Thanks, guys. :lol:
Incidentally, I think that DaMummy might like this post, as it has some interesting things in it.
Firstly, here is the cold-cast Tron Bonne statue that stands proudly on my desk. I can't believe that I didn't add a picture of this before, so here's a snapshot.
Whilst there is a slot for Tron on the base (there's a metal pole in one of her feet that fits into this), the three Servbots are actually loose and frequently fall over due to most of their weight being in their heads (one of them has a tiny chip because of that). I really should figure out exactly where I want them to stand and Sugru them in place, one of these days.
A thin plastic pencil board (shitajiki), promoting the original Super Famicom release of Rockman & Forte in 1998. I have ten of these, simply because I won an auction for a pack of ten of them.
The back of the shitajiki, featuring some blurb about some of the characters and whatnot.
A doujin CD titled "Rockman Road to X Best Collection Volume 1". You can hear some tunes from this on YouTube if you're so inclined.
And last of all, a real piece of history...
This is a Rockman 7 card-holder, in the shape of the cartridge for that game (although it's a little smaller and thinner than a real SNES cartridge), except the label is not the same as the retailed game. What's so special about it, you ask? To my knowledge only 22 of these were made - this is one of them. More importantly, and this is the reason why there are only 22 of them, it was a runner-up prize for the boss contest for Rockman 7, meaning that the person who won this came close (but sadly not close enough) to having their boss design appear in the game. Accordingly, it's an actual bit of history relating to Mega Man 7, and a new high point for my collection.