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  • CircuitCo is doing what it should have done at the outset, hire someone to manage board production! Great news!
    With this being said, I have saved up at a snails pace and secured a spot in Batch 2 in September of 2010. I have a blog at that is in need of suggestions ans website comments. I am truly excited that the Pandora Project is coming along smoothly for the most part. I also enjoy the gamebook renaissance with the Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, and Fabled Lands rebirth.
    For those of you who may not know who I am, my name is Mike and I enjoy creating RPG's and strategy board games, writing, and reading print magazines. I have a passion for the written word, but that may not show in my posts here :-) I have followed the Pandora project since its inception in 2008, and I was astounded that the device that I have always envisioned was actually being produced.
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