We should probably just try to get the P1 sorted out first, there is a lot to talk about when it comes to any P2, the 'band' would have to get back together again and all that.
It's that difficult second album.
That's the most encouraging thing that I've read (from you) literally in years

. There is a bit of wisdom and acknowledgement of the worth of the other "band members" in that post. The people in the know can read between the lines; they know. Only they can speak for themselves. Most of us Pandora fans/owners have seen the tirades and arguments on the forums and have worried and verbally lashed out at times...like wayward children upset and void of direction. It's no fun being dysfunctional.
No doubt the distance has widened between the band members since the first delays and Circuit Co's blunders and the project started to hemorrhage money ...nothing seemed to get written down, no contracts, people just went along believing that things were in the up and up. Us Pandora lovers were left to wonder WHY? What is happening behind the scenes? Why all of the delays? A lot of it is known, but I wonder what an incredible story it would be, IF and when you're all on proper financial footing for once. I'd buy that book and relish it. ALL OF IT. Volcano's erupting, fragile plastic Chinese cases, the ever elusive tv-out cables... The stress and lack of financial success has caused a rift amongst the members and maybe the "band" can't forgive each other's real and perceived transgressions, but it'd be great to see you all breathe a bit easier and in time , look back at what you've all accomplished.
Oh the famous pitfalls and setbacks, the delays trying to get the cases from China...I lived vicariously through the OP Team...suffering none of the pain myself, but I really was always rooting for "the band" and the preodering groupies. Anyway, THANK YOU ALL...Craig and Evil Dragon and Notaz, and Fatih and Mr. Weston and Skeezix and Link (there I go again...I'll forget somebody)... I'm just happy with what "the band" created. Just reading and watching from afar over the years has been a dizzying process.
I may get frustrated at times and I've only had this great piece of hardware for a month now (I realize that Two Months would've been funnier, but also inaccurate).

Anyways, the steeper learning curve is all a part of it's charm. Most times you have to struggle and fight for what's important and that struggle somehow defines us as human beings and Pandora fans. I wish you all well trying to clear the last of the queues...and please forgive my somewhat brash demeanor, I mean well...I'm just so friggin' excited to finally have something to talk to you all about - I'm learning as well.
Please...one day, let someone write and publish this living novel..."Pandora - The Open Box".
...or something to that affect... Keep rocking, and don't let anyone get you down, Craig...including yourself. PEACE.