The Rate Is Now Constant (No More Interruption) What's The Speed?

Your notes on volunteers are valid. As are your numbers on hired workers. As is your sentiment.

However, given two things, firstly this:

It was stated by Craigix that the 2 additional people intended (had already worked for him on Pandora assembly, prior to the nubs leading to lay off (not of them) in production) were (therefore) at no risk of causing additional delays/defects in training them up, plus they would be responsible soley for more mudane tasks, such as those you alluded to in your suggestion of sporadic volunteering opportunities.

Therefore no delays can be attributed to them, nor defects in assembled units shipped that have passed the QC stages. That remains within the 3 and the saboteurs knowledge only.

Also bearing in mind, a shed load of units have shipped and only a tiny fraction have ever been reported as duff for any reason upon here (where the people that do post, will post, if they have an issue), any other RMA's were likely silently handled or simply didn't happen, which is really a great achievement, bettering the flawed launches by wealthy corporates.

Which brings me to point two:

Given that the requirement for volunteers has been spelt out as a bad one and given that the availability of parts for Pandoras upon which any volunteers designated mundane tasks to lovingly attend to is also pretty clearly zero, and that the listening/reading/comprehension level is also nearly zero....

How's about a facebook flash party descends on Craigix' village hall and really rocks some Pandora's out the (god give him strength to shut them fast enough) doors?
I don't understand a word of what you're saying (possibly because 1 - I'm tired, 2 - I've had the flu for half a week 3 - English is my second language), but I'm all for anything that is not the same old whining, whether negative or positive, so Yay! to that :D :D :D
gibberish said:
back in 2008 when i first posted about pandora on another forum, i was warned by one guy who said this:

[cragix is] pretty notorious in the GP2X community for promising a lot and delivering less.

at the time i didn't want to hear it, but now i understand.
it finally seems like others are waking up to it as well.

Oh, this time he has delivered exactly what he promised, if not even more. A Pandora in the flesh is a wonderful thing to be- and hold.

Possibly not delivered when he promised, or at least hoped, but few of those who were around in 2008 really expected that :)
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Didnt expect him to ban and cancel the orders of anyone who spoke up against him. Or for him to put pre-order pandoras aside to sell at a premium. Or for him to call everyone a pedant for complaining about over two years of complete failure to deliver. Or for him to troll the caanoo section of gp32x and then throw a sissy fit and basically leave when he got pulled up on his behaviour. Didnt expect the quality control to be worse than a taiwanese sweatshop. He hasnt even satisfied the first 1000 pre-orders at his own webshop, seems a lot more interested in selling them to premium customers and cancelling existing orders and now he is moving his attention to building some iphone add-on... Basically the pandora has failed and it wont make them any money so why waste resources on fulfilling orders now... "whenever they get them they should consider themselves lucky." Nope, didnt expect that...
LOL @ people that could never in their life accomplish a hundredth of what the OPT team has a accomplished. And could never understand the hardships of running a business that has quite literally cost them everything in their life including all their time and money. And could never develop/build/produce even one small invention yet alone two of this magnitude. Yet can still sit on a high horse and soap box acting like they have the right to judge because they spent $350.

Has OPT made mistakes? Yep.

Could ANY of us have done better? Nope.

Does any of the Pissing and Moaning help? Nope.

Keep up the good work OPT and hopefully all pre-orders will be filled in a few months and you can move forward and make some money :)
Iorgy77 said:
Didnt expect him to ban and cancel the orders of anyone who spoke up against him. Or for him to put pre-order pandoras aside to sell at a premium. Or for him to call everyone a pedant for complaining about over two years of complete failure to deliver. Or for him to troll the caanoo section of gp32x and then throw a sissy fit and basically leave when he got pulled up on his behaviour. Didnt expect the quality control to be worse than a taiwanese sweatshop. He hasnt even satisfied the first 1000 pre-orders at his own webshop, seems a lot more interested in selling them to premium customers and cancelling existing orders and now he is moving his attention to building some iphone add-on... Basically the pandora has failed and it wont make them any money so why waste resources on fulfilling orders now... "whenever they get them they should consider themselves lucky." Nope, didnt expect that...

