You didn't expect this, I guess.

For me, I canceled my preorder 3 years ago I think, maybe more. I was tired of waiting and now I am waiting for the Pyra Phone, but my main concerning with all this circus is that the Pyra was outdated one it was presented, 7? 8 years ago? So imagine now. The only possible way to turn the Pyra interesting again not for me, but for the general public is to release it, sell all the outdated devices and start working right now on a updated PCB. I am realistic and I know that no all PCBs are ok, but something with maybe 2-3 years frame should be the way to go.

Better consider Librem 5 or PinePhone.

I bailed out too, maybe will continue to hop in the forums once in a few months with the hope of any news for upgraded CPU board and updated external ports .
Meanwhile, I wish happy life to all "special" folks (they know who they are) while experiencing their reality check. :p&|a:
That has got to be the stupidest idea ever. Do they really think that printing extra money can solve anything? What are you going to do with all that money once everyone is loaded with money but no one has any goods to sell? No wonder that China does not want Dollars anymore. If this keeps going the Dollar won't be good for anything except playing Monopoly.
The same thing could happen like whe dit allready 100 Years ago: Inflation, everyone will be a Billionaire but you need a Push Cart to get the Money for a Bread to the Backery ..

I don’t think whe need to desinfect the Pyra, as it’s not that big danger that they gets infectious..

Also a reason to get the Pyra soon: whe this whole Money get Worthless, but the Pyra will keep its worth, as the Gouverment can’t Print Pyrae ^^

Whit best regards, Matthias
I don’t think whe need to desinfect the Pyra, as it’s not that big danger that they gets infectious..
There's no need to disinfect my Pyra. I'm not afraid of a bit of fever. In fact fever makes for a great detoxing experience if one does fasting or intermittent fasting with fruit only. I'm actually looking forward to my next fever because of how greatly my health improves afterward. Too bad I do not get fever often anymore. I used to get it more often but back then I did not know how to benefit from it.

Also a reason to get the Pyra soon: whe this whole Money get Worthless, but the Pyra will keep its worth, as the Gouverment can’t Print Pyrae ^^
The Pyra has utility which helps it stay valuable. Especially for people who want it now because those people do not care a lot about hardware being outdated compared to modern standards. Though if you really want to store value in a safe medium then you should consider gold. It's retained it's value for thousands of years now. That's a good track record. Personally I also like Bitcoin but it's not as safe as gold.
Too bad I do not get fever often anymore. I used to get it more often but back then I did not know how to benefit from it.
Drink hot beverages and/or soup, put on warm cloths and yourself in the bed with lots of covers. Don't forget that you'll lose salt, thus need to take in extra.
The same thing could happen like whe dit allready 100 Years ago: Inflation, everyone will be a Billionaire but you need a Push Cart to get the Money for a Bread to the Backery ..

If this happens some commercial services will stop existing and all the fancy devices depending on those services will become worthless.
Then some people will be happy open-source stuff exists and some devices can actually be repaired.
Everything faster than my Pandora isnt outdatet, whe dotnt need to compare the Pyra to a Modern Smartphone, or an 60.000 € Mac Pro..

Shure the Omap 5 is pretty slow and old, but im optimistic that this Pocket PC can make some impressive things..
I just think its lying in the Ey of the Beholder (??), if the Pyra is Outdated: Personally, i was stuck whit a 2011 Thinkpad Notebook, fast enought for GTA 4, but pretty Outdated, even Itunes stutters a lot,
The GPD WIN is actually my fastest "PC" even if its just a Tiny Pocket Device..

I was using my Pandora for some Office Work back then, and even whit its Single 700 mhz, it just worked fine because the Software where optimazed, and there was just the OS on the NAND, not that much Data "Müll" like on a Windows PC..

So i think the Pyra will fit my Needs pretty good, even if it could be a bit slow for some tasks..

But what do i want it to doo??
Playing Ported and Optimaced Software, a bit "Word and Exel" Libre Office Writer / Libre Office Calc.., listen to Internet Radio maybe, Watching Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney +

Even whit this Omap 5, i dont think i will rann in too much issues..

I know its "überoptimistic", and i expect too many from this Tiny Pocket PC, and maybe i am a bit "blue Eyed" on the Project, but well, "ist halt so"
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I just think its lying in the Ey of the Beholder (??), if the Pyra is Outdated: Personally, i was stuck whit a 2011 Thinkpad Notebook, fast enought for GTA 4, but pretty Outdated, even Itunes stutters a lot,
The GPD WIN is actually my fastest "PC" even if its just a Tiny Pocket Device..

I was using my Pandora for some Office Work back then, and even whit its Single 700 mhz, it just worked fine because the Software where optimazed, and there was just the OS on the NAND, not that much Data "Müll" like on a Windows PC..

So i think the Pyra will fit my Needs pretty good, even if it could be a bit slow for some tasks..

But what do i want it to doo??
Playing Ported and Optimaced Software, a bit "Word and Exel" Libre Office Writer / Libre Office Calc.., listen to Internet Radio maybe, Watching Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney +

Even whit this Omap 5, i dont think i will rann in too much issues..

I know its "überoptimistic", and i expect too many from this Tiny Pocket PC, and maybe i am a bit "blue Eyed" on the Project, but well, "ist halt so"

Well, most of the stuff you mentioned works fine on my Prototype.
Office stuff is fine, web browsing id fine.
I have no sound, no HDMI, no 3D acceleration, the old bad WIFI chip and have 1GHz as max clockspeed and a broken housing.
But except the Multi media stuff most things do work.
And as soon as I get a finalized mainboard and housing I don't doubt it can do the basic things you mentioned.

For me it might be too slow when it comes to programming, as it's really not fast at compiling compared to my Laptop.
Thanks for the Answer Askarus, the Pyra is for me just a „new“ Pandora, but I want it to use more as a Tiny Notebook than as a Emulator Handheld
It’s planed to use it as my Mainpc at home, as far the Rotation of the HDMI Signal works..

But Gaming will be also quite a lot ^^ From Gameboy to Sega Dreamcast

Whit best regards, Matthias
@Xcl4m4t10n : You are dedicating so much time to desperately trying to convince people that your point of view is the right one... but let me tell you a thing, it's a lost cause in this forum... most of the people here that choose to get a Pyra, took a decision knowing the risks, and that's it.

If instead you are actually not so sure about your ideas, and are in a desperate search of some answers that could change your mind, that's another story... and maybe could happen after the Pyra will be in the wild with some contents.
You can still use it for programming - just outsource the compiling to your laptop/server/whatever:
I don't see how that helps personally. From reading the readme, it seems to set up a vitrtual machine under QEMU on the same hardware and jumps into that. Don't get me wrong, it might be a novel way to cross compile stuff on powerful hardware, but you can't really use it on your pyra to leverage that. Personally I run sshd on my most powerful server and ssh into it from my local device using a pre-shared secret key.