The Big List Of Official Dev Team Updates


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
As you all know I'm not the author (thanks Chip for this), but this have some use I though it should be back :

March 3 Endian confusion ended
March 6 Volume slider issues
March 8 Volume slider and general dev update
March 13 blog opened
March 15 Expandbility updates
March 20 New pics on blog
March 21 Battery size, capacity and runtime announced
March 23 Final price confirmed
April 2 Graphics chip driver issue resolved
April 7 Wifi / PCB updates
April 11 Working on demos
April 14 General progress updates
April 18 Key shape change
April 21 Hardware LCD demo video
April 22 Dev boards shipping
April 25 LCD test slideshow video
April 26 Demo video
April 27 JTAG info, Battery charge time
April 30 Pandora vs EeePC vs full laptop image
May 1 How to get a dev unit
May 8 900MHz stable OC confirmed
May 10 Pandora vs DS Lite size comparison video
May 11 Release / preorder updates
May 12 Clarifications on first batch
May 15 Burr Brown DAC
May 21 Problem with dev boards
May 25 Preorders detailed
May 26 Dev updates, USB problems
May 30 Bluetooth officially added
June 4 Final version will be more streamlined
June 5 Dev board shipping fiasco
June 10 Final PCBs soon
June 11 Dev unit update
June 14 Analog nub problem
June 17 USB problem solved
June 22 Developer fund concept, Pandora guts / PSP / DS pic
June 24 Wifi chip photo
June 25 Various dev updates
June 27 Two months of suspend to RAM on a full battery
June 29 Power switch explained
July 3 Working on Linux, SDL soon
July 9 RAM & clock speed limitations explained
July 10 Final AV port with audio in/out
July 11 Custom nub
July 14 FBA demo video
July 15 Extended arcade demo compilation video
July 17 Pandora runs modified beagleboard kernel
July 18 T2K Jaguar emulation video
July 20 There is a standard battery of about 3200 which will fit the pandora
July 21 Fully complete prototypes in Aug.
July 24 PandaSNES videos: Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid
July 26 SNES @ 500Mhz gets 8.5 hours on the beta battery with full brightness.
July 27 Picodrive video
July 29 Half-resolution LCD mode, Quake II video, Blog post with many technical updates
Aug 6 Another shipping disaster
Aug 7 Case manufacturing details
Aug 8 OTG and AV connectors, Power supply connector and rating, 802.11,b,d,e,g,i,k
Aug 13 Pics of the final-ish assembled case
Aug 15 Confirmed OpenGL ES 1.1 support , Touchscreen details
Aug 16 New pre-order and ship date estimates
Aug 17 Promises to document the hardware.
Aug 19 HD demo video
Aug 25 Hardware OMAP bug
Aug 27 New renders of case pieces
Aug 30 Final analog nub video
Sep 5 Final production case coming in September
Sep 10 Pre-orders delayed Still on for Sep 30
Sep 12 UAE4Pandora (Amiga emulator) video
Sep 14 USB gamepad video
This is really interesting to see, how problems are dealt with by time.. also nice to see that things problems have been solved NOW, rather than leave it till the public find them... gp2x mk0 anyone?
*YES*, this is of use. Links (though many of them are back to gp32x) would be appreciated.

I would beg the devs to post cool stuff, and info to be disseminated widely as a new post, rather than a "reply on page 5" to some more obscure post. It's hard for some of us who don't read every post to catch up, and honestly search functions work very poorly on multi-page threads.

I hope a list like this could be maintained. This is the kind of info that would make me more confident about pre-ordering.

Even though it's not yours, thanks for posting.
TrevorBradley said:
*YES*, this is of use. Links (though many of them are back to gp32x) would be appreciated.
Every line in the original list linked back to the relevant post. The only non-gp32x links went to youtube.

Hopefully the old forums will be back up soon.
Chip said:
Every line in the original list linked back to the relevant post. The only non-gp32x links went to youtube.

Hopefully the old forums will be back up soon.

I don't remember this post. Was it stickied? (I swear that front page is evil... it makes me look only at new posts and not at old ones.)

And agreed on the return of gp32x.. :)

I don't think The Big List of Official Dev Team Updates is up to date? nothing about Ubunto?

Anyhows I just realised that I actually did receive the preorder email (twise I think), it's just that Opera didn't show it in the received or unread section, as recently I set up Opera to filter my emails and it automatically put it in another section, I would have expected it to still show in the unread section, but nevermind.

Hmm, well actually I received it 4 times, twise on two different email addresses I subscribed on, hehe.

But yea, as some might already know I checked out after a bit and made a preorder, hehe. Hmm, I think it was after I checked the forums and found messages that preorders had started, hehe.

Ahh I just realised why it didn't show my emails in the unread section, that is because I had Opera mark filtered messages as read :\, ohh well.

Yes, it was stickied.

There were a couple big announcements / videos in the last couple days before the forum crash, and I'll add them when it comes back up.
Chip do you have any contact with Hando? His email address is gone with the forums it seems, any news from anyone?
Nope. I had no means to contact him besides PMs and the email address in his profile. Sorry.
I just looked in the google cache version of gp2x's forums. Should I pm his ICQ number to you?
Chip said:
TrevorBradley said:
*YES*, this is of use. Links (though many of them are back to gp32x) would be appreciated.
Every line in the original list linked back to the relevant post. The only non-gp32x links went to youtube.

Hopefully the old forums will be back up soon.

The last google cache was onthe 15sept, so everything you added later isn't in the list. The way back machine did'nt have this post so I posted this "old" list.

By the way, I hope you don't mind I posted this :)
As my computer is now dead, I'm on a different one, which is using MSN search. :roll: I noticed the MSN cache is a bit more recent than the Google one. (28th as opposed to the 15th.) There's one more entry available:

Sep 26 New Megadrive Emu video with sound and USB gamepad

Might be worth using if there's any more info anyone wants to harvest from the old forums. Microsoft being useful? :o