I'm not quite ready to give up on the pandora, but I gave up on craig ages ago. He's a childish, lying car-salesman, and he's pretty much ruined the community with his fucking temper tantrum that resulted in his own "official" boards. And what he's doing now is just ludicrous to the point where I don't even feel I need to argue about it; it's obvious to everyone already. (Whether they admit it or not)
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Hoo Boy. How I hate this operatic exaggeration-fests

Iorgy77 said:
Didnt expect him to ban and cancel the orders of anyone who spoke up against him.

Obviously false. Read the boards much? Read the other boards much? Find there is a lack of negative opinions?

Iorgy77 said:
Didnt expect the quality control to be worse than a taiwanese sweatshop.

Obviously false.

Iorgy77 said:
Or for him to put pre-order pandoras aside to sell at a premium.
He hasnt even satisfied the first 1000 pre-orders at his own webshop, seems a lot more interested in selling them to premium customers and cancelling existing orders and now he is moving his attention to building some iphone add-on

Oh, for f*cks sake...ATM, all the preorder pandoras are sold at a loss. This makes it a bit difficult to, you know, pay people to build said pandoras. How do you propose they should raise money? Rob a bank? And why would they not work on something else that might actually make money, whilst the pandora production is held up otherwhere? It is not like the number of preorder pandoras sent out has actually gone down, is it? Or do you have numbers?

Iorgy77 said:
Or for him to call everyone a pedant for complaining about over two years of complete failure to deliver.

??? Are you refering to the "Army of pedants" joke? Geez...

Honestly - I don't get this. There are valid points to criticize Craig and OPT - Why do you have to make up stuff?
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zRichi said:
I prefer OP boards. Each time I come on here there's some whinging benders bleating on about something.
Considerably less drama than there used to be, I think... well, except for this thread. There's more whining over on the other boards lately. It feels more like the old days here to me, now.

And hey, if anyone here wants to ask craigix a direct question, go here:

Right now, he's promising that all batch 1 orders will be shipped by the end of March:
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Hoo Boy how I hate these Craigix defenders, really its so old now, the community has been ripped off and insulted enough by this con-artist.

I am going to respond without multi-quoting..

I do read the boards and when I raised an issue with the premium pandoras I recieved a PM from Craig himself asking me for my order number so he could cancel it.
The quality is fantastic then is it? Then explain to me why so many dodgy pandoras had to be returned? Why are some people on their third RMA unit while the vast majority still dont have their first? Why werent these issues picked up after assembly? Why a unit I have is missing parts and screws? Due to lack of any quality control maybe?
The preorder pandoras are sold at a loss because of the QC issues among total mis-management, lets keep blaming everyone else except the person responsible. Lets just bury our heads in the sand and throw more money at them. The premium pandora thing is basically blackmail or ransom money in my eyes. The people who are upgrading arent all new customers they are queue jumpers who are basically paying more because they have lost all faith in the OP teams ability to deliver to any kind of schedule, it hasnt had any affect on production at all as there are still preorders waiting who were told they would get their pandoras weeks ago before craig decided to pull this scam. "All order numbers up to 1000 to be sent by the end of the week" That was a month ago, it wasnt done so obviously those pandoras have been put aside for premium orders... how do you think he had them so quickly to send out within 7 days?

The army of pedants joke was nothing compared to his now edited: "If you dont like it %&#* off and buy a PSP" remark... Sure thats the way you talk to customers who paid you upfront over 24 months ago and you still cant give them any kind of assurance they are getting their pandora any time soon because its not profitable anymore... and you have other things you would rather be doing.

