Wrapping everything up!

Well, as I'm selling and using the Gemini myself, I can tell you a few things about it:

1. It's good to use on the table, but not in your hand. It opens up to a fixed position (which isn't a very good one) and it actually wears out. I'm lying in my bed now and have to hold the screen while typing, otherwise it would close itself.

2. The keyboard is... well, not that great. It would be good if the keys all reacted well, but often while typing faster, a keypress isn't recognized, so you're pretty slow.

3. Typing in the dark is almost impossible (due to missing keyboard backlight)

4. It's great for Android - but don't expect to use it for Linux. It's not really optimized and struggles to run at the high resolution the screen has. LibreOffice runs incredibly slow - it's not usable. It runs a LOT faster on the Pyra.

It's a cool device, I use it as a smartphone (as it has a keyboard built-in), but I wouldn't want to use it to type longer texts.

About outdated specs of the Pyra:
Hm, I'm not that sure about it, actually. Yes, high-class smartphones have SoCs that are a lot faster.
But not mid-class or cheap smartphones.

But each time I check out what SoCs are available (for a possible upgrade), they often aren't really an upgrade speedwise. Yes, they use less power for the same tasks, but speedwise, the A15 was pretty good.

One device I really liked was the Japanese SHARP ZAURUS. Fantastic screen resolution and nice little clam shell unit. The SAMSUNG Q1 was pretty cool too and an upgrading its CPU and graphics would have made that into a top class hand heid unit
We are trying to arrange a FedEx pickup to move the produced parts to me now

Have you received anything yet @EvilDragon

So, our decision:

  • We keep the deadline Jan 15th which I told them
  • I will personally visit Greece (again...) then to check on the parts and either accept them (if the quality is good) or get a refund and throw them away (if they're rushed)
  • I also intend to do the movement of the moulds when I'm in Greece, so I can personally check on that. Otherwise, we fear they'll just delay it even more.

The deadline is looming, have you any news about the cases? Will they make the deadline? Are you still going to Greece?

Question. But can't we move the molds to the new company while the old one produces the clear cases? I mean can't they both have the molds at the same time. That way, waiting for the old company to do their part won't delay the mass production of the cases that the new company is gonna take care of.
I can only imagine the frustration ED must be feeling at FormAction.
Question. But can't we move the molds to the new company while the old one produces the clear cases? I mean can't they both have the molds at the same time. That way, waiting for the old company to do their part won't delay the mass production of the cases that the new company is gonna take care of.
I can only imagine the frustration ED must be feeling at FormAction.
You mean like call in the Enterprise, which then would kindly copy the molds in an instant? Is Picard on Telegram? Or do we know his email address, anyone?
You mean like call in the Enterprise, which then would kindly copy the molds in an instant? Is Picard on Telegram? Or do we know his email address, anyone?
in that case (pun intended) why not just replicate the finished cases.. no moulds needed....lol
Question. But can't we move the molds to the new company while the old one produces the clear cases? I mean can't they both have the molds at the same time.

I believe Your question wasn't taken seriously, but if I understand correctly Your confusion then here is an explanation: No we can't, the molds are the special designed metal elements that plastic is injected into to make the case. There is only one full set, so only one company at a time can make the cases, whether injecting transparent plastic or a colored plastic.

Molds are expensive to make and even to copy, it's not like it's only software parameters in a machine are changed using a mold. The mold itself needs the mold inside. I Hope this helps.
Have you received anything yet @EvilDragon

The deadline is looming, have you any news about the cases? Will they make the deadline? Are you still going to Greece?

I'll leave for Greece on Monday and move back Friday evening.
The courier is ready, the new company as well, I'll be personally there and will try to take care of the move there.
So let's hope we can do that without too many problems.

Long time follower, first time poster (I think).

I know there's always been the policy of "When it's ready, it's ready", but do we have any broad updated best case and worst case (pun intended) scenarios in terms of the release? Apologies is this has been asked 134322133 times already.

I know there's always been the policy of "When it's ready, it's ready", but do we have any broad updated best case and worst case (pun intended) scenarios in terms of the release? Apologies is this has been asked 134322133 times already.
It'll take two months™. Always two months™. Of course how long two months™ is in normal months is open to debate.