Wrapping everything up!

Wenn wir nur in deutsch schruben, würde erstens niemand anders als uns paar deutschsprachige Nutzer was verstehen, und zweitens sind viele Menschen immer noch traumatisiert wegen der Zeit des tausendjährigen Reiches..

So I have to try harder with my English..

You can try as harder or softer with your English or any other language as you please. Don't let others push you to it (nor discourage you either).

Pyra ist ein einzelig Project. Ich hatte Zeit, als ich für mein Pyra gewartet habe, anzufangen, Deutsch zu lernen. Sehen Sie mal, matzesu, Ihr Englisch ist besser als mein Deutsch.
Aber ich vermute, dass ich in zweiten Monaten ganz gut Deutsch lernen kann, oder?
Ihr paar deutschsprachige Nutzer könnten doch uns alle Deutsch lernen helfen, wenn sie Deutsch schrieben möchten. Ich könnte auch traumatisiert sein wegen Englisch über alles, oder eine Sprache, irgendwas, über anderen Sprachen. Spräche sind nie gefahrlich. Trotzdem sind einige Ideen doch so.

But I think you're even able to help native English speakers learn things they hadn't thought of when you write in English.

Schreiben Sie wie Sie möchten, Englisch, Deutsch, richtig oder mit Fehlen. Ich wird gern Ihr auf Deutsch, Englisch oder vielleicht anderen Sprache lesen, die nachritchen sind frei.

Simply please let everyone write in any language they please, as good or bad as they can, with or without physical keyboards or autocorrections, and simply read what you are comfortable reading, and ignore the rest. Nobody is required to exert themselves beyond their convenience understanding anything, but nodoby gets the privilege to impose any language skills, or language choice on others. One will be happier when one can ignore what one can't or doesn't care to understand, instead of being disturbed by diversity.
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This whit the trauma was meant like : in the 1930/1940thes, lots of people in Europe heard German because Squats from the SS and the Wehrmacht ocupied big parts of Europe because a Austrian Guy whit just one Egg and one mustache..
They shout orders in German, so lots of the older people will be traumatized if they hear German..
You know „Eva!! “ “Mein Leben” !!
This whit the trauma was meant like : in the 1930/1940thes, lots of people in Europe heard German because Squats from the SS and the Wehrmacht ocupied big parts of Europe because a Austrian Guy whit just one Egg and one mustache..
They shout orders in German, so lots of the older people will be traumatized if they hear German..
You know „Eva!! “ “Mein Leben” !!
I have just finished the second season of this great series on the basis of a book written by Philip K. Dick:
Apart from just being well written, what I really like about it, is, that the actual Nazis (not just Germans, also ) are still presented as human beings with their own view on "right or wrong" and everyone tries to do the "right" thing from their point of (often quite misguided from our perspective) view while the script still isn't soft-pedaling it.
Unfortunately it's an Amazon Prime Exclusive, so no Blu-Ray box so far.

As a native German speaker, it's hilarious to see the mix of German and American/British actors occasionally speaking German since the difference is vast, but they all tried so hard to get the phonetics right, that it still sounds way better than in any other production.
This whit the trauma was meant like : in the 1930/1940thes, lots of people in Europe heard German because Squats from the SS and the Wehrmacht ocupied big parts of Europe because a Austrian Guy whit just one Egg and one mustache..
They shout orders in German, so lots of the older people will be traumatized if they hear German..
You know „Eva!! “ “Mein Leben” !!

