Release Assembled Pandora Video

kattle87 said:
For the really first time in my life I realize how much HUGE is the battery compared to everything else. (Take as an example any handheld on the markerplace) This is why we are getting 10 hours I think :)
It's definetely worth it! Battery means a lot to me.
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Yeah, I don't mind about the thickness and that battery is the bomb....well hopefully not literally.
So many handhelds have lost sales due to having a rubbish battery.
Bring on the beef I say!
Thanks everyone, MichaelW and Dave have spent almost a year perfecting that!

I'll try to take a working FDM Pandora to Newcastle Uni next month if any of you are local enough to come along. There is food, and the pub after!
craigix said:
Thanks everyone, MichaelW and Dave have spent almost a year perfecting that!

I'll try to take a working FDM Pandora to Newcastle Uni next month if any of you are local enough to come along. There is food, and the pub after!
Sounds great, I work at the other 'Uni' ;-)
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Just to give an idea of how a completed prototype affects PR:

I was at my university lounge, when I stumbled upon the new video, so I was looking at it giddily when a few of my friends came up. After some time explaining it away (quite in depth, because one of my friends was determined to find the fatal flaw that makes it not that good a deal), everybody was pretty damn impressed and one guy decided that he will hold off on buying a netbook for this (which, I think will be a pretty common trend, as this fits the 'second computer' slot rather well).
I've also lost all interest in netbooks since I found the Pandora.
I already have a desktop-replacement laptop, why would I want to carry around a backpack just to carry around a smaller laptop??
The Pandora is like PDA-sized, it's awesome.
craigix said:
Thanks everyone, MichaelW and Dave have spent almost a year perfecting that!

I'll try to take a working FDM Pandora to Newcastle Uni next month if any of you are local enough to come along. There is food, and the pub after!

im in nottingham but id be interested to come along anyway. any chance you could let us know in advance (even if its just a day or 2) if you'll be taking a working unit with you?
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Not Bad. I like it. Sure as hell took long enough to see this..........and I would to see it actually turn on and maybe a few games to run.

I know i'll get a lot of flack for this but, would be nice if we could see it turned on and working.

At the moment, it looks just like another mock-up video of the new case.

Great Video, but please......some actual shots of it running something would be even better.

QUOTE would be nice if we could see it turned on and working.

This is Craig's latest twitter post:
I hope we can demo a working Pandora in case in the next 24 hours. The youtube video is up of the case in action. Exciting times!
j.pickens said:
Looks very different to me.
Check around 9 min into this video:
Has a plastic clamshell on the hinge, which is a separate part, and two plastic ears for the hinges on either end.

Just for future reference, a hinge is a piece of metal and has nothing to do with the plastic of the device it is attached to.

fusion_power said:
:o :blink: Uh oh... THAT hinge?:

See above, the metal hinge usually never breaks, only the plastic it is anchored to (or aluminum, magnesium, etc).

What you are probably worried about is the reinforcement of the hinge area.

I am glad we have a video. Hope we get a real playing one going soon ;).

This must feel very good for MWeston, after all it is his baby (so to speak).
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Crasherball said:
IMO its too thick O.o

(please bash me now, because I expressed my own opinion)

Gruso said:
I would never bash someone for expressing their opinion. However, I'd be tempted to roll my eyes at someone who had been here for six months, made around a hundred posts in the Pandora forum, and not known until now how thick it was.
its subjective...
I'm not "disappointed" or anything

PoisonedV said:
Additionally, by trying to pre-emptively stop people from actually bashing you with a sarcastic, insulting comment towards them, you juts invited even more 'bashing'.
no, its called reversed psychology ;)

Eversmile said:
Erm ok O.o *bash* Do you like anything about it?

yes, of course,
I love it!
its smaller then I've imagined!
but also thicker.
it wasn't suppose to be a "hate-post"
that is why I provoked you to bash me lol.

I'm still really excited about it.
but all the good things had been said, that's why I didn't mentioned em again ;)

I'm not one of those "omg, I just peed my pants!!!!"-guys -.-
.....annoying lol
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