What's A Good Sci Fi Series To Get Into.

Didn't quite like star trek and star gate that much... I liked the first season of Sliders but got bored of it.

It's not quite a tv series (well, there is a small tv series of it, but...), but what about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? That radioshow pwns. :)
Recenly finished of the last (26th) episode. I like it a lot more than the movie.

Oh, and lost of course, I quite love it. :p
David Tennents Doctor Who's shite. He acts nothing like the Doctor. Not his fault though. Russel T Davies Fault

Dr: We are out of time. Theres no way we can go and get him now. Hes doomed. Theres not enough TIME. If only there were more TIME machines like my TIME machine and the TIMElords like myself were still here to travel through TIME at their will. Emphasis on the word TIME Rose.


Dr: Not enough time...

Me: Oh for Gods sake, sod it!

Totally Rubbish, I have been watching Doctor Who as long as I can remember, I started watching it during the John Pertwee years and my favourite is Tom Baker, I think I can say I'm a bit of an expert on the old time lord actually.
David Tennant is an excellent Doctor. He's quirky, impulsive, he has a dark side that is just alien enough to be believable and his charecter oozes knowledge. He totally shined in "The girl in the fireplace" and "The age of steel". Both were fantastic episodes, and the series still has a few episodes to go!
If you want an unbelievable doctor, then I'm afraid it's either Colin Baker or Sylvester Mccoy, neither of them worked for me, and as for Bonnie Langford as an assistant, No!

I stand by my feelings of the new series, it's fantastic. Oh and the last episode with the Ood and the Devil, WOW!
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It's not quite a tv series (well, there is a small tv series of it, but...), but what about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? That radioshow pwns. :)
Recenly finished of the last (26th) episode. I like it a lot more than the movie.

HHGTTG Rocks!!! You should read the book too though. Reading is good for you.
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Yeah, I know. I don't read a lot of books but I do like to read. :p
I'll look for them. Also got the game to play.
Yeah, I know. I don't read a lot of books but I do like to read. :p
I'll look for them. Also got the game to play.

Hmm... think I've got the source for that somewhere... ;)

Shame it was never completed :/ might look for fan games since I've got nothing to do at work (or doing nothing at work - which amounts to the same thing)

Edit: Retracted last statement as the information I've found said it was completed... going to check what I have at home since it looks like the same game, but I could have sworn it's only 10/15 minutes long.
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I only ever played the beginning of it, that's why I said I want to restart it.
It took my quite a while alone to figure out I had to actually put on the light in the beginning (guess it was obvious enough after walking against the door in the dark all the time...).
Aren't there walkthroughs enough for it? :p
I'm not quite good with IF's but I love The Pawn. (the only one I ever finished :) )
There are some good suggestions in here. I'll have to give Firefly a look as is seems popular.

I like stargate and don't mind Atlantis but yes you're right fluffy it's kind of daft.

I too have been watching Doctor Who since Jon Pertwee and I agree 100% with Fluffy that David Tennant is an excellent Doctor.

Nice to see others that appreciate Farscape too. Most of my mates recon it's childish but I liked it. I haven't had a chance to see the peacekeeper wars yet.

I've only seen a few sliders episodes and didn't mind it but probably need to watch it from the start to really get into it.

As for the new BSG I have seen the pilots and series 1 and quite liked it but I always found the cylons looking like humans to be a cop out designed to reduce costs for the show.

As for LEXX OMG that's what I call proper Sci Fi. I loved it. Luckily a friend has 3 series on DVD so I will borrow them at some point. Hopefully they will relent and release series 4.

Anyone else here love Space above and Beyond. I was gutted when that show was cancelled it had so much
potential for a pulp Sci Fi show.

Logans Run. Awesome stuff. Blakes Seven. Loved it at the time but find it a little iffy now. The Prisoner I've never seen but it always intrigued me.

Don't get me started on HHGTTG. Loved it all except that bloody awful film.
Don't get me started on HHGTTG. Loved it all except that bloody awful film.

There's no way that they should have tried to fit all they did into the film. The story is just too much for 2 hours. I hated the friggin' movie, but my friends, who haven't read the books, or heard the radio show, loved it.

It was pure garbage. I hated what they did to Zaphod and too many other things to name.
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It was pure garbage. I hated what they did to Zaphod and too many other things to name.

Couldn't agree more. Why he could have two heads, I don't know. That flipping thing (which lasted a whole five minutes before randomly removing it) was stupid.

They watered all the characters down so much, it was like an entirely different piece of sci-fi.

However... Marvin was amazing.

Did anybody else go "ooh, that's the original so-and-so", "oh! and that was in the original", etc.? Just me? Damn...