So what? The trauma is because what they did to them, not because of the language used doing it. I've never heard a survivor saying "oh, if they would only have raided us in good old Latin! that'd've been much better!".
Traumatised people can be triggered by language, as they could by color, clothing style or anything, but that's not a real cause for other people to avoid those triggers.
They could also be traumatised by the victims language (Hebrew ? Polish ?, excuse my ignorance), because it just brings memory of the disaster.
Besides, there are lots of more recent victims of English speaking troops than of German speaking troops (as far as I know).
Lots of people around the world could be traumatised by English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabian. Bantu, Hindi, Russian... It's very hard to think of one language that has never had enough violence expressed through it to cause trauma.
In fact I can only think of Occitan (which can cause trauma too, because it was on the receiving end of the Simon de Montfort cleansing and invasion in the thirteenth century). But I'm sure it is just because I'm uninformed
of history (I've heard Bordèu was involved in slave trade, but I'm not sure what language was spoken, maybe French, maybe Gascon). It's all possibly irrelevant as too old and no witnesses alive, but again what do I know.

Mmm... or maybe Esperanto or Lojban have never had any army using them and are safer in this regard ?

I don't mean to relativise or minimise the Holocaust in any way at all. I just want to plead that it bears no relation to language. Even if the criminals themselves might have said it was about language (inter alia), it was just another lie.
I'm sure the traumas you claim are real, but they're still no reason to choose a language.
Yet you don't need a reason to choose a language, you're welcome to use or avoid German for any reason or none at all, and I may be overdoing it, so I'll leave it at this.
This whit the trauma was meant like : in the 1930/1940thes, lots of people in Europe heard German because Squats from the SS and the Wehrmacht ocupied big parts of Europe because a Austrian Guy whit just one Egg and one mustache..
They shout orders in German, so lots of the older people will be traumatized if they hear German..
You know „Eva!! “ “Mein Leben” !!
yeah i don't think many of those traumatized people are viewing these boards ^^. they must be.pretty old by now.
there's far more value in being inclusive than in being pedantic
One can be both. i.e. being inclusive and giving helpful feedback. Language works best, when some conventions be regarded. And when everybody regards and understands the conventions, then you gain some playground to play with the thing w/o loosing understandebility, I think.
Would you mind to at least try a little bit to improve your english if you write here so much? It's really a pain to read and to a certain extend it seems to be just from not paying attention - e.g. it's with, not whit, and you're spelling it wrong every single time. I guess there should be a learning curve just from reading in the forums...
My grandfather once said, "If they want to sell me stuff, they can learn the language." We were standing in a merchant stall in an open air market in Mexico City at the time. You just did the equivalent.

This is an international forum for a German company's products. Since the English speaking world doesn't bother to teach other languages beyond a rudimentary level, but most of Europe teaches English as a co-language, the use of English here is a convenience for us - not a mandate for everyone else. We, (those of us with English as a sole or primary language) owe them all a great thanks for accommodating us. Frankly, you owe @matzesu an apology. Preferably painstakingly translated into formal German.
Simply please let everyone write in any language they please, as good or bad as they can, with or without physical keyboards or autocorrections, and simply read what you are comfortable reading, and ignore the rest. Nobody is required to exert themselves beyond their convenience understanding anything, but nodoby gets the privilege to impose any language skills, or language choice on others. One will be happier when one can ignore what one can't or doesn't care to understand, instead of being disturbed by diversity.
While I agree with the spirit of this, there is a convention here to try to be understood by a general audience who understand english. As such, I appreciate the effort the Matzezu goes to, even if it's slightly harder to comprehend, it's equally commonly rather more amusing that it would have been written straight.
Thanks, @rygD. As a child one gets help like that all the time, but from some age on people stop doing it. All of a sudden it's regarded as being rude. I myself had to give up the practice - people seemed to deem me arrogant or something. Just another root of stupidity, if you ask me.
Wenn ihr kein Problem damit habt, das ich in der Sprache der Deutschen rede die sich auch in 2019 immer noch nicht wirklich von der Sprache unterscheided, welche die Nazis in den 1940er Jahren gesprochen haben, dann probiere ich mal zweisprachig zu posten, dann müssen die deutschsprechenden Mitglieder nicht mein komisches English zurückübersetzen wenn sie antworten wollen, und die englisch Sprachigen haben zumindendest die Changse ein bisschen was zu verstehen..

