Wallpaper Wips

Mind control! Possibly even eye movement/camera control if I add a webcam and some eyeballs (I plan to add some eyeballs soon anyway).
gibberish, I love it. It's more of a ... pastel black. How much blacker could it be? None. None more black.
dschroeter said:
gibberish, I love it. It's more of a ... pastel black. How much blacker could it be? None. None more black.
Inspired by gibberish.
I call it "morE black". The capital E symbolizes more black. You'll see that the depth of the black at the bottom of the dark side of the image kinda blends into the shaded areas in the top left corner, I worked hard to achieve that. You will also note that I added some additional blackness than what was seemed possible, which is why I put the "mor" in front of the "E" to make a pun with the title having two meanings.
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I'm taking it as a subtle comment on how dark some of my images are - and perhaps a nudge back towards some more T&A. well, more T&A is planned - I have a nice shiny BRIGHT image running around in my head as of yesterday, just need to chase it out of there!
Nice work on the aquarium, you may want to add some algae to that treasure chest.
The brain in the jar is pretty cool too.
dflemstr said:
dschroeter said:
gibberish, I love it. It's more of a ... pastel black. How much blacker could it be? None. None more black.
Inspired by gibberish.
I call it "morE black". The capital E symbolizes more black. You'll see that the depth of the black at the bottom of the dark side of the image kinda blends into the shaded areas in the top left corner, I worked hard to achieve that. You will also note that I added some additional blackness than what was seemed possible, which is why I put the "mor" in front of the "E" to make a pun with the title having two meanings.

I was going to make an all white image and call it the new iBlack, but then I felt lazy and just posted this.
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I must admit, I am finding the lack of feedback from ED slightly disheartening - is any of the work I'm putting in appreciated? Should I be taking one direction more than any other? It's this doubt that leads to lines like Dragon #2 being dropped - it's simply not worth the effort if it's going nowhere.

On that basis, this is probably about as far as I'm going to take "Pickled Brain". It's been a hoot to take this last step (and I'll run up a higher resolution render now for my own amusement) but I have other images to start/progress rather than finesse this to the Nth degree only to find that 3 of us are the only ones that like it, and OpenPandora wouldn't touch it with a lab broom!


I suppose that ED's head turned into a Pandora by now fiddling with the OS all the time.
The pickled brain is far beyond ingenuity :D
Looking at the number of views your thread gets, I suppose there is a large muted group interested ;)
Thanks chaps. The magazine prop was basically yesterday's contribution to the scene, inspired partly by this comment:

WizardStan said:
awww, poor jarbrain. It has no thumbs, it cannot play :(

as a way of enhancing/clarifying the "message" the image is supposed to give - so thanks to Stan for prompting me more in that direction than in the "put a mad scientist in the scene" direction. Mad Scientist may still appear in a picture currently thought of as "It's ALIVE!" referring to a Pandora being brought to life.

There's a lot more that I could do with/to the Pandora model itself to increase accuracy - disregarding case lid tweaks and the like, this version doesn't have a single label/legend (all the keys are blank, even!) and as for the ports at the back... well, it's just sketches really, not a design document.

As for the views count - that's either people waiting for me to produce something worthwhile, or simply the number of edits I've made to spam the forum with these piccies "as they progress" rather than just the finished article!

The magazine cover was a blast to do - there are still minor tweaks I may perform, but haven't bothered with simply because they wouldn't show up in the scene. I may do the tweaks if I end up using it in "It's Alive!" though. Here's the current version, for anyone wondering what details can't be made out in the wallpaper edition.



PS obvious changes that need making would be the colouration of the words above the "New Mad Scientist" magazine title - they should not be, or need to be, outlined in white.
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heheh, that's clever :)
I'm sure most of these will hang around on my desktop for at least a little while :)
Quite a bit of work to do on this one yet, from work on a box wrapped in Pandora wrapping paper as a prezzie in the foreground to placing the scene within an environment (probably a room rather than a snowy field, but who knows?) to improving her skin and creating some better lighting...

but here's WIP #1 of "All I Want For Christmas":

Posting because it's the weekend in all but name, not sure how much time my kid will let me have to myself - daddy duty!

