Release [Beta] UAE4All with new GUI

I like the new UI. Tried to load a game and it crashed straight out. Can't remember what game now, I'll try it again later and post details (hopefully)
Needed a different set of disks to get Lionheart working, thanks for the tips


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Nothing happens when I try to load the latest build of uae 2.0. The 'old uae4all' option works fine.

Am I doing something wrong?
Probably.. It works... Maybe delete your app data ( safe stuff first obviously ) and try again.. Sometimes I have to reboot..also I have noticed if I copy the .pnd from a usb stick and I don't unmount first when it loads it loads off the usb rather than where you copied it to..

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Good job indeed. The only slight annoyance in this new version is the fact that every time you pick an ADF disk, you have to scroll all the way down. IIRC, previous GUI was remembering where you were in the list. If you have a lot of ADF images, it can be boring to scroll through all the files each time you want to get DISK #2, for example. :)

Thank you!
I'm not having this problem, once I locate a disk, if I click on the next disk drive, it brings me straight back to that spot in my list
Indeed, but if you then launch the game, and come back to the GUI, the position is reset. So for games that don't support extra drives, or simply if you want to try a few games in a row, it can require to scroll all the way down again. Actually, having the possibility to jump up/down an entire page of games with L/R would be very handy too.
ah ok, I've most of my usual games on a HDF file, so I'm not normally using floppies too much on UAE4ALL nowadays. The older GUI used to allow you to speed through files using left and right on the d-pad, I'm guessing that's what you meant?(for some reason I instantly interpeted it as meaning the shoulder buttons!! :blink:  )
Actually I was really meaning the shoulder buttons, because left and right on the dpad already allow to switch between the OK and CANCEL buttons on the file selection dialog. But it's just a suggestion, and using left and right on the dpad would be fine by me too.
The right shoulder button is used for resetting the Amiga emulation, I'm not sure what the left one does in this new version?
Wow, the new GUI looks slick, can't wait to try this!

Thanks very much for your continued hard work on this emulator, TomB.  Wonderful stuff.
Got putty squad working on cc Pandora , it takes ages to load first the screen stays black for quite a long time then the system 3 logo comes up and is there for ages, then eventually the game pops up.
How well does it play on a CC Pandora? There's a whdload installer available for the game that makes the loading much faster (if you use a HDF file)
it takes ages to load first the screen stays black for quite a long time then the system 3 logo comes up and is there for ages, then eventually the game pops up.
In tab Floppy Drv, set Speed to 8x and loading is much faster.
:wacko:   :wacko:  I always forget about about that faster floppy drives option, mostly because years back when I was using a very old version of Win UAE on my good old Win98 machine, it really did not like anything more than 1xdrive speed, otherwise half the games would not load!
Here is a new version of uae4all with these changes to previous beta:

- Remember last position in file dialog
- Minor fixes and changes in navigation through controls
- Warning with path is shown if ROM file couldn't be found
- In file select dialog, hold left shoulder + up/down to navigate faster through list

If no bugs will be reported for this version, I put it to the Repo in a few days.


