Release 3.2 kernel issue tracking thread

Ok it's much over a year since I last looked at that driver, and I can vaguely recall similar issue, i.e. it stopping to receive data, I think it's chip's firmware bug, perhaps a race condition of some sort, when it hits it's unable to decrypt any incoming packets (outgoing ones are still ok).

I've done some hacky code to try to deal with this, but I was not sure it was any good and not ported over to 3.2. Try this driver (heeds SZ beta5a):

sudo rmmod wl1251_sdio wl1251

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251.ko

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251_sdio.ko

sudo rmmod wl1251_sdio wl1251

Gives Error:

"ERROR: Module wl1251_sdio does not exist in /proc/modules" And
"ERROR: Module wl1251 does not exist in /proc/modules"

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251.ko

Gives Error:

"insmod: error inserting '/media/mmcblk0p1/wl1251.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251_sdio.ko

Gives Error:

"insmod: error inserting '/media/mmcblk0p1/wl1251_sdio.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module"
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No worries. :)

Once I confirmed the new drivers worked for me I actually made a backup of the originals then copied the new ones into /lib/modules/3.2.17/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/wl1251/

Now they load automatically when I enable wifi on that unit and the wifi LED works too :)

- Neelix
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I can confirm that the wifi doesn't drop out at all with the new driver (at last I can download heavy files without any issues)
Well it has dspbringe included (instead dsplink), klaxon said it can be used too.

$ sudo insmod bridgedriver.ko

insmod: error inserting 'bridgedriver.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module

dspLink still seems to work though.
notaz-openpandora:~$ sudo modprobe bridgedriver

notaz-openpandora:~$ dmesg


[28677.943389] bridgedriver: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.

[28677.980529] DSP Bridge driver loaded

(SZ beta5a)
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Ok it's much over a year since I last looked at that driver, and I can vaguely recall similar issue, i.e. it stopping to receive data, I think it's chip's firmware bug, perhaps a race condition of some sort, when it hits it's unable to decrypt any incoming packets (outgoing ones are still ok).

I've done some hacky code to try to deal with this, but I was not sure it was any good and not ported over to 3.2. Try this driver (heeds SZ beta5a):

sudo rmmod wl1251_sdio wl1251

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251.ko

sudo insmod path/to/extracted/wl1251_sdio.ko

the same as above, but wrapped and scripted into PND in attachment..



UAE4All now uses this command to change cpu speed setting:

echo y l sudo -n usr/pandora/scripts/ <newSpeedInMhz>

This does work fine on my Pandora. Also works when typing in the terminal.

I'm still on Beta 4 (currently don't want to install all those dev libs again).

For tuki_cat and stainy this doesn't seem to work. UAE4All locks up for them.

And typed in the terminal the cpu speed doesn't change for tuki_cat (uses Beta 5a):

The lock up happens no matter what speed I choose, even 610mhz so I know it is not OPP related.

I have tried the following script in terminal and the slider with the CPU speed does not change the clockspeed to 610

echo y l sudo -n usr/pandora/scripts/ 610

I can open this script manually though by double clicking and the slider within xfce works fine.

Any idea why that is?

edit: problem solved by tuki_cat
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not sure this have been reported earlier, but using 2.6 kernel SDL_NumJoysticks() report 3 when both nubs are in absolute mode (as expected) when it report 0 in 3.2 kernel (thus I cannot acces nubs)

The bad things is : the game requiere the gfx fixes in 3.2...

EDIT: my fault... Everything is right, my code was wrong
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By the way, will the new Kernel/firmware finaly include these Fixes for Thunar, so it can display details like every other File Manager and not only Icons without crashing?
By the way, will the new Kernel/firmware finaly include these Fixes for Thunar, so it can display details like every other File Manager and not only Icons without crashing?

No, as this has nothing to do with the kernel but with the current Angström version (as repeatedly said already).

Head into the .next-development area, which will be an OS based on the current OE (and therefore, it will have the needed GTK fixes included).
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I don't know if this has been reported and I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the Beta 5 thread, but a while ago, in Beta 5a using kernel 3.2, while I was playing Super Geometry Dust, my left nub just stopped working all of a sudden and continued not to work through a reboot. Booting into the old kernel fixed it.
I don't know if this has been reported and I wasn't sure if I should post this here or in the Beta 5 thread, but a while ago, in Beta 5a using kernel 3.2, while I was playing Super Geometry Dust, my left nub just stopped working all of a sudden and continued not to work through a reboot. Booting into the old kernel fixed it.
ive had similar issues but then with the right stick....Using the nub settigns app to rewrite also fixed it.
Also the charger LED sometimes doesnt seem to function at all making it seem as it isnt charging but infact it is. Functions fine under the old kernal tho
I found a new issue. I was trying to port "kexecboot" to the Pandora to create a userfriendly method of booting different kernels and/or the same kernel with different options without manually editing "boot.txt" each time. This "soft" bootloader uses the kexec method of the kernel. The option is included in the 3.2.17 and the old 2.6 kernel. But when using it the screen fades to black and that's it (3.2) or the Pandora freezes (2.6.).

You can either test it by using the version of kexecboot ( I created (the bootmenu works, but upon selecting an entry and calling kexec it crashes) or within the normal OS. It's best to unmount all unnecessary filesystems and mount the rest as read-only as the following will crash the Pandora:

# echo Loading the kernel for call to kexec

# kexec -l /lib/boot/uImage --command-line="ubi.mtd=4 ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw rootflags=bulk_read vram=6272K omapfb.vram=0:3000K mmc_core.removable=0 quiet"

# echo Actually start the kernel - and crash the Pandora

# kexec -e

I don't know how to debug this as I get absolutely no output. Maybe a Pandora with a serial console outputs some useful info.
The new kernel makes usb port unusable on non-wifi units + Slackware.

Works with Zaxxon.

Do you want me to report any logs ?