Could I do better? probably not, but I didnt ask for peoples cash upfront then did I? I didnt make a bunch of promises and then turn around and screw people over and then insult them afterwards. Nope... I definetly couldnt take peoples money and deliver just a fraction of the faulty devices that were promised after two years... That takes a real character to pull that off... You need to be a real piece of work to pull that off. That takes Craigix.
Iorgy77 said:
Blah blah blah ....... Same old whining without knowing or understanding anything

I could respond to each of your points, but it would be a waste of time.

We get it you aren't happy. Now why don't you go away and let us happy Pandora owners enjoy our Pandoras in peace. :)
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Keep burying your head in the sand jonjandran, its doing the rest of us a lot of favours...

Everything is fine, business as usual. Oh all of batch one delivered by March, AWESOME!
Iorgy77 said:
Keep burying your head in the sand jonjandran, its doing the rest of us a lot of favours...

Everything is fine, business as usual. Oh all of batch one delivered by March, AWESOME!

Sad just sad. Oh and I'm old enough that silly coments like that don't bother me.

I'll just point out your main inconsistency and totally backwards viewpoint and be done with it.

You point out that Craig and OPT has no quality control and in the same breath piss and moan and say they have stolen money for two years.

Yet EVERY single delay has been BECAUSE of OPT's quality control.

1.Case was flawed...OPT caught that (three times IIRC) required company to fix problems....massive delays
2.Nubs were failing......OPT caught that and required them to be re-done....massive delays
3.LCD cable was failing ....OPT caught that and required it be changed....more delays.

I could go on and on but all delays were because Craig and OPT were trying to make a better product and delayed it to get it right.

When you start making sense please get back to me :)
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OPT caught it? If by caught it you mean ship it anyway and when the RMAs start piling up and it costs them too much they do something about it then you are absolutely right... they caught it.

@BadToad: I spent more than $500USD on my pandora so far, in bad exchange rates and international bank transfer fees. It wouldnt make any sense to cancel it at this point, better off waiting for it and selling it... If it isnt faulty that is.

You could pay me $500 to leave the pandora sections if you wish, now thats premium. :)
Iorgy77 said:
Blibbedy blabbedy bloo
This project hasn't gone according to plan. No one is under the disillusion it has. If you're unhappy about it get a refund. End of.
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Iorgy77 said:
@BaDToaD: I spent more than $500USD on my pandora so far, in bad exchange rates and international bank transfer fees. It wouldnt make any sense to cancel it at this point, better off waiting for it and selling it... If it isnt faulty that is.

You could pay me $500 to leave the pandora sections if you wish, now thats premium. :)

I know you've heard this before but all I can say is the Pandora is worth the wait... any wait! It is unique and such a great piece of kit. Like me you've been in the scene for years. Well nothing will prepare you for just how awesome the Pandora is when it comes to retro gaming and it's only going to get better.

The controls are excellent, the screen is a treat and the form factor feels just right. The OP team really have produced the ultimate retro device and a sweet pocket notebook too.

All I can say is hang in there and when you've got it in your hands then you will forgive Craig for being human.
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Iorgy77 said:
OPT caught it? If by caught it you mean ship it anyway and when the RMAs start piling up and it costs them too much they do something about it then you are absolutely right... they caught it.
Once again you have no idea what you are talking about. Yes they caught the case imperfections and had them fixed. Yes they caught the nub and LCD cable mistakes. They had no way of knowing that they were bad until the community started reporting problems. They had already stress tested the Pandora's and didn't notice the problem. As soon as the problem was evident they fixed it.

Of course they were sending out as many Pandora's as possible to try to satisfy the preorders. So it was a juggling act on getting them out as fast as possibel and maybe rushing things a bit.

Once again you're pissing and moaning just to piss and moan . Step back and look at the big picture and stop looking at just your side of it.
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I am going to respond with multi-quoting.

Iorgy77 said:
Hoo Boy how I hate these Craigix defenders, really its so old now, the community has been ripped off and insulted enough by this con-artist.

