WARNING! Incoming rant!
We don't like to give numbers on outstanding units because the numbers jump about due to returns, LCD cable faults, PCB failures etc.
Craig, this is another instance where you are giving us the impression that you are somewhat disconnected from reality. From what I have seen of this forum, we're pretty much all adults here. We undersand that the very very nature of a queue is that it changes all the time. You're not being asked for a static answer that will be definitive for all time, we just want to know where we stand
right now. Look, I'll even do half the work for you:
- Number of preorder customers contacted in this e-mail effort: _____________
- Less refunds requested since then: <_____________>
- Less "Super Panodra" upgrades: <__150________>
- Less RMAs since then: <_________>
- Current number of outstanding preorders: (_____________)
- Estimated next date of "Super Panodra" shipment to customers: ___/___/___
- Estimated next date of "Classic Preorder" shipment to customers: ___/___/___
- Next order number to be shipped: __________
This isn't exactly calculus, you know.
[Rant deleted] Eh, I have better things to do than get banned from here for baiting Craig into yet another flamewar. Just add my voice to the "tell us where we stand" chorus, not that it's likely to receive an answer.