What's A Good Sci Fi Series To Get Into.

guess youve been sat watching kirk all day then?
It was just a joke, I'm not wild about Star Trek either (although I will watch it, I prefer others)
And I'm in the US, so I don't get the channel (i think i could if I payed like $60 a month for the "deluxe" pack or whatever).
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I liked VR5 a lot. Wished they would put that out on DVD.
Star Trek the next Generation I feel was the best of the whole series of the Star Trek Shows. There was one episode that I liked real well called "Tin Man." The recent "Enterprise," I feel started out ok but ended up in a rut.
I liked VR5 a lot. Wished they would put that out on DVD.
Star Trek the next Generation I feel was the best of the whole series of the Star Trek Shows. There was one episode that I liked real well called "Tin Man." The recent "Enterprise," I feel started out ok but ended up in a rut.

I think a lot of Trek fans like myself will agree... Enterprise wasn't a real Star Trek series. It was complete and utter garbage. I cry whenever someone mentions it.

And yes.... Star Trek TNG was the best series ever!
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I liked VR5 a lot. Wished they would put that out on DVD.
Star Trek the next Generation I feel was the best of the whole series of the Star Trek Shows. There was one episode that I liked real well called "Tin Man." The recent "Enterprise," I feel started out ok but ended up in a rut.

I think a lot of Trek fans like myself will agree... Enterprise wasn't a real Star Trek series. It was complete and utter garbage. I cry whenever someone mentions it.

And yes.... Star Trek TNG was the best series ever!
Damn straight. I use dto like voyager a lot to. I have seen all of the Voyagers and I think, by accident, all of the TNG's
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And.....Dramatic.....Voice....With.....Pauses.....Like .....This....

I like Odo though.
I think the main reason the new Dr who is so shit is because of Billie Piper who can't really act.
The reason the last Dr who left was because he realised he wasn't doing the name any good i believe they should just give up on the new series and just show the old ones.

I recommend the stargate series not the atlantis ones
I think the main reason the new Dr who is so shit is because of Billie Piper who can't really act.
The reason the last Dr who left was because he realised he wasn't doing the name any good i believe they should just give up on the new series and just show the old ones.

I really am looking forward to making my own opinion on this. I have asked quite a lot of people and have got a real mixed response. Friends of mine with kids say the kids love it, and lets face it we were all kids when we watched the old ones. I supspect there might be a bit of Emperor's New Clothes about the whole thing but as I haven't seen anything apart from the Christmas Special I shall reserve judgement.......
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just felt i had to mention "Space: Above and Beyond" again, in my opinion the best scifi series ever.

might be a little hard to get into at first, since it has a very 80's feel to it in the first episodes, but some of the episodes are just marvellous (anyone remembers the episode with the guy playing johnny cash in his ship all the time? priceless)

unfortunately it suffered the same kind of fate as Firefly did, episodes retracted from airing, impossible time slots etc. and because of that there was only one season with no proper ending. a shame.

saw Firefly recently and liked it (although i was afraid to get into it with all the Buffy hyping) but it is great, especially funny. BG is good too.
Is it just me or have the last couple of Dr Who's gone downhill. Especially the Peter Kaye Absorbalov one. OMG that was awful and especially as it was written from the perspective of another character.

I'm getting a bit annoyed with it. One week I'm like, "hey this is quite good" and the next week, "wow that was a good episode" and the week after I'm thinking "what is this shite?" Maybe it's just me being too old for the show. :)
Is it just me or have the last couple of Dr Who's gone downhill. Especially the Peter Kaye Absorbalov one. OMG that was awful and especially as it was written from the perspective of another character.

I'm getting a bit annoyed with it. One week I'm like, "hey this is quite good" and the next week, "wow that was a good episode" and the week after I'm thinking "what is this shite?" Maybe it's just me being too old for the show. :)
And every week I hope that russell t davies is hit by a bus or just resigns as he cannot write Sci Fi if his life depended on it. Unless it is a romantic Sci Fi.
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