I don't defend Craig in particular, I defend honesty and rational discussion against exaggeration and drama.

Iorgy77 said:
I do read the boards and when I raised an issue with the premium pandoras I recieved a PM from Craig himself asking me for my order number so he could cancel it.

"...anyone who..." implies that this is what happens with everyone who is not pleased. Do you have any indication that it is so? Do you know a lot of people who have been banned for expressing their displeasure? Or are you just exaggerating? Or are you of the opinion that you are everybody?

As far as I can tell, this is a lie. You lie in a way that damages OPT. I can understand (but do not condone) whether Craig would not want you as a customer.

Iorgy77 said:
The quality is fantastic then is it? Then explain to me why so many dodgy pandoras had to be returned? Why are some people on their third RMA unit while the vast majority still dont have their first? Why werent these issues picked up after assembly? Why a unit I have is missing parts and screws? Due to lack of any quality control maybe?

Did I say it was fantastic? No. The statement was "worse than a taiwanese sweatshop". You are aware of the manufacturing problems to date, visa-vis nubs and so on. You are aware that there is constant work to improve both Q and QC. As far as reports to the boards go, this seems to have an effect. You exaggerate to the point of lying, again, which is my point. Also, and once again, you are not everybody.

Iorgy77 said:
The preorder pandoras are sold at a loss because of the QC issues among total mis-management,

The preorder pandoras are sold at a loss because right after the price was set, the global economic crisis hit and components in general became both more scarce and more expensive. This effected electonic gadgets all over the board, so it is not only OPT that was hit. Specifically, it also brought the supplier of the nubs into liquidation, which meant OPT had to source a new supplier and pay for redevelopment of a compatible nub. These two events dwarf every other factor economically, and I do not believe that any of those two events can be sensibly laid at Craigs or OPTs feet, no matter how much you'd like. The mismanagement in this case would probably be that they choose to honor the original price, instead of going back and saying "Ok, costs are up, you need to help cover it or get out". If that is your point, it is at least understandable, even though I do not find it quite so blameable. If anything else, you are once again exaggerating with ill intent - I.e. lying.

Iorgy77 said:
"All order numbers up to 1000 to be sent by the end of the week" That was a month ago, it wasnt done so obviously those pandoras have been put aside for premium orders... how do you think he had them so quickly to send out within 7 days?

You got a quote for that? Or are you confusing Orders from Craig with Orders total, or Pandoras Built? And considering that not even a 100 premiums have been ordered, why would he had to put anything aside? Do you have any actual proof or indication that, as you are implying, Craig has produced but not delivered pandoras in order to be able to sell them at a more expensive price? Or are you, once again, just lying (there is not even exaggeration here, just a conspiracy theory)

I can't helt but think that given the above, it is quite natural that you should resort to calling people liars - Apparently lying is second nature to you, and you frequently assume that everyone else is like you. And before I get the stupid "oohh, fanboy, craiglover, blah, blah, blah" response again - I don't care one iota whether this particular spat of exaggerated lies and spin was directed at Craig, Gruso, me or the Pope. The thing about it is that it is a blob of overdramatic exaggeration, and I hate that.
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Iorgy77 said:
Hoo Boy how I hate these Craigix defenders, really its so old now,
I agree with a lot of your points... I think Craig has acted pretty badly sometimes. But I wouldn't call him a "con artist" - at other times he's treated his customers better than he had to, and he hasn't always had the best hand himself.

I'm just glad that I have my unit and it's in good condition, so I don't have to worry about him either way now. :)

I remember back when the GP32 was being made Gamepark missed all sorts of deadlines as well and made boneheaded decisions... didn't stop the vitality of the community.
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Craig is just far too optimistic - he is definately no out and out liar!

Things seem to have slowed again according to the posts or lack of regarding received units - so far I have seen no one above Craigs queue 950 posting.

Hopefully that means the ones above that are just far too busy and happy using the Pandora to post but I could be wrong.

I guess that CC are the bottle neck now.