What Would You Pay For?

I may be getting the wrong message, but are you suggesting that everyone is donating to the dev fund? I'm sure as hell not, as 330$ for a hand held is ridiculous. Not ridiculous as in not worth it, but as in that's all I'm buying.
God Ginrai said:
I would like to see a good N64 emu, Red Alert working well, (whether it be through DOSBox or FreeRA/FreeCNC/openredalert) a good DS emu, and that PSP emu that hlide said might be possible. ;)

-God Ginrai

N64 and Red alert are important things. Also some good plugins for firefox working on the Pandora would be great.
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CandidStan said:
I may be getting the wrong message, but are you suggesting that everyone is donating to the dev fund? I'm sure as hell not, as 330$ for a hand held is ridiculous. Not ridiculous as in not worth it, but as in that's all I'm buying.
If you believe that $330 for a handheld is ridiculous, then why are you considering the Pandora?

-God Ginrai
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audiophile class player
  1. library supporting per file/ per directory options (+/- xy dB, optional equalizer - I would love it if it would be avaylable in the OS audio stack to be able to tweak other annoying / bad mastered / cfoolish audio streams) revision history on library in case you make mistakes
  2. syncronize with pc library (multiplatform)
  3. touch screen support
  4. fairly optimized - also including optimizations like check every 10m if you will need x module and mark it to be removed if not memory will go below customizable setting
  5. securere syncronize support - external app openssh/openvpn (posibility to download files from home, mark sycronization that you want to submit)
  6. analysis module (dB graph, spectrum, only analyse the graph that would fit on the screen & analyse only when special key pressed) - only to observe problems with audio not to do anything with the sound. just to see if it's peaking over 0dB and simple stuff like that and not auto, only key activated; as soon as someone get acustom with the method it will be done very fast
    also use of analogs to save time
  7. multithreading aproach to be able to do anything while playing gapeless - no please close this window to make other changes. as this has fixed hardware that shouldn't be a problem on optimizations
  8. DRM support for people that want to listen music prior to buying it
  9. Unicode support & other feature that needs to be addresed directly to developers
Maybe I should make a thread here linked from threads on head-fi and other places where I could find people interested on this. but that a little later as this is not done yet and I want to have one to help the developer.
I know c++ to understand source and try local optimizations. But I'm not good enough to build it myself as I do not have much experience or time to get it. I'll help searching for best implemented ways on related stuff and help in whatever way I can. As a future serious coder pandora will be my hobby for a long time.

advanced BIOS/EFI/alternative functions if possible I don't have much knowledge on arm platforms and I don't know if they are really possible. Something like IPMI would be nice

I don't know how much i'll pay for these
some haxor should put on a drm remover... ME WANT ITUNES MUSIC!!!! METALLICA MUST LIVE IN MY POCKET!
I don't think the behemoth of corporate rock that is metallica would be too happy about that.
Mr devil45 said:
some haxor should put on a drm remover... ME WANT ITUNES MUSIC!!!! METALLICA MUST LIVE IN MY POCKET!
drm remover will bring bad attention and it's not worth it - who would care to remove drm from low quality tracks? it was grey as it should only support it for labels/artists that provide music in a better way than mp3 128kz flash based. it shouldn't promote crappy distribution, this will be for audiophiles/musicians.
Metallica should learn what music is as most people :( . personally I never liked them and it wasn't about their faces or other music unrelated reasons. Anyway itunes is bad when it comes to quality listening. I don't like it even on mac.
whould you really pay for itunes or mettalica on this (pandora)?

clippa said:
I don't think the behemoth of corporate rock that is metallica would be too happy about that.
if they'll harm pandy someone will make a self-replicating drm that won't allow playback of mettalica on most widespread software - the true power of drm. :lol:

I forgot again.. I will also pay for a usb handheld scope 50x-200x with linux driver it doesn't really have to be commercial. 1 2 I'll pay more than these for quality.
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Trouble with emulating the PSP is, it is more powerful at handling floating point math then the Pandora. So any games or applications that rely on it (pretty much every 3D game on the PSP) would be slower then a sloth.

Apparently the requirements to run the official sony made PSP emulator (that come with the official SDK) at full speed required a pretty powerful PC back in 2004/2005. I don't think the Pandora is quite that powerful I'm afraid :P
Personally, I'd just donate to the dev fund to encourage a wider variety of software. Sure, I might not like some of the stuff that gets developed, but even a few great games/applications would be worth it.
CandidStan said:
I may be getting the wrong message, but are you suggesting that everyone is donating to the dev fund? I'm sure as hell not, as 330$ for a hand held is ridiculous. Not ridiculous as in not worth it, but as in that's all I'm buying.

That's a sad attitude. You've paid for a piece of hardware. Granted, 99% of the software is going to be free anyway, but that doesn't mean the software devs don't deserve to be rewarded (or, enticed to the platform in the first place, which benefits you and your "expensive" hardware immensely).

Not that anyone is under pressure to donate, it's voluntary of course. But bitching about the cost of things and declaring that the software devs will get nothing from you, is not really in the community spirit.
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