Today I received DaveC's hand machined joystick cap in the mail.
I've been playing with it for about 6 hours or so. For me overall control is dramatically improved with the cap.
If you've seen the pictures of DaveC's mod you'll notice that it looks not unlike a birdbath. The top is recessed for your thumb to fit into. There are no sharp edges for your thumb to catch on the sides. I had got into the habit of using the edge of the stock stick for quick throws. Because his mod is bigger, and has no sharp edges it ment that I had to throw out the last month and a half of learning how to use the stock stick effectively. It didn't take me that long to get into speed with it, but I think it is worth mentioning that it felt awkward at first.
So I fired up Tail Tale to see if the stick would help me get farther in the game. I made it to level 27 which is astonishing considering my previous effort of 18 with the stock stick.
I let my wife have a go with it too. Mind you, she hasn't logged the first hour on my GP2X since I received it back in November. She just couldn't get the swing of the stock stick. After 15 minutes with it I realized I wasn't getting my 2x back soon.
Looks like I may be getting another GP2X for the house.
If you hate the stock stick, or lost it, or want to try something different I think it's worth a go. I highly recommend it.
edit: spelling and clarification
I had a PM question about the stick feeling awkward to me. Not so much the stick feeling awkward more of the transition from the crappy stock stick to the new one. The relearning as it were. I love DaveC's cap mod as it stands. 1000% better in my opinion then the stock stick.
I've been playing with it for about 6 hours or so. For me overall control is dramatically improved with the cap.
If you've seen the pictures of DaveC's mod you'll notice that it looks not unlike a birdbath. The top is recessed for your thumb to fit into. There are no sharp edges for your thumb to catch on the sides. I had got into the habit of using the edge of the stock stick for quick throws. Because his mod is bigger, and has no sharp edges it ment that I had to throw out the last month and a half of learning how to use the stock stick effectively. It didn't take me that long to get into speed with it, but I think it is worth mentioning that it felt awkward at first.
So I fired up Tail Tale to see if the stick would help me get farther in the game. I made it to level 27 which is astonishing considering my previous effort of 18 with the stock stick.
I let my wife have a go with it too. Mind you, she hasn't logged the first hour on my GP2X since I received it back in November. She just couldn't get the swing of the stock stick. After 15 minutes with it I realized I wasn't getting my 2x back soon.
If you hate the stock stick, or lost it, or want to try something different I think it's worth a go. I highly recommend it.
edit: spelling and clarification
I had a PM question about the stick feeling awkward to me. Not so much the stick feeling awkward more of the transition from the crappy stock stick to the new one. The relearning as it were. I love DaveC's cap mod as it stands. 1000% better in my opinion then the stock stick.