Before I end my rant, why did they try to fly to the restaurant at the end of the Universe?!
And Arthur can't fall in love with Trillian!!! He loves Fenchurch! *sighs*

I'll end there before sounding really bitter about the whole thing.

On the subject of "iffy" sci-fi: I've always thought the iffiness was a part of sci-fi, personally. You need some campness in there for real cult sci-fi.
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David Tennents Doctor Who's shite. He acts nothing like the Doctor. Not his fault though. Russel T Davies Fault

Dr: We are out of time. Theres no way we can go and get him now. Hes doomed. Theres not enough TIME. If only there were more TIME machines like my TIME machine and the TIMElords like myself were still here to travel through TIME at their will. Emphasis on the word TIME Rose.


Dr: Not enough time...

Me: Oh for Gods sake, sod it!

Totally Rubbish, I have been watching Doctor Who as long as I can remember, I started watching it during the John Pertwee years and my favourite is Tom Baker, I think I can say I'm a bit of an expert on the old time lord actually.
David Tennant is an excellent Doctor. He's quirky, impulsive, he has a dark side that is just alien enough to be believable and his charecter oozes knowledge. He totally shined in "The girl in the fireplace" and "The age of steel". Both were fantastic episodes, and the series still has a few episodes to go!
If you want an unbelievable doctor, then I'm afraid it's either Colin Baker or Sylvester Mccoy, neither of them worked for me, and as for Bonnie Langford as an assistant, No!

I stand by my feelings of the new series, it's fantastic. Oh and the last episode with the Ood and the Devil, WOW!
I have seen I think EVERY episode back to troughton of whom I have only seen a few. Cyber rats are cool! Anyway, david tennants episodes, for the most part, have gone exactly the same, something happens, they dont find out what it is till the end and the doctor either points his sonic screw driver at the baddy or smashes a vase and it dies. At least christopher eccelstons ones had variation. I like david tennent as an actor. I just dont like most of the Series 2 scripts. Probably as I feel it has drifeted too far from the original ideas in the old series. Sylvestor Mccoy has a very similar attitude to david tennants but at least he did different things at the end to save the day. With the new one its always 'Look a UV light! This will save us!'.

Talking about the episode with the Ood. Its a total doom rip off. As you digitise them, as do I, listen when that person is trying to translate the writing and the strange noises are happening. There are on 5 occasions, or around that, in the episode(s) that have the Doom door noise. Listen carefully.

Edit: also I would like to point out that I dont think David Tennant is bad, I think hes a good actor, I hate Russell T Davies damn scripts.

Also David Tennant is not a doctor that can rival Jon Pertwee's 'Reversing the polarity of the neutron flow'. As far as I know neutrons don't flow...
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buck rodgers in the 21st century?!?

battlestar galactica, not the new one, the original?!?

I love both of these as tehy re-ran on bbc2 when i was a kid. Theres some cool talking smiling clock in buck rodgers, RED DAWGGG!!!
The new series of doctor who is indeed shit and people are starting to notice big time, won't be long before ratings drop and off it goes again for a few years.... the BBC seem obsessed with putting regional accents in it.

Bring back the Tom Baker style. Infact why don't they just bring back Tom Baker, I bet he would do it.
buck rodgers in the 21st century?!?

Damn! How did I forget that?! Amazing series.

On the Doctor Who debate: I stopped watching the latest season after four or five episodes for the same reasons.
Eccleston was a good doctor, highly enjoyable, and his stories were good too. Tennant has had good moments, but I don't think many of the episodes have really been good enough for me to like him as the doctor.
The Girl in the Fireplace was damned good; nearly most of the others just haven't got my interest.

I'll probably pick it up again, almost definitely for the finale (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5082668.stm incase you haven't heard).
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Farscape, Doctor Who, Battlestar Gallactica. Those are good

EDIT: Oh and Sliders.... Possibly Red Dwarf
They made Zaphod look like a bad guy in the movie. I love him in the series:
"Wait... Are you... THE Zaphod Beeblebrox???"
"..No... I am A Zaphod Beeblebrox. Haven't you heard? I come in sixpacks"

Regarding the restaurant, I wonder too, they made it sound like it was at the regional end of the universe, while it's actually located at the actual destructional end of the universe.

They left out Marvin's dead (wich was quite touching for a comical radioseries) and even Finchurch. :(
On the point of Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, you shouldn't compare the film to the TV series, The TV series was quite different from the Radio Series and there's differences in the book too. I think the film tried to capture the spirit and incorporate the whole lot, and not just try to make a film based on the TV series.

I haven't seen the film yet, but I'm going to keep an open mind I guess.