Thought this was relevant to the poor jarbrain, great job with that one!
Monk said:
Quite a bit of work to do on this one yet, from work on a box wrapped in Pandora wrapping paper as a prezzie in the foreground to placing the scene within an environment (probably a room rather than a snowy field, but who knows?) to improving her skin and creating some better lighting...

but here's WIP #1 of "All I Want For Christmas":

Posting because it's the weekend in all but name, not sure how much time my kid will let me have to myself - daddy duty!

Monk, VERY COOL. 1 comment - I'd stick a more obviously Pandora sized box somewhere in or around the sack 'o presents.

Edit: Maybe make the teddy a Panda...
Edit2: I didn't even really read your comment, and totally missed that you'd already mentioned a Panda box. :-b My only excuse is the picture was so awesome I couldn't see anything else.
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Jourdy288 said:
Thought this was relevant to the poor jarbrain, great job with that one!

LOL! Excellent video - but even better IMHO is that fish in your sigline. Monstrous!

wardred said:
Monk, VERY COOL. 1 comment - I'd stick a more obviously Pandora sized box somewhere in or around the sack 'o presents.

Edit: Maybe make the teddy a Panda...
Edit2: I didn't even really read your comment, and totally missed that you'd already mentioned a Panda box. :-b My only excuse is the picture was so awesome I couldn't see anything else.

Read? You mean people are meant to READ what I write????

To be honest, the main reason I gave so much detail on what is planned for the image is because I'm sole parent for yesterday and today (though wifey will be home on sunday) so I'll be spending much of my time admiring the boy's lego efforts or playing Worms Forts with him (or similar) rather than updating this or any other image (and I have 2 others circling my mind rather heavily right now, so they may get a start before this one finishes). So there's a fair chance this image won't get an update for days :(

I don't know if you saw any of the Girl (especially Girl with Tatt) images "in the making", but I expect the skin on this lady to receive similar tweaks to liven it up a little, even though the render software I'm using (currently) is different.

Making the teddy a Panda - I hadn't thought of. That could be a nice tweak, if I get to it! :)

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Yep, saw the girl with tat works as well. The goth look is really coming together, and I kinda like the version of her with a smirk at the dragon's claw. As far as updates, you're doing a heck of a lot more work on your projects than I am on mine, so I can't begrudge you a few days delay.

I also really like the magazine lying by the brain. It adds a great feel to the work. Before it was just a tad empty, and the brain controlling matter comment on the cover is cool too.

Great work, all of it. Cheers.
One thought if you want more feedback...maybe put some of these in the really long wallpapers thread. With 2 or 3 threads all with images in them going, it can be easy to lose a thread. Even if ED doesn't comment on them, I'm sure others in the community enjoy your works. I don't think they're all for naught, but they're your works to decide how much effort you want to put into them. If you finish the brain, I'll use it. Don't know what you're planning on doing with it...maybe a darker surface for the table? I though the brain in particular would be hilarious as an animation...but that's tons o time. I see it bopping around in it's jar, the Pandora floating and jerking as the brain plays it. (Like if he wants to turn left, the Pandora jerks left a little.)
wardred said:
One thought if you want more feedback...maybe put some of these in the really long wallpapers thread.
He started this thread because he didn't want to fill up the other thread with half completed images :P
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WizardStan said:
wardred said:
One thought if you want more feedback...maybe put some of these in the really long wallpapers thread.
He started this thread because he didn't want to fill up the other thread with half completed images :P

Aaaand I've been keeping that post more-or-less up-to-date, not just by putting a link in it to the first post of this thread, but with update posts like this one:


which contains all may images (including photos) which I consider usable up to that point.

Which probably proves how long and rambling THAT thread is without being drowned in the step-by-stepness of this one! LOL! :D
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