If you dotnt have a issue, if i speeck the german languege, which is also in 2019 bareley the same language, the Nazis speeck in the 1940th, then i try to write in two languages, so the German Speaking peaple dosnt have to translate back if they want to answer me, and the English Speaking Peaple may understand what i mean..
@matzesu If we'd have to abandon every language, that has been spoken by Nazis (mind you, we don't have a monopoly on National Sozialism) or war criminals or tyrants or dictators, it'd be quite quiet around here. Also, I won't leave my mother tongue to stupid fucks. The same way I won't leave certain colour combinations to them - otherwise we'd look at Nazi-traffic-signs every day, wouldn't we.
English Speaking Peaple may understand what i mean..

[doublepost=1548065844,1548065758][/doublepost]Sorry peaple, I couldn't help myself xD
It is not well known that Samuel Clemens visited Germany, but he did, and better known as the writer 'Mark Twain', wrote about it. It is interesting reading an American's impressions of pre-First World War Germany (he travelled starting in April 1878). The texts are available to download from the Gutenberg project (we have the Germans to thank for the invention of movable-type printing in Europe).

It is worth reading "A Tramp Abroad" by 'Mark Twain'" with illustrations from the 1880 First Edition. It has two items I thought worth highlighting about his German..

(1) Excerpt from Chapter 11
When we got downtown I found that we could go by rail to within five miles of Heilbronn. The train was just starting, so we jumped aboard and went tearing away in splendid spirits. It was agreed all around that we had done wisely, because it would be just as enjoyable to walk down the Neckar as up it, and it could not be needful to walk both ways. There were some nice German people in our compartment. I got to talking some pretty private matters presently, and Harris became nervous; so he nudged me and said:

“Speak in German—these Germans may understand English.”

I did so, it was well I did; for it turned out that there was not a German in that party who did not understand English perfectly. It is curious how widespread our language is in Germany. After a while some of those folks got out and a German gentleman and his two young daughters got in. I spoke in German of one of the latter several times, but without result. Finally she said:

Ich verstehe nur deutch und englishe,”—or words to that effect. That is, “I don’t understand any language but German and English.”

And sure enough, not only she but her father and sister spoke English. So after that we had all the talk we wanted; and we wanted a good deal, for they were agreeable people. They were greatly interested in our customs; especially the alpenstocks, for they had not seen any before. They said that the Neckar road was perfectly level, so we must be going to Switzerland or some other rugged country; and asked us if we did not find the walking pretty fatiguing in such warm weather. But we said no.

We reached Wimpfen—I think it was Wimpfen—in about three hours, and got out, not the least tired; found a good hotel and ordered beer and dinner...
(2) Appendix D - The Awful German Language

I hope our German friends will understand the self-directed humour. (Note, Clemens uses some terms that were common in his day, but which are regarded as extremely politically incorrect nowadays. If you are offended by such historical usages, please do not read the linked work.)

ETA Editio -> Edition
ETA2 Remove superfluous space
they must be.pretty old by now.
Meh, just two months older than us...

@matzesu History is written by the winners. And before the great world wars, England and France alone had occupied about 200 countries (for example, India). Which would not have been independent without Germany (Just ask the average ab-original how he likes the occupation so far). The Germans have been indoctrinated at school with self-hate, and it's very noticeable from a bystander point of view. Just try to reason that due to England's bombing, the provisioning of food failed, and a whole country suffered hunger... also people in concentration camps.
Without German technology (and people), we would have never be able to go to the moon, for example.
And evil is everywhere, we still have non-german organizations doing the same thing Mengele did, on a larger scale, mostly in Africa. And let's not forget freedom (for 710 reasons).

As a new generation, that was not involved in any way... do not forget, but do not blame yourself.

As a Dutch I wont forget the hunger winter, nor the few brave men, the football matches in no-man's land, nor the bombings after official ceasefire (cant find the exact city, but it is similar to the situation of Dresden).

Remember: A coin has always 3 sides (four if it has a hole in it ;) ).
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