Wrapping everything up!

The main hardware tweaking that needs to be done is case mould fettling though, which can only really be done by the new firm. I hope the old firm have produced their 500 clear cases so their contract can be settled neatly. The PCB order will likely be put in once we've got a schedule for the production of final cases.
As much as I like my Pandora, I have to confess that I loved the wait for it just as much. It’s one of the main reasons I preordered the Pyra. It’s nice to have something to look forward to. Once we have it, all the possibilities come into focus. But for that brief while (or in this case not so brief), the possibilities seem endless.
I know there's always been the policy of "When it's ready, it's ready", but do we have any broad updated best case and worst case (pun intended) scenarios in terms of the release?
I think You can make out the scenarios by reading news threads from the last couple of months; once in a while ED brings up a listing of components to be acquired (like the PCB's or case materials) and processes needed to be done (like testing this or that element), along with the time estimated for them (it was done at least once, listing lead times in weeks- look for this). Your best bet is, I think, to filter ED's posts in this forum section and go back day by day until You come upon such a listing, write the predicted times down, and then start reading again from there and make notes to these time estimates.
EvilDragon is a wonderful optimist, though. (Which is a good thing in a way, otherwise he might never have undertaken the Pyra project.) So his time estimates tend to be best best best possible case if nothing whatsoever goes wrong and all the other people and organisations involved do their bit promptly, proactively, and conscientiously. Unfortunately things do go wrong (more often than anyone could reasonably have expected), and other people and organisations don't always do their bit. So I (as a terrible pessimist) would say to approximately double EvilDragon's time estimates to get a best case estimate.
EvilDragon is a wonderful optimist, though. (Which is a good thing in a way, otherwise he might never have undertaken the Pyra project.) So his time estimates tend to be best best best possible case if nothing whatsoever goes wrong and all the other people and organisations involved do their bit promptly, proactively, and conscientiously. Unfortunately things do go wrong (more often than anyone could reasonably have expected), and other people and organisations don't always do their bit. So I (as a terrible pessimist) would say to approximately double EvilDragon's time estimates to get a best case estimate.

So.... 4 months?
That's all well and good except:


- Neelix
As far as I understand, the case issue is not the bottleneck in the process at all.
The "mass production" of the PCBs is not scheduled yet and the only reason for that is more hardware "tweaking"
What hardware tweaks? The display backlight had been fixed and tested before christmas and everything else is done as well. We're only waiting for the cases. It is the current bottleneck.
@EvilDragon on my CC Pandora, this Brightness Chip have some issues whit Brighness Controll, (ich kann weder mit den Tasten noch mit dem Button in der Taskleiste die Displaybeleuchtung ändern, wenn ich die Pandora zuklappe oder per Taste in Standbye versetze ist zwar das Bild auf dem Display weg, aber die Beleuchtung bleibt an,
nur wenn ich die Pandora komplett runterfahre ist das Licht aus,)
Is it the Same Brighness Chip on every Pandora ?? Or got i just Unlucky whit my Pandora PCB ??

So if whe have the Cases, maybe the last 2 Months (tm) are about to end ??
This is Great, but ditnt you want to post in the "From Greece whit Love" Threadt ??

Hello everibody, please excuse my english, im a noob in english

Would you mind to at least try a little bit to improve your english if you write here so much? It's really a pain to read and to a certain extend it seems to be just from not paying attention - e.g. it's with, not whit, and you're spelling it wrong every single time. I guess there should be a learning curve just from reading in the forums...
^^ I couldn't disagree more, I find matzesu's English charming and funny, it's clearly way better than my German...

If you don't like it, don't read his posts.

@matzesu I will from this point forward forever call tissues, nose towels, brilliant, just brilliant.
Xtreme: It hardly seems courteous to complain about other people's language skills!
We've lots of non-native users of English here, and there's far more value in being inclusive than in being pedantic.

Hello everibody, please excuse my english, im a noob in english

There is nothing to excuse! We know what you mean, and that's the only thing that matters.
Wenn wir nur in deutsch schruben, würde erstens niemand anders als uns paar deutschsprachige Nutzer was verstehen, und zweitens sind viele Menschen immer noch traumatisiert wegen der Zeit des tausendjährigen Reiches..

So I have to try harder with my English..