How Long Does It Take One Pandora To Be Assembled?

Awakening said:
If they take 3 min to assemble, that's 20 per hour. Working 8 hours that's 160 Pandoras per day. 4 people then 640 per day or 3200 per week. To make 2000 units per week they have exactly 4 min and 48 sec per Pandora, if all 4 work exactly 8 hours per day which is highly unlikely. If assembly takes 4 min and they manage to work for 7 hours then that's still 420 Pandoras per day.

Basically that translates into all 4000 units assembled in about 2 weeks. If they can work without delays.
Don't forget that four people working in an assembly line work more quickly than four people working separately.
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No one will no for sure yet, so there's no point really asking. Afterall, we're either optimists, pessimists or realists, so we all have different answers ;) :pandora2ut4:
NLS said:
Phawx said:
At first probably 10-20 mins. But once you get good at it maybe like 5 minutes. Just like masturbating.
I guess it's all in the automated muscle routine
I was once working at some place on extra car parts, where I spent 8 hours straight sawing, filing and drilling holes in metal pieces. The process eventually became so automated I could close my eyes and have 5 minute powernaps while working. (although the result wasn't so good)

dude your so fucking funny, I cant stop laughing !!!!!!
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Awakening said:
Basically that translates into all 4000 units assembled in about 2 weeks. If they can work without delays.
i "bolded" the part which mades me laugh out loud. And still does :)

On a side note: I wonder how the question of the OP can get more then 5 answers. There are only 3 people in this world who can give an answer. Why are so many people giving their guesstimates? Consider, writing one post takes around 5 minutes, there are lots of people here who could have studied in a C-Programming book or Python tutorials and would be able to make fancy software for the P when it is assembled and shipped.
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Everybody on this forum knows the answer to this question. It takes much longer than the Pandora team publicly expects it to take. We will probably find out about this when the people who are around 1000 in the line will not get their shipping notice three weeks after the first mass production Pandora ships to a lot of fanfare.
I wonder if the actual work of shipping out the boxed Pandoras takes longer the assembling them? There's probably a bunch of logistics involved in getting them from the assembly line to the shipping/postal service.
matzesu said:
Dos 4 Peaple means : EvilDragon, Craig, MWeston, and Faith?, Or was it only a exemple? Or are these Profesionel Assempler? :rolleyes:

I guess the factory in Texas (that both populates the boards and assembles the Pandoras) have said that they will have 4 employees doing the assembly.
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Creature XL said:
Why are so many people giving their guesstimates?
because we're experts. I took my degree in Pandorology. I've got a P.h.d.! I don't need to back up my statements with "facts", I just know! :P
(Almost an exact quote from a real life Phd I had the misfortune of knowing, although I'm pretty sure he was an ass before the Phd, it just gave him something extra to be an ass about)
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I never made it without biting.
Ask Mr. Owl...
Awakening said:
matzesu said:
Dos 4 Peaple means : EvilDragon, Craig, MWeston, and Faith?, Or was it only a exemple? Or are these Profesionel Assempler? :rolleyes:

I guess the factory in Texas (that both populates the boards and assembles the Pandoras) have said that they will have 4 employees doing the assembly.

now, IIRC the boards are now being populated on china, see so many guess XD.
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I don't think so.... the "Boards" are being made in china. then populated in texas.
well im no longer sure bout that but i somehow recall about someone from the OPT saying they were actually being populated in china
and texas would only take the assembly process. maybe near the 105 boards results release date.

maybe ED or MW?

i might be wrong so dont punch me for placing the doubt.
They are being populated in Texas, afaik. The factory has been suggested by TI.

Maybe you mean that Craig once said that they might change the factory in the future if it's cheaper elswhere.
mali said:
They are being populated in Texas, afaik. The factory has been suggested by TI.
Are you sure about that, or are you getting confused with the Texas factory (not affiliated with TI) recommending the China PCB manufacturer?
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Maybe I'm getting confused :huh:

Much info is still missing in my brain, because I was away. Just for fun, here is the quote that backs up your post regarding assembly of the Pandoras(and even shipping from there directly to US customers):
craigix said:
puppydee said:
What so the texas factory will make the boards and essemble the rest of the pandora themselves and ship them straight to the US customers? lol

Yes they already do this for other customers.

MWeston mentioning that the PCBs are made in China, assembly in Texas(can't get the quote as the thread is locked):
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Nice to hear that, but

now that i remember you been away for a while when i joined the comunity XD
at that time a lot of information came confuse, since they also said they might start
some assembly on UK in order to reduce import/transport Fee. something that never got confirmed.

ill try to get the search to hit the post i recall
found it though i lazy to find the source of the quote

found it it was MW.
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Awakening said:
If they take 3 min to assemble, that's 20 per hour. Working 8 hours that's 160 Pandoras per day. 4 people then 640 per day or 3200 per week. To make 2000 units per week they have exactly 4 min and 48 sec per Pandora, if all 4 work exactly 8 hours per day which is highly unlikely. If assembly takes 4 min and they manage to work for 7 hours then that's still 420 Pandoras per day.

Basically that translates into all 4000 units assembled in about 2 weeks. If they can work without delays.
The factory I work in has 3 shifts per day ;)
No, it's not the TI one, but I thought I'd throw it in the mix.
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ndbsolar said:
Awakening said:
If they take 3 min to assemble, that's 20 per hour. Working 8 hours that's 160 Pandoras per day. 4 people then 640 per day or 3200 per week. To make 2000 units per week they have exactly 4 min and 48 sec per Pandora, if all 4 work exactly 8 hours per day which is highly unlikely. If assembly takes 4 min and they manage to work for 7 hours then that's still 420 Pandoras per day.

Basically that translates into all 4000 units assembled in about 2 weeks. If they can work without delays.
The factory I work in has 3 shifts per day ;)
No, it's not the TI one, but I thought I'd throw it in the mix.

Most factories uses 3 or 4 shifts to keep running as many hours as possible. But 4 guys is still only 4 guys, no point in them working in shifts, unless they plan on sharing the same workspace :)
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