is fairly playable, but you should probably also turn on doublesize and turbo mode to give a nice speed boost. I wouldn't ever expect the framerates to jump up much higher than that in future versions (most optimisations and hacks that have been implemented only bring the framerate up by <0.5fps each time).
Dryer Lint posted on Aug 10 2005 at 09:28 PM said:
Darn, I don't have my gp32_console with me right now. :(

How are the framerates like on "normal" consoles, say, at 156MHz?


Hm, if the new version is 1FPS faster and that equals a 10% increase, it runs at around 11 FPS now on a 160MHz GP? I guess that means I won't be able to play it any time soon. :-S

??? I`ve been able to play it since I know of it ;) played through shareware, now playing through full version... besides that you can change quality to get speed increases... did you even try any of the other versions, before making statements?
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Quiest posted on Aug 10 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
??? I`ve been able to play it since I know of it ;) played through shareware, now playing through full version... besides that you can change quality to get speed increases... did you even try any of the other versions, before making statements?

Not yet, I barely have my GP32 for a while now and I filled my only SMC up already with other stuff. But I will try this really soon.

I didn't mean to insult the developers hard work, but I'm pretty sensitive about low framerates. I don't even play Sonic with DrMD, because the choppyness annoys me. And sadly, playing without sound is not an option for me.
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Dryer Lint posted on Aug 10 2005 at 07:58 PM said:
I don't even play Sonic with DrMD, because the choppyness annoys me. And sadly, playing without sound is not an option for me.


even at 133 sonic should be ok??? no

I have it set at 144mhz and it plays fine
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Didn`t you even try to play Sonic on the new DrMD versions before making statements? :P

They really work fine, no choppy gameplay or whatever!
Jaw posted on Aug 10 2005 at 09:17 PM said:
very good work!
get about 15-21 fps on a 200mhz on high detail :)

About 11-14fps @ 180mhz drops to 7 is busy/large areas like before though but very pleased, good work...

0.5 version saves load and I saved the game on this version 0.6 and turned off the GP32 and then it loaded fine.

Ever thought of Porting Duke Nukem 3d :)
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Can I use a demo wad of some sort? I'm kinda confused on how to get it to work :blink:
yes put pak0.pak in gpquake/id1 if i remember right.

readme.txt said:
Installing and running:

Put gpQuake.fxe in "gp:\gpmm\"
Put gpQuake.qbi in "gp:\gpmm\quake\"
Put quake datafiles (*.pak) files in "gp:\gpmm\quake\id1\"
Put other mod folders in "gp:\gpmm\quake\"
Put wav files in "gp:\gpmm\quake\cd\"
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played it at very high and 166 full screen. it ran better than i thought. 8 - 17 fps. played the first 3 levels then tried to save and it worked, but when i tried to load that save game i got an error about some missing *.dat if i remember correctly.
anyway, nice release.
ah crap!

i'm really interested in beta 0.6

but currently my gp32 decided to a) screw up my smc B) after fixing the smc pacrom pclink mode won't work.
Wow thats great!
Even nice playable at 166mhz!!

Can you tell me a good mod which runs on the gp32??
Tryed a game called Prydon Gate. (

It's an RPG!! Playable but a bit slow. And its a problem without
chatbord... I think there are to much important commands.
Maybe i can play it better by editing the config...

But now we can play a 3D RPG on our Gp32 :P

I also tryed Galaxy. A shoot'em up. But I could run it... a weird message appeard.