Thanks Mali - the concern is appreciated. I am home from surgery and appear to have survived. However, I overestimated how fit for doing graphic work I would be - but apparently I should be in a better position in about Two Week TM.
Of course I hope to post some updates much sooner than that, but I have a severely enforced cutback.
Yes, I can. However, I don't want to become the Pandora Porn Purveyor, so each image needs a "reason" for me to make it. Here are wome working titles for image sI have in mind (whether they get made or not is another matter)
Doom Homage
Laura Craft and Pandora's Box
Eastern Promise
Fish Tank (already started on this one)
Dragon images #1-n
Brain (already started on this one)
mali said:
I'd like to place a vote for the "smirk" version.
But only if others are interested in it too, as I already got my shot in the heart :wub:
I must admit that I'd love to go through some of the options with you, but at a stage when my head is more responsive (I misbehaved a little while ago and bent down - the blood rushed to my head and I now ache horribly, but I am finding it harder to concentrate than usual ANYWAY... still, this might be a fun topic to return to "anon" - I'm thinking 2 to 4 weeks we could maybe hammer out some of the details and produce a "perfect" girlie image. In the meantime, Tatt Girl's rendering in the background as I type this, and I hope to type up more details about "the process" that may be illuminating (and probably very boring!).
Vlynndar said:
I am reminded of
Might be a good idea to mention that I had nothing to do with the creation of the previous picture.
"Mirror's Edge" eh? Want to fill in any more details? I'm up for doing more renders of ladies, but I have to FEEL a reason for it. A Tomb-Raider-esque image - perhaps with Laura Craft recovering Pandora's Box (the game console) from an ancient tomb I can imagine being fun. A naked girlie I can do a few times to help familiarise myself with that end of the software I'm using (I'm not used to rendering in DAZ Studio, or rendering humans, so it's all a bit of a learning curve for me being at this point in the pipeline) but that can only be enough for a little while - I want MORE! Humour, at least - which I find/hope to include in my images.
@Jourdy288 : when I mouse ove the skin on your avatar, it inverts to... pretty much the same colour. Oh well! I can't please everyone, nor could I hope to - each of these images is, at the end of the day, something I fancy doing. If it doesn't look good to ME, how can it look good to anyone else? So I have to serve my own sensibilities first, and this kind of "skin" colours is exactly what I was looking for - at least, for this image. There will be other images
peca said:
Monk said:
- striped image -
I don't actually like tatts much myself, but I THINK it works in that image. Gets the logo in, anyway
Wow, she looks cute. I just have weird feeling from black background. Can you try something little brighter? I mean, her dress doesn't have any contrast with background, so if background has got some very dark blue (blue shade of black)... ( pretty please )
Fear not! I actually haven't finished playing with the image yet - I'd like a little more body to the clothing, for example - but I may abandon it before I'd really like to. In which case it's useful to know that the files render quite cleanly, so I can isntantly change the background colour - a moment of seconds! I've actually been rendering her today with a background of 2,0,0> (dark red) which helps to give the clothing some definition.
It's not a blood red though - that is surprisingly bright in real life. At least, when it's gushing it is.
Vlynndar said:
"Severely enforced cutback"? Like "no Pandora for every day your legs haven't grown back, boy!"?
More like "spend half an hour at your computer and you'll bleed painfully through your nose" but - how cool would it have been to have had a Pandora to help me while away the hours and days after surgery? Ah well! It's good to be back!
This should be the final version of the girlie character playing with her Pandora:
Well, except for this one which has her wearing a top:
I'll update the first page to reflect these new files, hopefully within minutes!
Deep red background underneath a couple of composited renders (the compositing doesn't mean that the final image is the most "photo realistic", just an effect that is currently pleasing to me).
That's very good The redshift of the background results in a virtual greenshift of the motif, which makes it more female according to those studies about face recognition.
The similarity is because of the tattoo on the arm.
Mirror's Edge is a game in which you, well, pretty much run. Rooftops and such, and they are out to get you. They have guns. You don't. Though, you can take their guns from them and use it against them, but you won't be able to do much running then.
My local GPs (general practitioner, or local doctor's surgery) has a small aquarium with teeny TINY fishes in it. Doctors have been on my mind lately, what with one thing and another, and I have wondered what happens in their aquarium at night, when all the lights are out. Every good wallpaper and screensaver set has to include a fishtank, right?
Well, it's been a rough day, funeral and all - so since it's just finsihed, here's an aquarium update. I'm off to bed while a larger version plus an update on the brain image both render.
I like darkness in fish tanks
The first time in weeks I watched some TV today.
Some themes come to mind:
-Climatic desaster
-botched cosmetic surgery
(I watched a report about "Miss Barbie", scary stuff. I suppose she is just trying to put her crippled mind on her face, and it works!)
Edit: Wasn't sure if I should post this. Well, I did it.
I dunno - before my surgery I might have considered that in bad taste, but since my nose has returned to roughly nose-shaped, I see no problem with it myself.
Had to get up to find something to address pain issues. Renders (draft!) still not finished! Grrr!
I'm glad, that you don't misunderstand
The first is a metaphor for carelessness.
The second is indifference.
Miss Barby has certainly a more complex personality disorder which might be caused by neglect.
Those themes describe some of the shady sides of modern society pretty well, imo.
Off to bed...
Sadly I don't, I just know they are tiny half-invisible yet neon-glowy fish that entrance my son. it currently looks like I'll have to go there soon to get a prescription for some pain medication so if I remember I'll try and take a camera along - although what they'd make of that is anyone's guess!
That looks about right, yeah - and my son confirms that he believes those to be the fish that inhabits our doctors reception area! And you got them in one go!
Night At The Aquarium - probably done for now as I have other images calling to me and limited scope for brain cells to work, unless someone can think of something that needs fixing up in the image
Also, here's the current state of play (WIP#2) of "Dragon2" - the one I am least happy with so far. The light has improved, the hoarde has improved lots, and the dragon skin has improved slightly - but the lighting really isn't doing what I want and the dragon pose/camera position aren't making the dragon anatomy clear enough - it looks (to me, at least) as if his head and neck just appear out of nowhere, an oddity/confusion I could live without.
My intention is to abandon this one for now as I have many other things to work on and little patience at present for things that won't play right.
Oh yes - here's one that is coming along better. I've been tweaking the Pandora model (originally from clean3d but converted for me by nikkopt) to better suit my needs, and while I still have the misleading/inaccurate glowy logo I feel much happier with the screen (which wasn't working well for me in previous images where I had to fudge certain effects - you can't see it, but it's better now - honest!).
A long way to go still, but I'm finding it easier to wear my glasses for longer to look at these things today
The aquarium is great The Dragon could be improved with a lighting from much higher above coming from outside the picture through a jagged hole in the cave roof scattered by some fog that then shows the shape of the hole. I have totally no clue if something like that works in a rendering program.
Edit: The brain looks very promising
The aquarium is great The Dragon could be improved with a lighting from much higher above coming from outside the picture through a jagged hole in the cave roof scattered by some fog that then shows the shape of the hole. I have totally no clue if something like that works in a rendering program.