Final Logo Poll

My favourite is...

  • Logo Nr. 1

    Votes: 147 55.3%
  • Logo Nr. 2

    Votes: 119 44.7%

  • Total voters

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Whie I think the dp hint in 1) is a cool feature, it feels quite non-technical, and therefore more generic than the other one. So I prefer the second logo.
I don't like either first one is two generic and the second looks like a clothing logo for pants that reveal ones underwear. None of them I like , none of them really seem pleasant to my eyes. I really liked the Pandora logo.. these ones I don't

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...the fact that #1 has been used by other companies already makes this not worth considering imo. Someone linked another instance of that design used for some company, and I've seen it on the side of a van myself, though at a 90degree angle, but still.

I do like that #1 comprises the device make and model initials, just think the logo used has to be unique
Didn't comradekingu already point out in the previous topic that #2 is just as similar to other company logos as #1 is?

-God Ginrai

From what I recall, I think he did, yes.

But, #2 was similar, and personally I didn't think it was that similar anyway, whereas #1 is not similar to other logos, it is other logos. I forget where it was posted now, but someone put up a link to a page which had that logo and I'm sure it was exactly the same, not just similar.

Having an influence or similarity is one thing, straight copy is another, and probably not what we'd want to go with, not just for lack of originality purposes, but there might be some copywrong permissions even or the likes eh
I don't really see a flame in #2, only some kind of pyramid -- which is not that bad for a pyra logo, but it's not quite the right etymological connection.

The main problema I have with #2 is that it reminds me of NVIDIA, and that it's not an ambigram.
Well, now I'm set on voting for 2 just because it seems to get under your skin. :)
That's your perogative. But that's still letting things other than design and aesthetics guide your decision for a logo.


OH MAN! How am I supposed to help a certain someone understand a perfectly reasonable concern when they are being snarky and exaggerating beyond belief!
You have no room to speak. You reiterated twice that it looked like "tribal art" but never explained your reasoning for why it looked like it even when asked. edgex004 ended up making an argument for you.

...the fact that #1 has been used by other companies already makes this not worth considering imo. Someone linked another instance of that design used for some company, and I've seen it on the side of a van myself, though at a 90degree angle, but still.

I do like that #1 comprises the device make and model initials, just think the logo used has to be unique
Didn't comradekingu already point out in the previous topic that #2 is just as similar to other company logos as #1 is?

-God Ginrai
I pointed out the chance of getting sued in relation to what exists. It seems smaller companies are using 1 in various varieties. Stealing that knowingly, no matter how original the idea, doesnt make the writing on the wall any different. Imo thats immoral.

More troubling is that volcom uses something which in their view is similar to 2, which is to say they have sued much bigger companies than dragonbox out of using something that looks much less like theirs than 2 does.

Take your pick.

My opinion of value is for printing on the lid since thats what i'm concerned with. Rotational symmetry, magic elements and that it cant easily be done away with if a company so chooses is why i think other things are more apt for use there.

Also I'm concerned with ideas about leds, protrusion, material, formatting, spacing, light diffraction and so on, but thats because my mind doesn't rest unless someone made the effort to make it so.
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edgex004 ended up making an argument for you. see, the thing with that is.....I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A RATHER BIG MATH TEST. I didn't exactly have the time to post a well composed, well reasoned argument against your willful obliviousness/ignorance. edgex004 happened to write up a post that quite effectively summed up most of what I was feeling about this thing about the logo. It was quicker at the time to agree with someone who essentially said about what I would have said.
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Love the look of number one but seems I'm in a small minority

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I dunno shadow, right now your with the masses, 52.89% of votes are for number 1
But, #2 was similar, and personally I didn't think it was that similar anyway, whereas #1 is not similar to other logos, it is other logos. I forget where it was posted now, but someone put up a link to a page which had that logo and I'm sure it was exactly the same, not just similar.

Having an influence or similarity is one thing, straight copy is another, and probably not what we'd want to go with, not just for lack of originality purposes, but there might be some copywrong permissions even or the likes eh
 No, #1 was also similar, not the same. It was not the same logo as any other logo.

I don't really see a flame in #2, only some kind of pyramid -- which is not that bad for a pyra logo, but it's not quite the right etymological connection.
 There's a flame in #2? see, the thing with that is.....I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A RATHER BIG MATH TEST. I didn't exactly have the time to post a well composed, well reasoned argument against your willful obliviousness/ignorance. edgex004 happened to write up a post that quite effectively summed up most of what I was feeling about this thing about the logo. It was quicker at the time to agree with someone who essentially said about what I would have said.
I don't care if you were drowning in quicksand at the time. That does not give you an excuse to say that you tried to help me understand something when you did not.

-God Ginrai
After someone linking the "double penetration" article, I can't unsee the connection between that and logo 1 :|
Not many would think that. Besides, are you going to think that every time you look at the letters in DragonBox Pyra?
There's a flame in #2?
If there is one, I don't see it either.
I don't care if you were drowning in quicksand at the time.

-God Ginrai
Fuse them together and see what happens. ;)
Fix'd :P
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But, #2 was similar, and personally I didn't think it was that similar anyway, whereas #1 is not similar to other logos, it is other logos. I forget where it was posted now, but someone put up a link to a page which had that logo and I'm sure it was exactly the same, not just similar.

Having an influence or similarity is one thing, straight copy is another, and probably not what we'd want to go with, not just for lack of originality purposes, but there might be some copywrong permissions even or the likes eh
No, #1 was also similar, not the same. It was not the same logo as any other logo.
You're right, I had to just dig and check it again as wasn't completely sure.

It's similar, but the curvature is different with the pointed ends aiming inwards, where our proposed logo aims them outwards, plus that other one didn't have the gaps

That other logo:


It is similar, but not the same
When I was a teenager, I definitely wanted a tribal tattoo. I later learned that, at least where I am from, tribal tattoos where assimilated by a subculture known around here as "douche."
edit: also I modified the #2 logo as I think it needed more balancing...

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I voted 1 because I really think an ambigram is what we need on the lid.

However, I'm not happy with 1 as it stands... it needs to be modified, perhaps even a lot.

Here is a variation I sketched this morning: (I'm not saying this is final, just a possibility, there are other tweaks I want to try as well)

Looks less dp, more flame like, and for those who really want to they can still see d ragonbox p yra if the really wish.

In my opinion this variation is more balanced and elegant. Did I mention it looks more like a flame? :)
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Looks less dp, more flame like, and for those who really want to they can still see d ragonbox p yra if the really wish.

In my opinion this variation is more balanced and elegant. Did I mention it looks more like a flame? :)
That might actually work.
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consider also what might look nice on homebrew games' splash startup screens...


you can see a face (which could have different moods based on different games), or a pi in a fire, which would look nice animated ;) .
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