Hardware Pandora TV-out cable broken :(


Hardcore Member
Feb 16, 2012
Paris, France
I got my Pandora TV-out cable together with my Pandora in early 2014. I've only started using it recently, and after a few uses the plug that plugs into the Pandora broke.

I tried fixing it with duct tape but then I was only able to get both sound and image when I manually held the plug in place. After fiddling a bit more with it I finally broke one of the metal connector.

It always felt a bit fragile, especially since the plug is often weighed down by the RCA connectors. I'd like to know if this is a common problem or not or if it has been fixed in more recent cables, because I don't want to spend 20€ for another cable that will break after a few uses.
It's a problem with the connector itself, I've built 4 cables myself and I bought a two of the official TV out cables. I've had a bit of the ones I made myself break just by accidental pulls on the connector, the pins would pull out. The first official TV out cable I had the fell apart pretty quickly, just by a quick accidental tug. My current setup with my Rebirth unit I have my AV cables tied up so the cables itself won't put any weight on the connection. Even the small amount of weight of the AV cables themselves can slowly pull apart that connector. Which is sad I consider the build quality of the official TV out cables good, just the weak point is that jack.
I was very paranoid about my TV-out cable falling apart after early reports, and as it's the only way to see what my system is doing on my TV-out-only unit, it's kind of important to me. I built a rig out of a paperclip that keeps the cable from dropping under the weight of the connectors, which so far has stopped the pins from dropping out, but we'll have to see how long that lasts. I hope I can get a Pyra before it does!