The mighty inverse laplacinator
abiword doesn't work nearly as well as OO for importing word docs.... kinda hard to share code between a c/c++ and a java project I would think koffice would be sharing more code with abiword than OO
how about including a nice GTK theme and switcher.... my personal favortite is Wiiblack although crux and clearlooks are right up there
if you have only used abiword on windows.. that is why it looks bad it uses the genric gtk theme instead of the custom theme usually used on a *nix system
how about including a nice GTK theme and switcher.... my personal favortite is Wiiblack although crux and clearlooks are right up there
if you have only used abiword on windows.. that is why it looks bad it uses the genric gtk theme instead of the custom theme usually used on a *nix system