Pandora - Size Impressions

Pleng said:
It does confirm my fear, however, that those analogue nubs are going to be petty uncomfortable to reach.

I'm actually more concerned with the d-pad and buttons being too close to the edge of the unit. I already find the GP2X a little uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time due to this proximity, and in the Pandora they seem to be even closer =/
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As said, we have mockups of the case since weeks and months, and even DaveC thinks it's comfortable :)
It'll be comfortable I have faith in it.

For everyone worries in terms of comfort is highly valid, as this is the people console after all, lol.

I second that if DaveC says it's's comfortable.
Considering she's 1.6 (my cousin here is just about that tall), that keyboard is seriously small. I hope it'll have proper buttons (like the wibrain).
EvilDragon said:
atomicthumbs said:
Sphinxter said:
That is so sweet, not even going to ask how you did that.

Nope, no Photoshop involved.
Just the first test case mould as dummy, 3dsmax to make the perspective the same and combustion to put the pic and rendering together.

GunPei2X said:
Pleng said:
It does confirm my fear, however, that those analogue nubs are going to be petty uncomfortable to reach.

It's funny, they seemed much closer on the full-size mockups people posted videos of earlier in the year... Maybe it's a perspective thing and/or she has tiny hands?
They aren't uncomfortable to reach, even for her hands (which are tiny, btw, she's about 1,60m big).

Very nicely done, really sets off the web site, gives an even better impression of scale.
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x68000 said:
astro said:
Is that Ed's girl in the picture. :P
Who Bloody cares?????

It was the same with the GP2X when hundreds of women-starved loners started obsessing over Anna from Gamepark Holdings! First sign of f@nny and some people people come over all primeval!

I still have some unreleased Anna Hong pr0n for sale if anybody wants. Limited quantities left, send paypal now!!1
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x68000 said:
astro said:
Is that Ed's girl in the picture. :P
Who Bloody cares?????

It was the same with the GP2X when hundreds of women-starved loners started obsessing over Anna from Gamepark Holdings! First sign of f@nny and some people people come over all primeval!

So true. It's about the only thing in this community that I *really* don't like.
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Holokauston said:
Tobriand >> Boys will be boys and geeks will be boys that doesn't get any ^^

Just one of those sad facts about social behavior within a male dominated group =/
Then what about us geeks with girlfriends, fiancées and wifes?
(obviously not in plural for each geek. Well, some geeks, I bet...)
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